Dreams/nightmares about Tamagotchis...


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Dec 13, 2009
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I was just interested, because I've had several dreams/nightmares about Tama-related stuff myself, and I would like to see if anyone else has anything to share. I had one just last night, about some people from school who hated Tamas coming over and selling me a V3 and a weird Japanese version (I don't know what it was, it was imaginary definitely, it had 6 icons at the top of the screen and only 5 at the bottom :eek: ) for $1 or something. I also had one about going into town on another planet (after reading science fiction, definitely) and finding an advertisement for TamaTalk. Those were both great, but I also had a nightmare about a Tama dying while I was playing Xbox Kinect. :(

Has anyone else had odd dreams about anything to do with Tamas? I'm pretty sure some people have...

~ Dazzmina ~

I've had only two that I remember.

It was probably March 20th; The day after the iD Ls came out and right before my birthday. I dreamed that my parents got me an iD L and I took it to school to show my best friends and avoid my (real life) friend that hates Tamas.

Then a couple nights ago, I dreamed that I needed to get Hirotchi and Madonnatchi so I tried to just pull out my +C to reset and get them.

Sigh, if only. ;)

I had a dream that I brought my tamas to school and when I put them on a table everybody laughed at me. I was crying and they started to break every tama I had

I know right terrible dream lol. I woke up sweaty and screaming!



I was walking to wal-mart (i don't live in america o_O) and kept finding half-broken pink and blue tamagotchis on the ground.Run-over,I presume.


I was clipping fur ontop of mametchi's head;You know,the little ears he has.


I had a nightmare.I am going to recieve a tama off a friend,she bought everyone in the class except me a gift,and refused to give me one,and dumped me.Also I mistook a cookie monster playset for a TMGC+C box.even though it looked nothing like it.

Once I fell asleep holding my iDL then I had a dream... I had died(lol what?) and I was falling down somesort of "rabbit hole" and the only object I had with me was my iDL and she had turned into this beatiful angel tama :]. But it was really weird becuase she started talking to me...

whenever i want something, i dream about it compulsively for about a week. so, when i desperately wanted an iD L, i would dream about finding one on my desk and then playing with it. :p sometimes, i think i dream about having a tama-go, but i don't remember my dreams very often. -_- also, i think i dreamt about having an iD and connecting with my iD L. o.0

(and i dreamt about getting a palm treo and transferring downloads to my iD L. *whut*)

^ good to know I'm not the only one who dreams about stuff they need want. The week I waited for my iDL(s) to arrive in the mail was torturous. I dreamt about this dang blue iDL and it's yellow companion everyday until it arrived. -_- eheh. obsessive much? oh another time I dreamt I found a connection sized tama in a junk pile. But it had a color screen and english and it was so complicated and awesome... then I woke up and made my iDL jealous talking about all the features it had. lol.

I had a dream that I was watching TV in the living room and an iD-L commercial came on. Then, the Tamagotchi! anime started playing. I woke up to my iD-L beeping. :p

I have had many dreams and a few nightmares about tamas. Here are two that I remember:

1.(dream) My class was doing a play of the book Artemis Fowl and I was digging through a bunch of costumes and a found two tamas, a v3 and a v5, both almost dead. Somehow I took care of them and brought them back to life (how though I don't know because I've never used those versions before) and kept them.

2. (nightmare) I was here on TamaTalk and I saw this post that said "Your tama is dead". I ran into my bedroom just in time to hear a low beep from my v4.5 and I screamed "NOOOOOOO!!"

Hah. I and I thought I was a loon. JK! I actually dreamt about mine last night. Allret week I was obsessing about keeping my music star with perfect care because I was trying to get a certain character. So I had gotten the ichigotchi in real life, and I was on track for the character I had wanted. Late yesterday it morphed into mimitchi and I was happy, I had gotten who I was trying for. Then when I went to sleep I dreamt that it morphed into an oldie. LOL. I was so sad haha. When I woke up the first thing I did was grab the MS to see if I still had mimitchi haha. I did. But I thought about it all morning.

I have also had dreams about unlocking secret characters that don't even exist...my dream tamas are always old fashioned pixels haha. In the connection shells.

I dreamt a TT user (not revealing who) was selling this huge lot of tamas with every kind imaginable. I bought an iD and two colors, and I was so happy! And then I woke up to my iD L beeping. With no iD or color. -_-

I dreamt a TT user (not revealing who) was selling this huge lot of tamas with every kind imaginable. I bought an iD and two colors, and I was so happy! And then I woke up to my iD L beeping. With no iD or color. -_-
It wasn't me was it. Someone who might actually DO that (or you hope to do that!) and someone you like. (My mom used to be really into dream analysis and she taught me too!)


~ Dazzmina ~

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I've had a bunch, but I believe the one I had when I was about 6 was the most interesting. The V3 had been the most recent tama. I had a dream that tamagotchis could get jobs, and lo and behold, no more than a week later (real life) did I first hear about the NEW tamagotchi, the V4, in watch tamas could get jobs! For that whole year, I insisted to everyone that I could predict the future. :p

Yeah. I once had a dream that Himespetchi and Mametchi were about to kiss! Lol! And then my mum's alarm clock woke me up!

A while ago, (5th, 6th Grade) I used to be bullied. I had a tama nightmare with bullies in it. Great, right? So I had my V4 (back then it was my only tama) and I showed my friend. He was nice and said it was cool and not girly. However, he told the bullies. They closed in on me. One of my tormenters grabbed and held me. Their leader took a rock out of nowhere and proceeded to smash it, while my tama was making this horrid screeching noise. The next part is inappropriate (scary) so I'll just stop here.

Hmm...I dreamt about Tamagotchis before, but now they are just IN my dreams and don't play a major part. I recently had a dream where I was a Tamagotchi in the Tama anime (after watching it at 5:30am), but I barely remember it. I've also had gory dreams about the characters. :eek:

I had a dream one time that I found a blue angelgotchi on the ground while I was walking on a sidewalk, so I brought it to my aunts house and apparently it was a fake and it was cursed or something. xD We tried to put it in the microwave to destroy it but it didn't work. xD Now that I think about it... that's a really weird dream. o.o

i had one that i remember: i was at this wierd school/castle like thingy with guards everywhere and the gotchi king told me to do something i cant remember but i never did it i rode away on a wagon thingy with no top and i found a v4.5 half broken sort of pink/purple one and i saw it and i picked it up by its antenna and it fell off for some reason i was disgusted with it but if i ever found a tama like that, i would never be disgusted! omg i dont get it at all.... o_O

well, once i saw a TAMAGOTCHI ID L 15TH ANNI sitting on the table. i was happy, so i showed my friend while putting it in my pocket. but when i pulled it out of my pocket, guess what i saw? another colored screen tama! it is not any of the colored screen tamas you know,so it was weeeeiiiird

but of course, it is a dream

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