Ever used it?


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I use fast reply. I only use "Add reply" if I need to post a link, or a fanfic (Which I should be doing right now xD )

Am I the only one here who almost always uses Add Reply? It's just a habit thing that I've tried getting rid of, but haven't succeeded yet xD

I'll use it when I'm posting in lots of RPs because Flood Control holds me up, though.

It depends. If I'm planning to put a long reply or a reply with lots of colours or what ever I use "Add reply", otherwise I just use "Fast reply". It's easier.

Tomato-Kun; scroll down to the very bottom of this whole page. On the bottom bar there will be four options Add Reply, New Topic, New Poll and also Fast Reply. Click Fast Reply, and a box will appear under the bar. That is where you type your post and then post it.


Yes. It's on my other computer. I can't be bothered to change the settings on this one, so I use it occasionally. :)

Most of the time, I use it though.

Sometimes I may accidentally slip up and press a button on my keyboard that signals off the "Add Reply" button.

Which is why I don't use it as much anymore.

Tomato-Kun; scroll down to the very bottom of this whole page. On the bottom bar there will be four options Add Reply, New Topic, New Poll and also Fast Reply. Click Fast Reply, and a box will appear under the bar. That is where you type your post and then post it.

oh ok! i found it! :mametchi: im going to use this forever! thanks! :mametchi:

I always use Fast Reply except when I'm writing in my tama logs. For some reason I use Add Reply for tama log posts. But other than that I use Fast Reply. I'm even using Fast Reply this very second.

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