Do you remember your first tama?


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How could I forget! I basically breathed and lived for that back in the day... My first was a white P1 and I loved that thing until the day it accidentally got broken during a move. I was only 6 so I don't remember the acquisition process very well however it 'was' a gift I received from my parents for something school related.

I remember we would smuggle Tamas to school after the teachers basically banned them and comparing with everyone else at recess... I also kept a diary just for it together with my pokemon one. (I loved keeping diaries of things I liked)

Yeah! I still have it actually :)

It's a pink V1 with hearts. I was 7 and had no idea how to use it. I thought when he pooped he was playing some kind of game. Every one I had died after it reached the child stage. One day, I absentmindedly chewed off the buttons, then packed it away. Later, when my collection was bigger, I replaced the buttons and debugged it. I couldn't un-debug it, so now I just keep it like that. It's pretty fun, actually. If I get bored I can run it in hyperspeed mode, or reset and choose a new character. I wouldn't debug any of my other tamagotchis though..

I remember I got an old blue P1 really cheap when I small, I remember having a Kuchipatchi... I also remember I dropped it and it fell inside the toilet the day of christmass.... that christmass were terrible -_- (?)

I was in 2nd or 3rd grade, and most of my friends had Tamagotchis. Me and my sister weren't allowed pets, and we longed for the virtual pet. Then one day, our grandmother brought us home one tamagotchi. (We didn't have much money) It was a green 4.5. My sister got bored of it quickly, but even weeks later I was still obsessed with the beeps, games, and the fact that a small pet was living in my tamagotchi!

Later on, my grandmother gave me a music star. Months later, she died. I lost the 4.5, and I put the music star away. Later on, in 6th grade, I found it again, replaced the batteries, and I still treasure them.

Currently, the 4.5 s missing probably from our many moves, but I still have the Music Star.

*And I treasured them

Sorry °.°

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I remember when I first got a Tamagotchi v3 as a birthday present in Toys R Us and it was my best friend till it finally break.

Gosh yes.

I was in like reception/preschool/kindergarten at the time, and one of the popular kids in my class got out this red tamagotchi version 2, and every breaktime everyone would crowd round her and ask to have a turn on her tamagotchi.

Then friends of this popular girl all got tamagotchis, and connected with each other's tamas and stuff. I remember them telling me all sorts of made up stories of what your tamagotchi could do - someone told me that hatching an egg could take "months" XD

And when you played "Bump" you'd be automatically connected to the millions of players around the globe who were playing Bump at the same time. That would be pretty cool and I bought into the idea for actually some years until Dad explained what Infrared was - the only way different tamagotchis could connect XD

So one day I asked my dad for a tamagotchi.

I don't even know why but he said yes straight away.

The day after I asked him I came home from school one day and he gave me a carrier bag with something inside it. I pulled the object out of the bag and found a brand new, sealed transparent pink tamagotchi. (SEALED! Sounds totally amazing ten years later, I'll be lucky if I ever see a sealed V2 again!)

So finally I connected with the other people in my school who had tamagotchis. I remember my friend list being legit full, which seems insane now because I know of no one in real life who has a tamagotchi and is still into them XD

Mom made me a ribbon necklace thing, in which I put my tamagotchi and a collection of keyrings on it. It was so cute!

Then I left it on my coathanger in school one day, and when I came to take it home, it was gone.

Someone stole it :(

All my tama-friends I'd made from connections were actually really sympathetic. They went on quests to find whodunit, and eventually directed me to this boy who had the exact pink tamagotchi I had. I was too shy to demand proof that it wasn't mine, though. He did swear he didn't take it, so I guess that's good enough pour moi.

Then Dad bought me another one. Another one! Can't imagine him buying anything for me now XD I had a choice of a different colour, but no, I wanted my pink transparent again :(

So to stop anyone stealing/pretending my tamagotchi was theirs, Dad engraved my name on the side of my tama with a hot pin.

No one ever stole that. But I did lose it when we moved house...

It's funny, three of my tamagotchis have been stolen in my lifetime! Some people are soooo disrespectful.

^^^That's why I keep mine in my purse. You never know who you can trust. One of my Tamas was a gift from my Dad too, and it's even more special now since he's deceased. I never even play it anymore.

Mine was a V4.5 that my best friend gave to me when I was in 1st or 2nd grade...I REALLY regret trading it, I really do..

Yeah!! I was really young (before 1st grade, I think) and my mom and I were waiting to check-out at Toys 'R' Us. I remember seeing a bunch of Tamagotchi Minis on display near the cashier, and I asked my mom if I could get one. I ended up getting the black one with the flames because I thought it looked totally B.A., even though I was a four or five year old little girl. Haha.

This is the tamagotchi I am referring to:


I have no idea where it went. It must have gotten lost when we moved to a different continent. Nevertheless, someday I want to own one exactly like this. It was such a good part of my childhood. :)

That photo doesn't seem to make sense. It appears to have the shell of a vintage (P1-ect) but has the connection screen and icons. Are you sure that was the one that you had?

^^Yeah, I see what you mean. Minis/Chibis have no icons. And the character is much too small. Photoshopped screen, maybe?

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Well I was at my cousins hockey game and after he went to the dressing room and I came with him, while he was changing to his clothes I found a Tamagotchi V3 under the bench and I kept it and I told him when we got back to his house and he was super pumped because he had a V1 and we'd connect them, ahhh the good old days

My very first tamagotchi was a Night Sky V3 that I got from a friend when I was about nine. He had just gotten another in a different color, and said that I could have his old one if I wanted it. I was a horrible caretaker at first. I remember always resetting it when it took that first nap as a baby because I thought I had killed it. Eventually I got the hang of it, of course. My biggest childhood regret is selling it for two bucks on ebay.

My first tamagotchi was a black v3 with 'Japan' on it (the picture is shwon below in working state), I was in elementary school grade 1 or 2? (not sure xD) but I got it used from a warehouse on my birthday, I can't forget the moment I first got it, it means a lot to me, it cheer me up when I am sad,etc. It was my 'happy' item. Sooner or later, I was naughty, I think that was when I was in grade 3, not sure why I was naughty in grade 3 instead of 1 xD, I took it apart 0_0 SORRY TAMAGOTCHi and broke the speaker also it never worked again. Until just a while before, I found it in my garage, it was completely disambled in a bag (good thing it was in a bag).I reasembled it, and guess what, it still WORKED!!!! I soldered the speakers back in place and it looks just like a 'NEW' tamagotchi. Maybe because my v4 arrived so.... I put it away again. It has too much memories I don't want to break it again, i Kept it in my piggy bank :p


My first virtual pet was a Poochie Puppy watch in green. I loved that thing. I had loads of non-Tama virtual pets as a kid, but that was my first. I got my first Tamagotchi at fourteen and it was a Connexion V2, I think. I only have that and my current iD L E, so not a massive Tama collection!

This was my first Tamagotchi.


The combination of the colours is perfect. I've lost it when I was a teen. Recently, I tried to find it on ebay or japanese sites but had no luck.

Edit: Correcting some mistakes

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How could I not remember?

Way back during my time in Chinese school, I saw Tamagotchi for the first time. A couple of my classmates were confused about why their V4 characters refused to play any games. Of course, I went home and talked about it, and on my birthday, I started up my first V4.5; a gift from my best friend. Oh, I opened it up, switched backgrounds, traded buttons, used an earpiece cover as a case, found out what happens when the debug semicircles are connected... Anyway, the same friend who bought it for me eventually lost it later on. Not that it was a huge deal to me; I was primarily interested in English in those days and video games

Then, three months after I opened up that first Tamagotchi, I got a V5 for Valentine's Day. Got sucked right back in :p

I remember my first Tamagotchi... it was a pink v1 with hearts all over it (I don't remember the design fully, but I still have it somewhere in my room). I saw it at Walmart for 10 dollars and asked my mother if she could buy it for me (I was like 10 at the time). And that's what started my downward spiral into what is known as my "Tamagotchi Addiction" :D

My first was the pink tamagotchi angel. I actually just started running it today! Brings back memories. :)
