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I don't drink anything with milk in it. I don't add milk to anything. I despise milk. I eat my cereal dry, I have hot-chocolate with no milk, I would never drink milk.

I only drink cordial that is 40% fruit juice. I can tell the difference between 40% fruit-juice and 20% fruit-juice when I drink cordial. 20% is yuck.

Hm. Not really.. I can swallow any size of pill (that you are supposed to swallow) without water and in one gulp, although that's not a "habit."
:D *starts to gag*

How the heck can you do that?! I can't even take pills with water without feeling like I'm going to be sick. I have to take pills with applesause to make them go down without the gaggyiness. x.X Forget lquid meds also, I gag on them to so I don't take them.

Anyway I have to eat things a ceritain way. Example:I have a plate of fish, mash potatos, and corn. I will first finish my corn then my potatos and last my Fish.

I like my food to be mixed together sometimes. I also eat broccoli with Ketchup. When I was young I seen my Grandmother putting ketchup on her broccoli and followed suit. I disn't find out until later though that my Grandmother only put ketchup on them because she didn't like Broccoli. xD I use Sour Cream in almost everything. I <3 Sour Cream! A Hogie isn't a hogie without my beloved salt and vinager chips. No mayo though, mayo is nasty on hogies.

Oh yeah! I remember now... I always eat the paper wrapper that's on muffins and cupcakes. It's good...

I can do the same pyonchit. My friend was like "...euw."

I don't think I have any weird eating habits. I like macaroni with tuna mixed in but that's not a habit and that's not really weird. xD

:) *starts to gag*
How the heck can you do that?! I can't even take pills with water without feeling like I'm going to be sick. I have to take pills with applesause to make them go down without the gaggyiness. x.X Forget lquid meds also, I gag on them to so I don't take them.
Same here. :) Except for me not with applesauce, cause we don't have it at my house so I have the pill crushed with a spoon and put into a scoop of jam.

Anyway, I don't have many eating habits. I eat really slow, and I wish I didn't. Everyone's always yelling at me to eat faster (In a nice way of course). I can't eat crackers in my soup because they get all soggy, and just yuck. I never get far with soup in general anyway. Not a fan of cereal either, for the same soggyness reason, although I can usually cram most of the cereal in my mouth before it get's soggy anyway. :)

And I can't eat raisins alone. I depise rasins. I can eat them in cookies or other stuff, but never ever alone.

i eat really messy and i also eat steak with my hands or tortillas yum!!

edit: i am a very picky eater!!1

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