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Once I had a dream that was REALLY weird. Like first I was in Habbo Hotel and I met Dylan Sprouse on Habbo. Then I was in real life and I was in a building. An aqquatiance of mine was their with this lady. But there were hundreds of kids there too. So I'm all "Hey **** (not saying my aquintance name). What's goin on?" And she says with the lady next to her "Well we kidnapped these kids." Then all of a sudden we were outside of the building in the back of it. The building was in my neighborhood pretty close to my house. "And every kid who gets kidnapped here, has to kidnap 9 more kids." she continued. I started to run to my house. They were on my tail but my friend kept falling flat on her face so it was kinda funny. Finally when I got home my mom was watching the news in the kitchen on out small tv (though it was weird cuz we didn't get the TV until far long after that dream.). and when I told her about it. She just started yapping about how some guy got shot in a greenhouse.

It was weird.

Yeah I know. Sometimes the best part of your day was a dream, because it is something so great and wonderful. If something is more than likely never going to happen, dreaming is the next best thing! :D

My dreams are real. It's a great way to get away, and get what you want: Daydreaming!

it's real to you, and that's all that matters.

I get a lot of deja vu from my dreams. So I might have this flash in my dream, a still picture that lasts for a second, and then halfway through the day I'll look at something and say, "...Hey, I dreamed this last night!" Besides those, I have the strangest dreams in the world that I know right away could never happen. Most of the time my dreams are all about a bunch of things don't have anything to do with each other. Just two days ago I dreamed about being in a room that contained the school gym locker rooms, the showers at summer camp, a department store, Halloween costumes, the kids in my English class, and Billie Joe Armstrong. XD


I've had the same dream 3 nights in a row now,which is odd because i rarely have dreams. It always starts out,I wake up(in my dream),get out of bed,and right by my door theres blood. I get really freaked out,i hide in my closet. Then i hear my door open. My closet opens(I dont remember for a little bit what happens) what I remember after that was me and my brother are out in the yard,bleeding like crazy. In that part of my dream i feel so sad,but i don't know what happened//. Then I see this guy in the window with my Dad's bow. Once he pulls it back and releases it,I always wake up sweating,scared,and sad. Then i realise it was a dream,go back to bead,and then im fine for the whole nite.//

It feels so real it's scary lol

Most of the time my dreams are either weird or scary. They always feel real. Once, I had this creepy dream where this guy wanted to kill me, but my family trusted him. I woke up all freaked out and went under the covers. It felt so real! ;)
Oh my gosh! I had the same dream AMAZING

I guess so- I've never realized I was dreaming during the dream.

I hate when I have this bad dream and I get this compressed feeling- like a cry trying to get out- all through a bad dream. One of my dreams was where my mom got slashed with a knife by a man after he counted down some numbers- it was horrible! And when I woke up I still had that wierd feeling.

I get dreams like that from time to time. I seriously think they're real while I'm dreaming, and then I get so disappointed when I wake up. Sometimes I cry afterward. It's a bit embarrassing...

It'd be a lot easier if I could just choose the kind of dream I want to have. :)

My dreams feel SOOO real! I once had a dream that I went to a movie audition and sang 'Amazing Grace' for the judges. I got the lead role and in the movie my name was goin to be Marty. I went to this really nice hotel and was talking to Miley Cyrus. It was only until 5 minutes after I woke up that I realized it was only a dream! :)

All of them. xD

I had a dream last night,

I walked around outside in an alleyway, it was cold.

Then a charmander jumped out at me and started to heal me, then i took over pokemon cartoons, and i became greatly knows as, "*my name*".


When i woke up i was like, '....OH NAW!"

I like having pokemon dreams. :)

My dreams seem like they're really real. There was this one dream (I've been getting the same dream since I was 6), a cat bites me and then tells me that I'm going to freeze up. I freeze up and my body gets this warm tingly feeling. And then I unfreeze and I'm in my grandma's house with my dad, my mom, and my siblings. My dad is laying down on this water bed in my grandma's room and he's all pale and it looks like hes about to die. And then the cat freezes the scene and tells me it's time to go and bites me again and I wake up....it's really weird.

Uh,alrighty then. Ya know dreams only last 3 seconds. I read that on the back of herbal essences shampoo.

Once I dreamt thatme and my mom and sister were in myroom and i was in the doorway. and my sister and mom were sitting in front of the window and this little meteor hit my mom right in the heart. It was terrible she started dying and before she got hit I couldn't move and I couldn't talk. Finally my dad came home and I told him and I was crying and my dad said "Calm down I will take her to the hospital tomorrow morning!" and me and my sis were trying to convince him that it was urgent but he didn't care. It was so sad. Then I woke up.

also once I had this dream that was SO real that I thought it happened when I woke up. I had to like talk to my mom and friends and stuff to make sure that it was a dream or not. But I made sure tat they didn't know about it. I don't remember it though.

I have dreams like that all the time! I can figure out in my head it's a dream, until my alarm goes offf.

happens every night but somtimes i realize im asleep :rolleyes: ( dont know how) and then i have some real fun ( like one time i was in a dinner party in my dream and i knew i was sleeping so i jumped up on the table and throw patados at the queen of england and swung on the chandaleer! it was so fun ;) )

I love dreaming, I love to look up what your dreams mean and things like that. I used to dream about flying, which accually means you want freedom, but now I don't, so I guess that means I got my freedom that I wanted.
Sometimes my dreams see the future, like not anything specail like another 9/11 or something, but cool little things. I'm not gonna post examples, cause I'm too lazy.

Anyways did you know that even if you don't remember having any dreams, you accually dream every night? Also, you ussually have up to 8 dreams a night.
i like to do that too like one time i kept having dreams about this realy sweet boy but his face was always coverd and he was like my boyfriend...that aperently means i wanna meet my true love :rolleyes: *blush*

Uh,alrighty then. Ya know dreams only last 3 seconds. I read that on the back of herbal essences shampoo.
its true i saw it online even tough they feel like they take forever, dreams only last about 3 secounds and u have about 8 a night but u usualy only remember one or two and if ur wondering about the rest of the night, ur head is just blank, no dreams at all :)

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