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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
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Hey this is were u can talk about dogs!!


How do u take care of ur dog?

My mom feeds and gives water to Jojo [my dog].

If I see she needs some I'll give her some.

I have a mutt named Hashes.She is between a Cocker Spaneil and Toy Poodle and has a shiny blak coat and chocolate brown eyes. I feed her everyday only once with Chicken and Gravy flavored kibbles. After that I brush her teeth and floss. It takes alot of work to care for a Toy Poodle Spaneil ( I made up the name :eek: ) I have a cat too, but the topics called ''Dogs''. Sorry I hope I didn't put too much information.

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I have a mutt named Hashes.She is between a Cocker Spaneil and Toy Poodle and has a shiny blak coat and chocolate brown eyes. I feed her everyday only once with Chicken and Gravy flavored kibbles. After that I brush her teeth and floss. It takes alot of work to care for a Toy Poodle Spaneil ( I made up the name :D ) I have a cat too, but the topics called ''Dogs''. Sorry I hope I didn't put too much information.
I have that dog aswell.

There cute, aren't they. ( :

I have a big golden retriever. (She's bigger than most of the other golden retrievers!)

I take her on walks, I take her over to play at the neighbors house every morning, I play with her, I give her food and water, and I give her medicine. She also sleeps in my room! I love my dog, Dixie!

I have a cute little lhasa apso.

My mum brushes him everyday - My dad takes him on endless walks [he is a really stocky dog]. I also walk him too it took me ages to convince my mum and dad to let me have one so i'm just chuffed i gots him :D ! And when everyone is out - my grandma and grandad come and pick him up and look after him till we get back from college/work. My sister has taught him alot of tricks too :wacko: .

And he sleeps in the kitchen in his basket, i'd like him to sleep in my bedroom but he likes it downstairs.

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