Do You Tell Your Friends That You Like Someone?


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I pretty much always do. Put after a couple years of trial and error, I've learned who I can trust with that secret information, and who I can't.

I like telling people though, they give honest advice about the situation and it's something to talk about. :]

At the moment I'm just letting the whole world know who I like, seeings as they don't know him nor do they know who he is. So of course my friends know :)


Only my close friends. Wait, actually, no. I tell lots of people, but only if they're friends I talk to on a daily basis and not just acquaintances.

Everyone knows who I like at the time. It's not scary saying it. I'll just be like "Aaron's hot and nice. I like him" And people are just like "Yes. He is hot"

Usually I don't, but today I accidentally said "I luv u ~" ALOUD when this guy walked near me... I said it quietly , but my friend still heard it. I was just thinking about that but I dunno... I just said it. :D Now that friend knows... Oh my how embarassing ~

But THANK GOD that guy didn't hear it! xDD I just luv him <3 He's cute... and kind <3

I used to, but then I always got rejected. So I stopped telling anyone, and I stopped being rejected!!!

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