Do you remember your first tama?


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My first Tama was actually a Connection V1. I had got it along with my brother, and I remember it having a white shell design. I had loved it, but I'm pretty sure that I lost it soon afterwards, due to the fact that I can't find it now. :lol:

My first tama was a 4.5. It was green with a yellow star on the antenna. I loved it so much. I was devastated when I lost it. :(

Mine was an V4, my sister used to have a bunch and she gave one to me when I was like around 5 or 6 and that's how I started to like them! c:

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mine was a v4 that was pink with rainbow polka dots

i loved it ;u;

edit: might've been a v3 - can't remember all the way back to 2006

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My very first Tamagotchi was a Connection V3. It was a teal color with frogs on it. I loved it so much. I later took my sister's tamagotchi into my care because she wasn't interested in it anymore. It was blue with butterflies. I remember going to school one day with both of them in my pocket. My best friend was sad, because all the other kids had one, and she didn't. I surprised her by giving her my very first tamagotchi to keep as her own. I still remember the smile on her face...I also have very fond memories of taking my first tamagotchis into church when I was little. Good times. The V3 is still my favorite version to this day. :wub:

I got my first when they were first released in the US, a couple of months before everyone else was on the bandwagon. It was the p1, teal with the fuscia accents. I sewed hidden pockets in the hems of all my school uniform skirts so that I could have it hidden on me during class, and somehow, I never got caught or tattled on. It was the only rebellious thing I ever did in elementary school.

My first tama was a V2 with dark blue see-through shell and pink buttons. My mom bought it for me after I begged her one christmas while buying gifts for other people. I am currently running it with my P and I love it as much as I did back then.

My first tamagotchi was a v4! I got it in 4th grade and I loved it to death :wub: literally... Nearly all the tamas on it died from lack of attention while I was away at school or me losing it in my pocket. I remember being so happy when I got it to the teen stage once hahaha!

~Miau :wub:

My first tama was a white v3 which i got from a store in Torun (a Polish city) for my birthday. It sadly fell in the toilet and broke :(

I actually still own my first tama. It's a pink v4.5 with green leaves on it. I love it so much.


My first one I bought of a friend for 50 c a tamgotchi connection v4 never knew what it was and put it away for like two years found it again did some research on how to use now I have four and am loving them jorgmae

My first tamagotchi was actually the Tamagotchi Mini! my mom surprised me with this weird little box and toy. I opened it us and it was life-changingly awesome! Everyone flaunted their connections but I still used my minis. I regret waterlogging them to the point where they stopped working though...

I got a yellow V3 with pink polka dots for my 9th birthday present. I still have it although the sound is ruined because I debugged/undebugged it too much. My boyfriend actually told me today that he might be able to solder the wires back on!

My first tama wasn't really mine, but I'll slap it in here anyway. My cousin and I were messing around at our grandmas farm and we found this Tamawalkie I believe. It was probably the black and pink one. We were like "What the flip are we supposed to do with this?" We pressed some buttons but they didn't really do anything, so I put it in my pocket and we went for a walk down to see the calves. We were halfway down the path and then it started beeping and we were like "what the heck?" and we were in like Texas or something. Then we bought food for the little dude (I reckon it was a Mametchi, though the details are a little fuzzy) and we realised it was a pedometer. We ended up going on this massive walk to get more points. It was pretty cool but I don't know where it is anymore.

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My first was a version 2 that was pink with pictures of red lips and lipstick on it. That was when I was ten I think and I loved them so much, and what do you know? I find them again in my life and I fall in love all over again. :)

If this isn't a disturbance, I'm going to tell the story of my 2 first tamagotchis, because they go together as my first experience with tamas :3

My first tama was a pink V1. I wanted to have one since my best friend owned a blue V1. I had so much fun with it (Only that I always got the bad care characters because I used to go to school with it, meaning that during class I couldn't take care of it :/ ) and loved it so much ! And soon all the school got a tamagotchi, both girls and boys. I remember it clearly, we all used to spend the recess time to connect our tamagotchi and play together, hoping that we could marry them...

Sadly one day I performed a dance ballet with my dance class, and I left the tama in the locker-room without any watching. When I came back after the show it had disapeared, so to this day I assume that someone stole it :/

I was very sad (and also very young, since this event I've never left my tamagotchis alone anymore) so my mother took me to the store the next day to buy me a new one. I chose a blue V1, the one with "waves" if I remember well.

I have no particular stories to tell you about this one, just that one day I got Hanatchi, and I was so happy because I thought it was a rare character (Now I know this is just a bad care result) and just the afternoon after that, my tama fell on the ground and the screen broke completely.

After that I waited for a little before I bought a V2, but I don't count both my V2 as part of my "first experience" :eek:

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I remember when tamagotchi first came out here. I remember walking through Walmart (which was also pretty new in my town. This makes me feel old.) and I walked by an end cap were they were hanging and I peeked at the package and thought I'd like it. I couldn't buy it and my parents either said it was too expensive or I didn't ask.

But I really really wanted one, especially when kids in school had them and they became popular. I saved up money and then they were no where to be found! But one of my class mates said they didn't want theirs anymore and offered to sell it to me, for like 10 bucks and it even still had the box and little battery separator tab thing! I used to play with it all the time!

It was the purple one with hot pink buttons. I still have it. I also have a few gigapets, nano pets and another Tama but I don't remember what version it is. I'll have to dig it out and see what batteries it uses and see if they all work still. :p
