Dumbest thing you've ever done.


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Sweet Kandi

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2005
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Everett, Washington, USA
So my mom and I were talking last night about doing stupid things.

Yesterday she got her eyelashes grafted at the nail place we go to. We figured they would just make her eyelashes fuller, because they were really thin.

In the end the girl who did it made her look like a prostitute.

That was her 'dumbest thing I've ever done.'

I can't decide what mine is. I have two.

A few years ago I was slamming a window because my neighbors were yelling and I was sick of it. In slamming the window I broke my middle and index finger on my left hand.

Back in April I was playing air hockey with a friend. The puck smashed into my middle and index fingers on my left hand and broke them.

I don't know which one is worse xP

So my questions to you guys are:

Which one of my dumb things is worse/more idiotic?


What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?

Well me and my friend were on MSn and I started copying her. [{ I was bored }] But then she started copying me! So we were saying the exact same words over and over again. We actually went on for an hour - we were pretty dumb.

I bet I could think of some more if I tried.

Once I slammed my thumb in the car door. The whole nail fell off. I was screaming my head off. It hurt so much. :p

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Ouch! Your finger right off your hand?! :angry: - :p

Umm.... Well, My dumbest thing that I ever did would maybe be when I closed the door to the bathroom, but I was being an idiot, so I put my, uhh... finger next to the middle one (not the index one) and put it on the other side of the door (the hindges of the door) when the door was open, and I slammed the door shut! I cut it cut too the bone, and I had to go to the hospital.. I don't remember what happened next, but I dont think I got stitches(sp?) but I can see a big, white U right under my fingernail on the finger that I slammed it on... :mellow:

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Ouch! Your finger right off your hand?! :angry: - :p
Umm.... Well, My dumbest thing that I ever did would maybe be when I closed the door to the bathroom, but I was being an idiot, so I put my, uhh... finger next to the middle one (not the index one) and put it on the other side of the door (the hindges of the door) when the door was open, and I slammed the door shut! I cut it cut too the bone, and I had to go to the hospital.. I don't remember what happened next, but I dont think I got stitches(sp?) but I can see a big, white U right under my fingernail on the finger that I slammed it on... :mellow:
Nono XD Not off my hand lol. I broke those two fingers on my left hand. Just broke 'em, not cut 'em off X3


OW o_O

I was over the intercom system at work in the middle of a page when my mind went kind of blank and I just sat there saying "Uhhh.... Nevermind" I burst out laughing after I got off though.

When my cousin and I thought it would be a good idea to build a matchstick house in the sink after doing some drinking. XD Yes it was lit up and it burned the sink. Managed to scratch the burned mark away, which is good or I'd have heard about it. I believe we then ran outside in the pouring raining acting like idiots. That was a few years ago though.

I was dancing around to a song back as a teenager and jumped and when I came down on my big toe and broke it. >.<

When I was in nineth grade I was outside with some friends when I slipped in the snow while acting stupid and popped my knee out of socket. I sat there hitting it trying to make it go back in. If I hadn't been acting so silly I could of saved myself a visit to the emergency room.

I was over the intercom system at work in the middle of a page when my mind went kind of blank and I just sat there saying "Uhhh.... Nevermind" I burst out laughing after I got off though.
When my cousin and I thought it would be a good idea to build a matchstick house in the sink after doing some drinking. XD Yes it was lit up and it burned the sink. Managed to scratch the burned mark away, which is good or I'd have heard about it. I believe we then ran outside in the pouring raining acting like idiots. That was a few years ago though.

I was dancing around to a song back as a teenager and jumped and when I came down on my big toe and broke it.  >.<

When I was in nineth grade I was outside with some friends when I slipped in the snow while acting stupid and popped my knee out of socket. I sat there hitting it trying to make it  go back in. If I hadn't been acting so silly I could of saved myself a visit to the emergency room.
I've done the intercom thing XD

'Attention all Associates, I need a CSS to register 5 for.... *to cashier* What do you need them for? ...Uh.. nevermind.'

Yeah. Management wasn't too happy with me, lol.

The second one amuses me, and to the last two, Ow o.o

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I was six years old, cut me slack for this one. My brother was maybe.. eleven at the time, and we used to play together alot. So he let me stand on his stomache one day and i kept falling off, so we put pillows around us. Well, I fell off his stomache and, don't know how to explain it so I will the best I can.. I put my front top teeth out and like, in the area where is goes from lip to chin? And I hit the ground, my teeth cut through my skin and almost all the way through to my mouth. So, we rushed to Children's Hospital where they distracted me with a nice little toy, a pig on a little black box that when you pushed the bottom in it collapsed, while they put stitches in me. I didn't feel a thing but I would have screamed my head off if I didn't have that nice little piggy. I was amused by the slightest things. It was fun when I went back to school with my stitches, it grossed people out! :p


Recently- both happened on my school bus:

So this moron in my class called a prefect because I was standing up. I was like "I'm on my kneeees, so shut the *bleep* up- ha ha ha." Then, I feel back and whacked my head of a metal bar. :p The whole bus started clapping and cheering- they were all laughing like crazy.

Story 2. xD The bus had flip up seats, and I stood up to get my bag. Then I was like "I'm so *bleep*ing tired.... and flopped back. But there was no seat there. x.x The whole bus errupted in laughter... again.

I've done the intercom thing XD'Attention all Associates, I need a CSS to register 5 for.... *to cashier* What do you need them for? ...Uh.. nevermind.'
LOL! I do that on price checks sometimes... I sit there and page for a price check for another cashier and then ask if they wanted the price check in the first place. XD

A couple a days ago at my store one of my coworkers made a few pages to play with the intercom One was asking if he could go home and the other was him moaning into it. What had me laughing was mangement asking him to dial an extenstion to them. Do they really believe someone is going to own up to something like that?! X]

LOL! I do that on price checks sometimes... I sit there and page for a price check for another cashier and then ask if they wanted the price check in the first place. XD
A couple a days ago at my store one of my coworkers made a few pages to play with the intercom One was asking if he could go home and the other was him moaning into it. What had me laughing was mangement asking him to dial an extenstion to them. Do they really believe someone is going to own up to something like that?! X]
Lol, Nice.

I work(ed) in Walmart which is open 24/7 so we couldn't play with the intercoms. If I could, I totally would. I've been tempted to mess with the intercoms at Walmarts I don't work at though X3


I love freaking people out with stitches. I had a wart removed in 4th grade and came to school with stitches and people just FREAKED.

Rey: A lil' clumsy with busses? XD

I never really spoke on the bus. I just kinda sat there and stared at the window. People on my bus sucked >.<

When we were driving just off our street last year, there was an aboriginal boy with only pants on, no shoes or shirt. Then my brother yells out the window "Get a home you homeless boy!" and then the boy started chasing the car, buut stopped when we turned into our street luckily.

My brothers are prone to yelling things out the window. Just this afternoon, one of my brothers starts "singing" Love Generation as loud as he could with his head out the window.

So embarassing :p

Rey: A lil' clumsy with busses? XDI never really spoke on the bus. I just kinda sat there and stared at the window. People on my bus sucked >.<
I don't speak much either. xD He juust made me angry- and I hate the prefect that came down. P:

Recently- both happened on my school bus:So this moron in my class called a prefect because I was standing up. I was like "I'm on my kneeees, so shut the *bleep* up- ha ha ha." Then, I feel back and whacked my head of a metal bar. :huh: The whole bus started clapping and cheering- they were all laughing like crazy.

Story 2. xD The bus had flip up seats, and I stood up to get my bag. Then I was like "I'm so *bleep*ing tired.... and flopped back. But there was no seat there. x.x The whole bus errupted in laughter... again.
Heh.. I always do that on my school bus.

With the flip seats that is, not killing myself on bits of metal.

This isn't the dumbest, but it's the only one i can think of.:

I was running into class, as me and my friend were racing to see who was first to sit down. I grabbed my chair, pulled it out really far and tryed to sit on it, I sat on the edge, then it fell over. I hurt my foot and lay on the floor of class in agony, telling people I was fine, and laughing. Everyone rushed to me then laughed. My teacher even chuckled a little. x.x

1. Not thinking to step back when my best friend's idiot brother threw a tiny CO2 bottle in a bonfire. [it blew up in my and his best friend's face..]

2. Eating and licking random things on stupid dares.. 0.o [Don't ask..]

3. My friend and I found her dead guinea pig's grave.. And a couple bones and come up again.. So we dug the entire skeleton up [finding it in little peices] and shoved them in a plastic bottle. Then we buried the plastic bottle, and later dug it up again just for fun. xDD

4. Trying to do flips off the trampoline. xD

5. Attempting what we called.. Stair-Skiing.. [Didn't work out too well.. And much more painful than it sounds. DO NOT attempt. xD]

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When I was about 14yrs old I was at home alone making an omelette for lunch and decided to use an electric whisk/beater to make the egg mix fluffy before it went into the frying pan to cook.

I duly whizzed the egg up to a lovely frothy mix, removed the electric whisk from the bowl and as I was pulling off the whisk attachment accidentally restarted the mixer and "whisked" my left thumb very effectively.

It was such a deep cut it wouldn't stop bleeding and all I could think of was how dumb it was of me to try to take an electric whisk apart whilst it was still plugged in and whilst my other finger was still pressed against the "Off/On" button... :huh:

(I had to phone a neighbour in the end who is a nurse and she bandaged me up).

As far as dumb things done at work go, I do remember loading up with a stack of papers in the office that needed to be photocopied and walking into the Ladies Toilet.

Two women who were in there looked at me and said "... why did you bring all those documents in here...?"

"uh... I'm going to photocopy them" I replied... (just as soon as I remember that the machine is in the corridor near the elevator and not in the Ladies..)

I have quite a few XD

1. Me, TamaGirley, and Rachelgotchi got bored on MSN. SK wasn't on so we were BORED. But our good friend Akutare was on >3 So we all decided to make our Usernames, Icons, and Personal Messages the same. We were the Meowbark trio XD We annoyed people on MSN by saying "Who's the REAL Meowbark!?"

2. Lick my shoe bottom on the first day of 6th grade on the bus

3. Just a few minutes ago I was finishing off my microwaved Bean Burrito. Trying to finish the last bite off I stuffed the whole crappy thing in my mouth (It was delicious! I lurve Burrito's!) And my tounge pierced the whole Bean part. I burned my tounge badly, my mom told me thats what I get for doing that XP

Well me and my friend were on MSn and I started copying her. [{ I was bored }] But then she started copying me! So we were saying the exact same words over and over again. We actually went on for an hour - we were pretty dumb.
I bet I could think of some more if I tried.

Once I slammed my thumb in the car door. The whole nail fell off. I was screaming my head off. It hurt so much. :D
Ouch. I slammed the car door onto my finger and started to pull it out (I wonder why I didn't just open the door). My nail came off and there was blood everywhere. At least it's grown back :D


So my mom and I were talking last night about doing stupid things.Yesterday she got her eyelashes grafted at the nail place we go to. We figured they would just make her eyelashes fuller, because they were really thin.

In the end the girl who did it made her look like a prostitute.

That was her 'dumbest thing I've ever done.'

I can't decide what mine is. I have two.

A few years ago I was slamming a window because my neighbors were yelling and I was sick of it. In slamming the window I broke my middle and index finger on my left hand.

Back in April I was playing air hockey with a friend. The puck smashed into my middle and index fingers on my left hand and broke them.

I don't know which one is worse xP

So my questions to you guys are:

Which one of my dumb things is worse/more idiotic?


What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?

I dont know...I really cant think of anything at the moment xD

You know those doors with the long handle that say "push" or "pull"? Well, my family was entering the London mall, and I kept trying to push the door. I said "WTF? WHY WONT THIS OPEN? STOOPID DOOR!" I kept pushing and then I saw that the handle said "pull", but I KEPT ON PUSHING! :D So finally after about a minute, I look at it again and say "Oh, thats why it won't open".


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