Do you work hard on your avvies/signatures?


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Avvie- I usually make my own [except for the one I have up now, That one I just found a pic and downsized it to make it smaller/avvie size]

Siggy- It all depends on my mood. I'll try and put song lyrics in, but not all the time.

Yeah, I work pretty hard on my sigs usually. Since the character limit is only 500, I can't make it too detailed, which I wouldn't really want. My sig changes from time to time, and I try to make it match my av. At the moment it's song lyrics, but before it was just some random quotations I made up on the spot.

I don't work too hard on my avatar. But yeah, I try to make it match my sig. At the moment it sorta has the same colours as my siggy, and sorta matches the whole meaning of the song.

Avvie; Quite easy. Google helps :)

Siggy; Yeah, I do work hard to make it perfect. Not really perfect-- just good enough that it doesn't go more than 500 characters. I used to make it gradient, but I have to have easy lyrics if I do that. It'll be too long xD

Avvie: well, i make my own avvies, but their not that much trouble. i have a bunch that i made so, i guess not anymore

siggy: usully i do. it only took me 2 tries to get this one right.

^ That's stunning. *-*
The avatar? I edited it myself. Thank you! :D

EDIT: From Janna. Kirsten left her account up. >>

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Well, kinda.

My avvie is usually a picture of me. That way no one else could ever use it. xD It doesn't take too long to just find a good picture and mess with the brightness, though.

My signature is the hardest part. Sometimes it's just something simple, sometimes it's longer. I don't spend all that long on it, I just make sure I have something that works.

Avvie: No, 07*Kuromametchi*70 made it for me

Siggy: Hell yes I was so afraid about length...

Not really, If I'm making my avatars it usually takes me 10-60 minutes to do.

It's just something I just throw together.

Not this time.

I found this avvie that matched with this song I liked, but I couldn't get the coding to work the way I want--so I stuck in a Macbeth quote.

Avvie: Not really. usually I just google something in or go to

Siggie: I usually put in part of a song lyric or a quote from myself or someone more famous. Right now, it's just a line from a Kate Voegele song.

Ususally, I work hard on my signature because I always screw up the colours lol.

Buuuuuuuuut. My avatar is just found on a random website :)

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