Does Race Matter?


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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
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When it comes to being in a relationship, does the ethnicity of the person matter to you?

Like do you ever find yourself only interested in one type of guy/girl?

I know there's gonna be a lot of replies saying 'It doesn't matter. It depends on the person.'

But truthfully, does it matter to you?

I've noticed that the only type of guys I've ever went out with were White/Caucasian.

[i've never asked out a guy, the ones I went out with asked me out.]

But I tend to be interested in every race.

*Try to keep your comments from sounding racist xD*

I don't mind about races really. But, I'd never go out with a black person. It's not about their color or anything, I just... Don't feel comfortable with them...


I've never thought about it...

I have had crushes on a darker person, and a white person. It honestly doesn't matter what they look like.

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You know how everyone says, "Oh, looks don't matter,"? But honestly, they do. I find they do. My friend and I have had this discussion. To us, it's just politically correct to say, "It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside!!" But for most people, whether they realize it or not, looks do matter. It's the first thing you notice about a person, and unfortunately, how you automatically "catagorize" them. So I'm not gonna lie and say that race doesn't matter to me. I'm definately more drawn to white guys, just because that's what I'm used to, that's what I grew up with. You don't really see people of other influence where I'm at.

I guess if I really got to know the person and fell in love with their personality, yeah I would date them. But just by looking at people, I'm generally not automatically physically attracted to those of other race.

But I'm not racist. D:< Nor does this make me one.

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I believe the only real race that matters is the human race which is all of us.

Though, I will say that I am not attracted to all different types of people "equally", like Cinder said. For instance, I may prefer the looks wise a blondie than a dark haired guy or a red head versus someone with dyed purple hair - it's just the way I'm physically attracted to someone and there's nothing wrong with that.

Of course, it isn't all physical but physically it does play a role, if that makes sense.

Truthfully, yes. Like Cinder said, those are the first things you notice. I would say I'm more like to go out with a light skinned person than a dark person.

But personality wise, there are nice people in all races.

I have only liked white/caucasion boys .....I just don't really find dark people attractive. Well, not at my school anyways.

I'm pretty sure I could, at one pont, have a crush on a black person, but for the time being, only white/caucasion people intest me.

It's not my fault. :| I can't help who I like and who I don't.

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I'm white and I've dated mexicans, black people, and white people. I really don't think race matters as long as they nice and hot! :blink:

EDIT: And Asians!

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As much as I don't want to admit it looks and race do matter to me ]:

I mean, looks give you a first impression and sometimes reflects people's personalities and interests.

I've been with nice girls.

I guess none of it really matters when you get to know them and like them for their personality.

Personally, I prefer white or asian girls.

I'm physically and mentally attracted to white guys.

Black people have a bad name in the US, it's not fair.

All of the guys I know, are amazing. <3

Just, not in a lovable way.

I guess I lean more towards my own race..... I'm not against others or anything, I just find caucasians more attractive. Although, I do kinda like Japanese.


I'm asian, and I personally like white males for some reason. Where I live, there arn't many black or chinese people. That's probably why I'm leaning more towards whites. But generally, if they're nice, and like me, and if I like them back, then yeah, I'll date them.

If I just meet someone, I'll notice their appearance first. That's the way it works for everyone. But I won't declare it an offical 'crush' until I've gotten to know them first. Yes, if I think someone's cute, and if you ask me if I think he's cute, I'll say yes, because you're asking me about his appearance, not his personality. But if you ask me if I have a crush on him, I'll say no. For me, a crush is not just liking their appearance, but liking their personality as well. As long as they're sweet, kind, and cute, I'm fine with it.

I've only ever had white bfs but I find black guys are super hot!

There is an influx of super hot black guys. Nomnomnom.

It doesn't matter to me

So i'm officailly now declaring i'm the first to say if I got the choice between a hot whitey and a hot blacky it would be the darker one. I have one in mind now -melts-

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I agree with Cinderpelt, everyone does judge by looks without even thinking about it.

I don't find black girls to be attractive. I don't...feel right around them.

Well, I go to a school where the black popualtion is about 75%. (no joking).

I... it's not that I'm seriously racist or anything, it's just that after getting to meet so many guys like that, it gets a little intimidating, especially when you're the minority. I mean, just today I was walking down the hallway when three black boys point at me and laugh and say, "Hey look a white girl, go f*** er!" and I just ignored them and went on. There are a few black guys who are really nice and that I wouldn't mind going out with, but most other guys are just jerks (or I just don't know them).

But when I think about it, most of the white guys are jerks too. It just depends on how you look at it.

It really is strange dealing with racism the way that I do because although I'm white, I'm actually the minority at my school and it IS intimidating. My first period and 4th period classes are probably the only ones that have more whites than blacks. I especially hate P.E. because there are only 2 white girls and the other one never does ANYthing in class so when it comes to picking teams, I'm ALWAYS picked last. It doesn't matter how good I am or anything. Last. and it sucks.

Well, I go to a school where the black popualtion is about 75%. (no joking).
In our school, it's the other way around. There is about 85% white people, the rest are black. Our school was on TV because the news channel people thought we were racist since we had school on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. My teachers were interviewed. It was kind of scary. We were forced to stay in the classroom, but everyone gathered around the door to see if they could get on TV.

Nobody makes fun of black people though. Our school is very strict on that ever since that news report thing. :)

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