Does Race Matter?


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I'm more drawn to white guys, just because that's what I'm used to - that's what I am and I just love seeing a bit of me in another person, if you know what I mean.

All the guys I've been out with have been American/English and one Russian.

But I did like this guy from Belgium for ages.

And I do have a crush on Will Smith. <3

So I guess I would say race doesn't matter. All races can be attractive to me! =D

I don't mind about races really. But, I'd never go out with a black person. It's not about their color or anything, I just... Don't feel comfortable with them...
Um..I don't want to sound like I want attention,but im mixed and that sort of hurts.Just letting you know.

Anyway,I don't really care about race.I like white and black,but right now my heart belongs to a white boy named Ryan.He is really smart and in an avanced class.I know it sounded mean when I said "white boy"but I can't think of another way to put it.

It kind of does matter..
You sound like my friends mom.She won't let her daughter(shes white)date black people.And its colored not just "black".Anyway,I can't belive her mom told her that when I was right there.

People do not target you. I'm really wishing you could get past that..

It's simply a matter of opinion. I would be willing to date someone of any color, really. I have best friends of all races. It doesn't seem to matter to me.

XD Jenny. Yes, because we live to torture you. Seriously, we could care less what color you are. We're just stating our opinion on what color we are sexually attracted to.

I generally like white guys the most. I like their hair better. xD

Did you guys just make this post to hurt me?!IM COLORED!!!
Totally, Jenny. XD The only reason she said that was to target and personally offend you. :p

People are just expressing their feelings! You are the only one so far being a little petty about this!

If this topic offends you so much, I suggest you go look at another one.

The guy I LIKE right now is dark skinned. In the past I've mostly had crushes on dark skinned guys. But I'm also attracted to white color too. Color doesnt matter to me THAT much....If they're cute and nice then I like them. I like light and dark color skinned people.

I only go out with white boys, but I'm not racist. All the black boys I know only think about nasty things that I don't want any part of. I would rather have someone with hair, most black boys have really short hair and they all look about the same to me. White boys always look different, in hair color and skin tone. Plus my parents would kill me if I dated a black boy, they are a little racist, but, hey, we all are in a way that's just the way we are.

[SIZE=7pt]lets trade :p [/SIZE]why do you wish you weren't Asian?

PS- When I was saying my little Asian love thing

I wasn't exactly serious

I'm not like INSANE :)
I just don't like being stereotyped :\

I think I'm starting to be more attracted to my own kind now though.

I know you say 'No offence' but that part of the post still offended me.
My mother is white and my father is not.

They have been married for 20 years.

Their relationship is not abusive.

I just can't believe someone would say something like that.

Maybe I'm just reacting strongly because I'm mixed but seriously, I think that was uncalled for.
Ah yes, I also said that it wasn't directed toward all black people.

So your father is black, yes? Then great for him. I'm sure he's a great man and father if they've been married for 20 years.

I also never said that all white men are wonderful people and great fathers, now did I? So no need to freak out.

Truthfully.. Im not racist, I have alot of black, and asian friends. But it when it comes down to actually dating a darker skinned person, I wouldnt be attracted to him.

Well... >.> For me... I don't really judge someone as soon as I see em. o.o Maybe thats a lie.. but I've never really hated someone for their outer appearence... o.o;; Some of teh meanest people I know are white... >.> and some of my best friends are black! For me, in my society, the blacks go deeper then the make-up and boys. o.o Other of my best friends are also white! They can be really, really nice and honest, and loyal ect. o.o; So I basically have uh, friends from everywhere so uh.. I guess I don't really have a say in this because they are all, awesome.

If I were to date someone I couldn't care less about their race. I'd rather date a black/asian nerd then some 6 foot tall white/mixed clone plastered in Abrocrombie+Fitch.(Because I, "AIM LOW AND AVOID DISAPOINTMENT!" Some kind of girl I am, eh? xD) But I will admit, my favourite type of people in terms of looks are.. mixed... >.>; I mean Italian and Ukranian mixed. I find one of their mixes to have blonde hair and black eyes, another one to have natural jet black hair and blue eyes with yellow rings around the pupil. O_O I just love..."difference." I think its totally and completely awesome if two people of different races married and have children. o.o;

Of course race matters. I'm only attracted to white guys. I don't find black/Asian guys attractive. Also, I'm not trying to sound racist or anything, but I would say a lot of the time, when you get together with a black man, you end up divorced or the relationship is abusive. It happens than more often than if a white man is the husband/boyfriend. Of course, that's not directed toward all black people. There are many out there that are really nice. In fact, I have a very good friend that's black. He's really nice and funny. But you know, that's just what I think.
In response to this:

One of my best friends parents are like this, The mother had him, The father had the daughter, and they got married. The father happens to be white, and the mother is colored. They recently had a baby girl, who is amazingly cute.

These are the type of things that are a touch subject, but I do agree with Fire.Fly, that you phrased it wrongly.


Anyway, yes, jenny, we are all out to get you with our evil robot chickens, and Popsicles. Sure.

I am * physically* more attracted to white guys, it's just me.

Personally, I think white people are more attractive because that's what I'm used to. I think that people are more comfortable around people who are like them, so white people tend to be more attracted to other white people.

That's what I think..

in terms of friends, race does NOT matter, I have friends of every race.

As far as dating goes, though, I don't really find black men to be attractive, and I actually tend to go for asian and latino/hispanic guys, although I've dated my share of white guys, too. I have a thing for dark hair :3

For the record, I am mostly white and 1/16 Mongolian (the country between China and Russia, in case you didn't know, it's considered "asian")

In response to this:
One of my best friends parents are like this, The mother had him, The father had the daughter, and they got married. The father happens to be white, and the mother is colored. They recently had a baby girl, who is amazingly cute.

These are the type of things that are a touch subject, but I do agree with Fire.Fly, that you phrased it wrongly.


Anyway, yes, jenny, we are all out to get you with our evil robot chickens, and Popsicles. Sure.

I am * physically* more attracted to white guys, it's just me.
But don't you understand? I clearly stated that not all black/white marriages end up like that. There are plenty of white/white marriages that end up abusive/divorced. I was just inferring that it happens more often with black/white marriages from what I've seen.

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