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i refuse to get sucked into the miley cyrus fan club that consists every girl in the nation. I won't!! she's not that great, she's industry created, and that's it. A teenage girl that they morphed into this superstar who sings their happy little songs.
I couldn't have said it better myself.

No more spiteful bickering please?

Too many ppl think that they have a right to be rude when they state their opinion.

That is not the case on TamaTalk.

If you cannot post your opinion about Miley Cyrus in a polite manner, then please don't post (and please don't spoil for a fight, bringing up the same points over and over to try and get a reaction).

Half this topic has been edited or deleted because members can't keep a civil tongue in their heads... disappointing given the TamaTalk site rules.

If you want to chit chat back and forth with individual members, please use the PM system - that's what it is for.

If you want to post a polite, on-topic remark about Miley Cyrus please go ahead.

If not, please don't particpate further in this thread.
That's why I said no offense I wasn't trying to be rude so I'm sorry if I was ^^. And I agree with you theres no need to be mean about it it was a simple question.

GAH! Not another Miley topic!

3 words: STRONGLY DISLIKE HER, and my cousins (that I wrote about in the topic called "relitives you just can't stand" xD) are obsessed with her, which annoys me.

EDIT: Spelling and a paragraph with too much offensive stuff

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I like her songs....

but, she sings them kinda bad in my opinion, I just wish she would actually sing instead of like yell =/

See You Again isn't that bad though. =]

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i might go to her concert at the mgm grand theatre. tickets are 300 dollars each so i might not :ichigotchi:

Don't go nuts on her, shes probably a new memberTheres something about miley that annoys me :l

[1]she says she won't have another scandel, few weeks later more pictures (i bet anyone shes gonna have more slutty pics soon)

[2] shes spoiled

[3] Theres WAY more talented girl singers/actors out there who arn't famous

[4] she just bothers me :l
I agree 100% with the 3rd sentence... Seriously, there are thousands of girls out there that are at least 10 times better than her at singing AND acting.. they're just not discovered yet (sadly).

She's okay, in my opinion. I don't hate her or anything. In my opinion she's also not a very good singer. I like some of her songs (they're catchy! :D They just find some way to get stuck into my head... xP). She's a pretty good actress, but as I've said before, there are probably thousands of girls out there that are 100 times more talented than she is... I like her show better than HER.

I chose my nickname because I used to be her biggest fan. But after the photo scandal, um, not as much. She's had MORE THAN ONE photo scandals now? Geez, when will she ever learn... >.<

I can live with that xD I hate when people get all defensive.
Also, if people say you can't hate someone you don't know, well think about this. You can't love someone you don't know either. So those people who said that, your words backfired :]
Wow you are so right! :D You know, I never thought about it that way. xP But I guess it makes sense! =)

she annoys me.... :p lol her acting is improving but her singing is okay i guess i like osme of her songs but she got famous really fast and i think at a young age too....fame got to her head :D

I don't give a rat's tail about what her music is, but I hate the generalization. I saw an article today where it was like "OMFG, IF YHUU HAZ TEH TENEDGD DOTTERZ, DEN WE HAZ TEH HANNERZ". And I was like "WTF."

I find Miley Cyrus very foolish. All that she does is a mistake. I do have some pity for the brat, but I'm not the kind of person who likes someone out of pity. She is a fool, and does not deserve the things she has. I pity her because she makes so many mistakes, and I bet in about 10 years no one will even know who she is. Becoming a star at that age usually means when she grows older, she will have nothing but maybe a few obsessive fans. 16 year old girls need to have lives as 16 year old girls NOT superstars. This girl is most likely going to have extreme issues. Now I don't know her in real life so I'm not gonna say she's "mean or stupid" because I don't know that. But I will infer she is majorly foolish for taking pictures, like that.

Among other things, I find her music quite immature. Some say "her music and show teaches kids lessons! so dont diss it!"

1. No, her music does not teach lessons. You provide me one of her songs and explain to me how it teaches a lesson then I may be inclined to believe you but for now, no.

2. The only times her show teaches any lesson, is after she sneaks out or does something no one should do. So her 'lessons' don't mean crap if she doesn't teach them correctly. The only lesson she seems to teach is "When in doubt, get daddy to help"

I could care less if anyone flames me, I feel very strongly on this opinion


I find Miley Cyrus very foolish. All that she does is a mistake. I do have some pity for the brat, but I'm not the kind of person who likes someone out of pity. She is a fool, and does not deserve the things she has. I pity her because she makes so many mistakes, and I bet in about 10 years no one will even know who she is. Becoming a star at that age usually means when she grows older, she will have nothing but maybe a few obsessive fans. 16 year old girls need to have lives as 16 year old girls NOT superstars. This girl is most likely going to have extreme issues. Now I don't know her in real life so I'm not gonna say she's "mean or stupid" because I don't know that. But I will infer she is majorly foolish for taking pictures, like that.
Among other things, I find her music quite immature. Some say "her music and show teaches kids lessons! so dont diss it!" 

1. No, her music does not teach lessons. You provide me one of her songs and explain to me how it teaches a lesson then I may be inclined to believe you but for now, no.

2. The only times her show teaches any lesson, is after she sneaks out or does something no one should do. So her 'lessons' don't mean crap if she doesn't teach them correctly. The only lesson she seems to teach is "When in doubt, get daddy to help"

I could care less if anyone flames me, I feel very strongly on this opinion

Your a goddess.

I hate Miley Cyrus and everything Disney. Period.

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Your a goddess.

I hate Miley Cyrus and everything Disney. Period.
I agree, It's not just Miley either, It's all of disney, I agree with you *smiles*


How many Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus topics do we need, people?! x.x

Anyway, I can't stand her. She can't sing, she's insanely annoying, and if she had any kind of 'talent' she would write her own songs. Heck, if she wants any respect from me, she would go back in a time machine, get discovered by a decent record label, write her own songs and stop being such a fake. This HM/MC thing is an epidemic! I can't wait until she slips up and pulls a Paris Hilton "video" stunt.

Personally I don't like her show, it's quite annoying and she can't act nor sing.

Even so, I sort of like her song "see you again", but that does not make me a fan at all! plus it got annoying after a while....
