Do you have a boy/girlfriend?


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Ugh; it's kind of weird.
So this guy is 13 && I'm 15. My best friend thinks it's very pedophile-ish. But I can't help it. This guy is the sweetest, cutest, funniest guy everr. He got me flowers for the show that he only came to for his sister. And guess what? IT WAS A FREAKIN' BOUQUET! && he told me I'm beautiful. No guy has ever told me that. Sure, some tell me I'm cute, or maybe even pretty. But he was the first to call me beautiful. && We were watching a slideshow of a bunch of pics from show choir this year & when we got to a certain point in the show, he said, "That was the competition we started holding hands." <3333

What to do my friends?
I believe that if you two really love eachother, you should stay together. I mean, I don't think two years is really too bad of an age difference. It might be in teenage years, but it sounds like he's a really mature, responsible guy. I say that you two should keep dating and not care what they think.

Best of luck to you. :)


Yeah, I have a boyfriend (for those of you who creep on my Facebook, it's not posted because we're keeping it on the DL right now... well we act like a couple in public but we don't have it on the Internet for the world to see yet).

I've had boyfriends in the past, and I'd always question if I really loved them or not... this is different though. I don't have to question it or wonder about it for a second. He's my best friend and my boyfriend, and I am so in love.

Well, I'm having a hard time.

My ex. He really was my best friend..the side of him I knew anyway. But he didnt love me like I loved him.

I really was in love with him. Maybe he wasnt.. I dont know.

After he left, he chased after his ex that he played around with for almost 2 years. She turned him down. She used to hate me, but now she feels terrible about it. She warns me not to get played like her.

Really, he's just not who I thought he was. That sweet boy I fell in love with, that was my best friend, isnt there anymore.

I talked to a few other guys and heard he was ticked off.. I told him all of my feelings, and he doesnt understand.

Ah.. ):

Sorry, I needed to get this out somewhere. kbye.

Yeah, I have a boyfriend (for those of you who creep on my Facebook, it's not posted because we're keeping it on the DL right now... well we act like a couple in public but we don't have it on the Internet for the world to see yet).
I've had boyfriends in the past, and I'd always question if I really loved them or not... this is different though. I don't have to question it or wonder about it for a second. He's my best friend and my boyfriend, and I am so in love.
It is on Facebook now. Everyone knew about it anyway, heehee :D <3

Well I reaaaaally like someone, but I doubt he likes me.

I doubt he even knows I like him.

I doubt anything will ever work out.

But, dare I say it, I'm obsessed.


Well I reaaaaally like someone, but I doubt he likes me.I doubt he even knows I like him.

I doubt anything will ever work out.

But, dare I say it, I'm obsessed.

Gotta hate that situation.

No, I don't have a boyfriend. I am probably done dating in high school. It's a bad idea in the first place. Even though everyone else is doing it, literally! I don't have the time for a significant other in between work and homework. I don't get enough sleep as it is during the week and the last thing I need is someone calling me at 2AM to chat.

My situation atm;

He knows I like him.

He knows I'm obsessed.

He said he didn't like me back.

But he's giving subtle clues that he does.

I'm so confused.

^ Males are complex creatures.

Okay, so he knows I like him. I know he likes me. Everybody knows we like eachother. We constantly wind eachother up.

It's been that way for -thinks-... a while.

I don't have the time for a significant other in between work and homework. I don't get enough sleep as it is during the week and the last thing I need is someone calling me at 2AM to chat.
Amen. with my ex, It was so hard to get good grades because I had no time to do homework. And I lost alot of sleep.

I'm done with Highschool relationships, until I get older maybe. Lets just say my ex is a pretty good actor, and is extremely two faced. I'm suprised he was able to hide himself so well from me. In short: I thought I loved someone who basically doesn't exsist.

And heartbreak sucks.. :/

Don't got one, don't want one.

I mean, do you absolutely NEED a boyfriend, even if you don't care who it is?

I wouldn't get into a relationship for the sake of it IMO.

Yes, I do! We went out last year, but we ending up having to break up with each other because we were both really busy over the summer and we had trouble seeing each other. I got back together with him in Feb of this year and our relationship is keeps getting better and better each day! :)

I do not.

But in all seriousness-- this guy and I are ''talking'', I guess you could call it. We'll see where it goes. :)
Good luck to you! :D

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Some weird year 9 Asian dude from my school just asked me out via Facebook..

I told him I'd think about it.

But in all reality, I don't even like him. He's goodish-looking I guess but personality---no thankyou. I'd give a straight no but I'll feel guilty for some odd reason and it's like urg. Plus his whole Facebook page is filled with "i wanna see that girl", "i wanna talk to her", "i wanna cuddle her", and he told me I'm hot and stuff and apparently he really really likes me and has liked me for waaaay long..

I wanna say no, plus I like someone different anyways.

I think it's time to ring one of my best friendsss haha and talk to her about it \:

No, I do not.
I try not to get into the dating scence. So far it has worked and I've never directly had to deal with rejecting anyone. Some people would be all like... depressed or whatever that they've never gotten that kind of attention but I dunno, maybe I just give out that "if you want ANYTHING to do with me, don't ask me out" vibe. That's okay.

I watch my friends with their boyfriends/girlfriends and honestly I have never ever been jelous of their relationships. Most the time they seem like complete wastes of time.

It sounds like I'm a bitter person about this stuff, lol, but I'm really not. I believe in love but I just don't like the immaturity involved with all the teen "relationships" I see everyday. Maybe someday for me, but not now. We'll see. :)
i very much agree. i too have no boyfriend, but i have no desire to open the doors of "un-needed stress" "heartbreak" "un-rulyness" and "impatience". these are to name only a few. :/ ew ew ew. wait till college guurl. you will be ALOT happier. you dont wanna get so serious, especially when your schooling is at hand. school, is WAY more important! :furawatchi:

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