embaraessing moments


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Ok there is stuff I'm NOT going to tell you about.. so embaressing *shivers* But... ok there is these people that.. I don't like,(I'm not trying to be mean but I CAN'T help it) anyway I'm now am 100% sure karma is real! (not tamatalk karma lol) because they ALWAYS fart... then they laugh.. and other stuff like eating WAY to much! . :furawatchi: Anyway I went with them on a bike ride once (my bff wasn't around I was so bored) on our way back they wanted to stop at there causins house, so we went in and there house was amazing! :ph34r: I was look around when suddenly I let out a huge fart! :unsure: Their mom and aunt looked at me, I just smiled back like I didn't do nothing... :wacko: so embaressing!

I hope this isn't SPAMming, I'm staying on the topic I think? I'm just a little off. Anyway I was just wondering if anyone gets imparessed about someone else... for example if I'm watching this movie and someone does something stupid I always feel imparessed like if I'm that person! One time, my whole school has to sing a song for the christmas play, so I the school gathered in the gym to practice. The teacher called every class to see if they were here, the teacher yelled "Grade 6!!" and our class like jumped up and yelled "HERE!!!" and they started yelling like "WOO!!!!" I didn't though I just stood there. The teacher got like mad and she like "NO I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THIS!!" and I felt like dying I was sooooooooo imparressed even if I didn't do anything!!!

Once in 3rd grade some people in my class started singing during quiet math time, I laughed so hard I farted xD

Once in year 6 I was in dance group and the teacher was talking to us and it was quiet, I was sitting at the back and then I farted and everyone turned around and I nearly wet myself laughing!

Also, this year in music someone put chewing gum on my chair and I sat in it!! :huh:

This isnt mine, but once in year 4 my friend came to school and her shorts were inside out! :huh:

the gum one was gross dude the fart one no problem ppl at my skool do dat to :huh: :huh:

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hee hee! well i guess this is about my friend. we were getting changed in da locker room 4 gym, and well she gets changed real quick. so she went to the gym when me and my othwer friends were getting changed. then a minute later she came back to the locker room and shes like "ahh! my pants are on backwards!!!" lol

EDIT: not bacwards actually, just inside out!!!

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MY embarssing moment was when my friend was in my room waiting while I was in the shower, and I didnt no(she just got there) and I let my tower downand........................................ you can guess the rest (i was 14)

Here's two of the many embarrasing moments that I've had.

I got on the wrong bus once. The embarrasing part was when I got on the right bus everyone started laughing at me.

I was lining up for lunch once. My foot got caught in the big strap of someone's luch bag and I fell straight on my hand and the boys in my class were laughing at me. I got scared because there was a spider on the floor somewhere.

Ok, here is one, in my school, instead of spanish class or french class, I have arabic class, and in arabic class my teacher said in arabic, is today a wonderful day, and everyone said no, becausw of the weather right? So I said everyday is a drak day. My teacher said why, and I said cuz I got issues, that was pretty embarrasing saying that......

and today i sang the best day ever from sponge bob and the doom song from invader zim lol i was bored ;) LOL! my to favorite showz lol i was at skool 2 lol my friends were laghing so hard the classroom was like all quiet too and ppl laughed lol i did too :D

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Well one time, i was in science, and only the teacher was talking, and I DROPPED MY PENCIL ON THE GROUND AND THIS KID LOOKED AT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My weird teacher was going on and on about being prepared for class an packing your own parachute before you jump out of the plane (not really, just comparing this to it). so i thought he asked "who would jump out of the plane if you had packed your own parachute?" so of course i raised my hand, but only this one other kid who was joking rasied his hand. Everyone was looking at me and saying nothing. so after we had gotten back to the lesson i realised what he really said: "who would jump out of the plane if you hadentpacked a parachute?". now i was hoping everyone would laugh at me so i could correct it, but everyone just stared. :p :D :ph34r: i wana crawl into a hole and die there! or go in a time machine... either one.....


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post them here
[SIZE=2pt]if you have a tooting\farting 1, post that for sure :D [/SIZE]

[SIZE=6pt]if you have a tooting\farting 1, post that for sure[/SIZE] :D

[SIZE=7pt]if you have a tooting\farting 1, post that for sure[/SIZE] :D

do you see the hidden meggege?

Note: they all are the same
eeeew farting?!?!?!!?!

This isnt mine, but my friends said that they were on an excursion (I was in a different group to them) and they were Imitating people that have lisps saying 'I have a Lissshhp' and stuff like that, and the lady that was leading them looked at them and said 'My daughter has a lisp!' and they were like 'sorry! :p '


i always get embaraest (sp?) in math! i don't know why, but even through my snekers (sp?) my feet smell in that class. -.- i do everything but i don't know what to do and these kids always make fun of me. i just washed my shoes for the 4th time this week but it aways is the same. :furawatchi:

Theres actiully a special medical soap to use to make it go away!


When I was at a hotel & I was holding Bi & Pinkblanky (My favorite stuffed Animal & Blanket) I didn't notice that my bra was in Pinkblanky. So when my family & I were done checking in we left. And my BRA FELL OUT!!! Then 2 seconds later the man at the counter brought it to me!!!

- blushes - oh dear ^_^ totally no how u feel that happened to my and my dad picked it up i was like ty and i blushed >.< i droped it in a parking Lot Too! >_<

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Once i was looking off into space and my teacher called on me (i was listening to what we were reading) and asked me a question. I knew the answer for less than a split second and then EVERYTHING left... I couldn't answer the question and i kept messing up & instead of going to someone else they kept waiting for my answer. I turned bright bright red.... if you asked me, i probably would have forgotten my name.

Also on my B-day my dad put the principal up to a joke. So he called me into his office and started me asking questions like:

Him: "What have you been doing? I brought the Guidance Counceler to hear you, You've been doing something and i want you to tell us"

Me: I don't know... what your talking about

Him: That's not an acceptable answer!!!

He was yelling at me for like 1-2 minutes and i had no clue what was going on

He finally said:





My face turned bright red. My dad put my principal up to the joke. (the principal has known my family for a long time ((ever since my older sister went there)) and he was joking... all in good humor ((btw i'm not "bad kid" for those of you who think so lol)))

#1. Fell off my chair in class! :mimitchi: Oops!!! LOL.

#2. I was just fiddling with my hair in a particularly boring assembly 'cos I thought I saw a blonde streak and it turned out my crush was staring at me whilst I yanked a tangle. O.O CRINGE!!! :eek: lol!!!

#3. I called a teacher 'Dad'. O.O

#4. I called a teacher's-assistant her first name. O.O AAGHH!

#5. I handballed the football 3 times in a row in PE - and let my team down. :lol: I can't help being bad at sports!!! :lol: lol!

And the rest are kind of too private. But that should be enough for your curious little minds LOL!!! :( ;)

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