Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?


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I just turned 27 here...even my husband buys them for me hah. I've been collecting since the 90's. I went through a lot of being made fun of by playing tamas as I was in my teens and early twenties. Perseverance my friends! Never let anyone tell you you're too old :)

i'll be 25 in about three months woohoo! i got my first tamagotchi only last year, but i have a feeling i won't ever stop adoring them!

I'm 26! I was obsessed as a kid and I'm obsessed now. I don't know anyone else "IRL" who is into them, though.

I'm 27 and still enjoy them! :) If nothing super busy is going on in life, they are fun to pass some time with.

I currently play with Tamagotchis and I'm 20! :D For a long stretch of time (probably from 2009 to 2013) I didn't, though. I just wasn't feeling the Music Star and the Tama-Go.

I turned thirty-one a few months back. Yikes!

I was a huge fan of the P1 and P2 back when the P2 launched, though I was months behind everyone at school because you couldn't get hold of a genuine Bandai Tamagotchi for ages after they came out. I kept updating devices to the Digimon V1 and 2 and the Digivices until the Digimon D-Power Digivice (

By that time I was bored of the move past the traditional Tamagotchi (I still have my Angelgotchi, but the Ocean Tamagotch or the Morino never saw the light of day here in the UK), but I kept dipping in and out of my existing collection over the following years, until the V1 was launched in 2004. I liked the V1/V2 well enough, and I stuck with the series (skipping the V5.5 and onto the V6 because I couldn't see the point of it) until the Tama-Go and the IDL.

After a hiatus of about four years, I've currently got one of my V3s up and running, and I'm enjoying it now much more that I did back in the day. I was beginning to feel a bit burnt out with all the updates by the time the V3 was current. It's the nostalgia factor that keeps drawing me back, much in the same way that I still have my NES hooked up to my television.

I'm reluctant to upgrade to a Tamagotchi Friends, because quite frankly I think they're hideous (though I'm still toying with the idea). The IDL was/is neat, but anything around that size is simply too big to carry around in an average pocket in my opinion. Don't even get me started on the Tama-Go...

Yup, me as well, I'm sixteen nd I still play with them, when I have time. :D

I remember when this topic appeared. I knew myself well enough to know that I'd still play with them past age sixteen, though I had no idea this topic would be alive for that long... It's funny though, when I saw rhe topic became a long-lived one, I involuntarily began to look forward to this day. Lol...

I'm 23 and I ordered a Tamagotchi iD L some days ago! I've got 3 more (a V4.5, a V5 and a V5.5)... I used to have a Tamagotchi V1 (long live the original one!) but lost it and now I want to buy another one again... Maybe as a Christmas present, along with the Dalmatian version of the Tamagotchi Friends!

I'm 29 and I still play, or rather, tried them when they came out (6th grade) and wasn't too interested. I came back and tried the 4.5 in my early twenties and liked them a lot better. Maybe because the "virtual pet" hype had my expectatins a bit lofty back in 1997, haha.

I don't like video games for the amount of time and absorbtion they take but 30 seconds here and there throughout the day without being tethered to a computer/console are a lot more enjoyable for me.

I'm running the ID L with my three-year-old right now. =P

Well, I'm 16 and have about a month until I turn 17, so... yeah, I do! I don't play with them as frequently as I used to since I'm really busy, but when I have the chance I start one up.

31 here and still playing. I've always really enjoyed the virtual/digital pet scene and been playing them off and on for a while. Just getting back into Tamagotchi again after mine had been stolen, but I'm really enjoying the new stuff to play and get.

I'm older than 16, and I still play with tamas. I don't really tell people that I have them though, unless they spot one and ask. I also don't know anyone who plays with them IRL, either.

I'm 25 and will be getting a tamagotchi for my 26th birthday in a couple of weeks (and also one for Christmas!)

You never really grow out of them :)

I am 32 and got a Tamagotchi Friends from my boss as a Christmas gift. I never owned one when I was a kid so I am super happy!

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