Do you believe a freedom of speech?


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You know what would be sad? If someone actually replied 'no' to this topic.

I do. We should really say what we want. THAT's why I'm cautious in school. I say stuff, and risk getting dissed/bullied for in (in school) but I keep fighting for my free will. The world really shouldn't have to suffer for their beliefs.

okay, so this is kindof off topic, but it's about Freedom Of Speech. At camp, the speaker told us a story about two kids getting the death penalty for believing in god. >.> The world shouldn't suffer like that. [/offtopic]

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Yeah I'm sorry ,but I just don't like Obama. He promised change and no change. ._.

Insted of do Micheal Jackson on top of a fire truck try running our country okay? =P He just seems alittle power crazy to me. That's all.

But, I that's what freedom of speech is for right? I get to say what I want about Obama and you get to say wha you want?

That's why I agree with freedom of speech. I get to say what Iwant. I would have been shot dead if we didn't get freedom of speech.

(And I'm not trying to start an arguement but I think I just did. xP)

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Yeah I'm sorry ,but I just don't like Obama. He promised change and no change. ._.
So, it hasn't even been a year.

I'm a republican therefore I'm pretty against most (but not all) of Obama's beliefs. But I do know that it takes a little longer than a years time to fix the damage of previous presidential blunders (not naming any names).

But that's the glory of free speech. You can say what you want and I can say what I want.

^Exactly what I just said. :DDD Nick was right for once. 8DDD

I know but it's like he's not even trying. =P

I had something to say but I forgot. D:< *Thinks*

Oh, swatting flies and danceing does not help the Economy.

I think I'm just gonna make a topic about this. We're just spamming now.

Yeah I'm sorry ,but I just don't like Obama. He promised change and no change. ._.
He's barely been in office for half a year.

Change takes time. America is a mess right now, and you can't just snap your fingers and magically clean up the mess Bush created.


No, Bush wasn't a good president. He messed up America.

But, my point is I don't even think he's trying. =P

And it makes me sad to see how America thinks we're so strong we can beat any country no problem. It actually seems like America letting power go to its head.

(I live in the USA so it's not like I'm hateing on America cause I don't live in it. xD)

Just pointing out, it wasn't Bush's problem. The highest unemployment was during his presidency was 4% and now it's almost 10%. So, he actually raised it 6% in half a year.


Also, what if somebody did say no to this topic xD

Just pointing out, it wasn't Bush's problem. The highest unemployment was during his presidency was 4% and now it's almost 10%. So, he actually raised it 6% in half a year.
EDIT: Bush's highest unemployment rate was 6.5%, and Obama's is 9.7%. So you were right about Obama having a higher rate, just exaggerated a bit.

Even so, Bush CREATED the mess. Obama didn't make the mess, Bush did.

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Maybe I looked when he was elected and not inaugerated.^

And how did Bush create the mess? I know everyone is constantly saying he created it, but what did he do?

Maybe I looked when he was elected and not inaugerated.^And how did Bush create the mess? I know everyone is constantly saying he created it, but what did he do?
Um, let's see.

Started a war that was none of our business?

So, we can have an opinion, but that opinion must be ____ and can't be ___...? Huh?
That's not free speech.
The way I see it is that we have the right to free speech but the responsibility to not say things just because we can. We have the right to have an opinion but not the right to discriminate against others. We have the right to say what we think but the responsibility to make sure that we aren't just saying these things because we can or just to offend another person/people.

I disagree. I think it was our business because evil spreads. Israel is an important country and we are all they have to defend them. And how in the world did he start the war? That's the craziest thing I ever heard. They blew down our twin towers! If they constanly attack us, we need to defend our counrty. We can't sit there and let them blow things apart. It's never worked before. Obama gave money to Hamas! A terrorist organization. That is more of a waste of money. Defending our country from terrorists is a necessity. NO flames.


And at dreamland, that's not free speech. I think we have the right to discriminate if we want to. It's not a good thing, but that's not free speech. We have the right to express our own opinion no matter what it is, even discrimination.

Iraq and Afghanistan? It's really not a "war on terror" anymore, imo. We're trying to set up Iraq's government, which is really none of our business. I'm all for helping them, but it's gotten out of control. We had almost no debt before Bush was in office, and now we are $3 trillion dollars in debt. We've tried setting up Iraq's government multiple times, and it usually fails and we meet massive resistance. They obviously don't want us there, and we have no business being there.

Just my opinion.

Well I don't feel we should be setting up Iraq's government, but I think we should be protecting Israel. As for the debt:


when bush left office $10,626,877,048,913.08

right now $11,681,874,514,295.55 as of today

Well I don't feel we should be setting up Iraq's government, but I think we should be protecting Israel. As for the debt: 

when bush left office $10,626,877,048,913.08

right now $11,681,874,514,295.55 as of today
Just out of curiosity, exactly where do you get your information from?

Well I don't feel we should be setting up Iraq's government, but I think we should be protecting Israel. As for the debt: 

when bush left office $10,626,877,048,913.08

right now $11,681,874,514,295.55 as of today
You need to spend money to save money.

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