Do you wear a bra yet?


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Meh, I'm not a girl. Everyone on tamatalk nowadays is a girl.

I've just found out my size...34B which for a twelve year old is freakishly huge. I'm seriously going to get surgery when I'm older before I become a Z cup (unlikely lol).
34B is NOT freakishly huge.

thats what i am

and im 12.

Im the smallest in my grade 6 class. I cant even fit into and A cup. :D
That's okay. I'm very flat-chested too. ;)

I'm a 32A and I'm going to be a freshman in high school. I haven't had my period yet either, and practically everyone else has. I feel left out sometimes, but when my friend's start complaining about their chest and their period, I just laugh and say, "Ha! I don't have to deal with that yet!"

I was actually with a few of my friend's yesterday, and we were hiking in the woods. Me and my one friend wanted to run ahead, but my other friend said she would if she had a sports bra on. She complains that if she runs with her underwire bra on her boobs still bounce up in her face. She's a D.

That's okay. I'm very flat-chested too. :huh:
I'm a 32A and I'm going to be a freshman in high school. I haven't had my period yet either, and practically everyone else has. I feel left out sometimes, but when my friend's start complaining about their chest and their period, I just laugh and say, "Ha! I don't have to deal with that yet!"

I was actually with a few of my friend's yesterday, and we were hiking in the woods. Me and my one friend wanted to run ahead, but my other friend said she would if she had a sports bra on. She complains that if she runs with her underwire bra on her boobs still bounce up in her face. She's a D.
Yeah, same here. I'm going to be a freshman next year, and I'm only a 34A. It's strange because I'm as tall, if not taller than all of my friends, but they all have boobs. This little 11-year old girl who is like a foot shorter than me has boobs bigger than me... My little cousoin, too. She started "growing" and she's the same size as me now. I hate it because I only look good in T-Shirts. Every other kind of shirt just sort of "hangs" off of me. Bleh... I started my period like a year-and-a-half ago, but nothing else seems to grow.

I cant even fit into a cup bra, and most of my friends must be B's or C's. Some have even had their period!

I think im just slooowww growing. I thing I started growing when I was 10 1/2.

I'm now 12.

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I have one sports bra, and a bunch of crop tops. So not a real, actual kind of bra (unless you count the sport one, but I don't...). I usually just wear the crop tops. The weird thing- I have my period, and I don't fit into a bra.

So your not alone, Rey Mysterio. Im right there with ya.

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My chests are bigger than my mom's. o_O Isn't that just kinda freaky? I can fit into a 38B or so, but my mom's only a 38A!! Her bras are waaay too small for me too. My chests started growing when I was around 9-10. I probably needed an A cup back when I was 10, but I never got a bra back then. And this might be early, but I got my period when I was 10 and a half (the summer before grade 5 for me)!!! I kinda felt left out back then cause I was sure no one else would get their's that early.

david_archuleta101: your cousin is only 6 and she HAS to wear a bra?! Wow. Once when I was at summer camp, there was this little girl who I think was around 6 or 7, I'm not sure, but her chests were about the same size as mine!! o_O (I was 11 back then, and I might have been able to fit into a B or an A cup back then. I didn't get a bra though) Creepy!

Sk8ter_Girl07: I feel ya! I got my period when I was 10 (and my chests started growing around that age too) but right now my chests aren't very big either. >.< (I can fit into a 38B or so) I always feel like that a lot of other girls have chests much bigger than mine, who are my age (12). So, yeah.

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I started to wear a real bra a couple months ago. I'm a 30A. (12 yrs old) There's this cliche at my school and their all the same height as me and such but they have like D cups and their chests always seem to shrink whenever they are in swimsuits, so I'm guessing they stuff their bras. lol.

I started to wear a real bra a couple months ago. I'm a 30A. (12 yrs old) There's this cliche at my school and their all the same height as me and such but they have like D cups and their chests always seem to shrink whenever they are in swimsuits, so I'm guessing they stuff their bras. lol.
Haha. xDD They're a bunch of nubs then. I personally would say something during school just to urk them. :D

I've just found out my size...34B which for a twelve year old is freakishly huge. I'm seriously going to get surgery when I'm older before I become a Z cup (unlikely lol).
[SIZE=14pt]I'm a C. I'm your age.. [/SIZE] :mellow: No worries, your like my sis, she wants surgery on her boobs...To make them a A cup when shes 20... ;O


Crop tops are... kiddie like. I wore one when I was.... 7? xD I still have them! O_O But I don't wear them...


Mileyroxursox2342: Some girls don't like their coughnipplescough showing, And that girl at your summer camp? maybe she stuffed her

[SIZE=14pt]I'm a C. I'm your age.. [/SIZE] :p No worries, your like my sis, she wants surgery on her boobs...To make them a A cup when shes 20... ;O 

Crop tops are... kiddie like. I wore one when I was.... 7? xD I still have them! O_O But I don't wear them...


Mileyroxursox2342: Some girls don't like their coughnipplescough showing, And that girl at your summer camp? maybe she stuffed her
The girl at my summer camp was like 6 or 7. And when did I ever say anything about *cough*nipples*cough*?

I've just found out my size...34B which for a twelve year old is freakishly huge. I'm seriously going to get surgery when I'm older before I become a Z cup (unlikely lol).
A B cup for a 12 year old is NOT freakishly large! I'd say it's just right. I'm in a 36B too. But it's not fitting very well lately, kinda tight...

A B cup for a 12 year old is NOT freakishly large! I'd say it's just right. I'm in a 36B too. But it's not fitting very well lately, kinda tight...
That's not freakishly huge. My friend is 14 & a D cup. I don't know her size when she was tweleve, but they were still much bigger than most of our age. :D She was I think a B or a C then.

Dun worry, you're fine. ;)

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