Fall Out Boy


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From the 1st untill tomorrow. XD I had to explain to one of my friends that it's not an actual camp, they just call it that.
I'm not sure if you already read on OFF, but the instructor that looks like Patrick Stump almost got a concussion. D:

I guess that the last time we're playing on-ice dodgeball.


No, I haven't read OFF for ages.

I did like it, and all the cameos. I would have cried if the bird died or ran away. But he let it go, so I was all good.
I thought the same thing.


And then I started to tear up,

And then the other ship sank and he saved the people and the bird staid and I was like YAY 8D

First I was like "crap. He's happy and the bird will leave him and he'll be depressed again!"

And then I was like "crap. The bird will freak out and leave because of the people!"

And then I was all like "D: Bird didn't leave him!"

First I was like "crap. He's happy and the bird will leave him and he'll be depressed again!"And then I was like "crap. The bird will freak out and leave because of the people!"

And then I was all like "D: Bird didn't leave him!"
Exactly! xD

I naturally thought that since I shed a tear just listening to the song, that I would cry during the music video. And I did tear up a bit, but I didn't cry.

I absolutely loved it. Lots. And lots.

But I think that Pete dying or whatever in it could mean something. Because, there have been many rumors and such (Keyword being rumor.) So, I think it could be a foreshadowing of him quitting the band. Lots of musicians do carry on with their music with a wife and kids, but who knows? And all the people on the boat at the end being happy, could mean that he wants people to just be happy that it's one member gone, and not the whole band splitting, and that it won't be the end of the world if Pete goes.

...Or it might just be a visual statement of "They say the captain goes down with the ship" XDDD

Let's just hope it's the second one. xD

Anyway, I love that video so, so much. I got a little sad at the end, when everyone was happy and celebrating and such on Patrick's ship, then you just see the ship that's sinking, and Pete's just... going down with it. And he's glad to.

And I think throughout the whole video I was thinking, "...I just wanna give Patrick a really bug hug. ._____." xDD

Apparently they're putting a better version of the video up soon, because Pete's green screen looked fail-ish. xD

Me too. He looked adorable. :3 And I want his glasses.

At the part where the seagull drinks out of the coffee mug, and Patrick smiles and laughs I was like "....AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWH! CUTENESSOVERLOAD."


I decided to join in with this topic. Yaaaaaaaay.


The new edit of What A Catch, Donnie fails. :/

The captain doesn't go down with the ship.

I'd rather have a green-screen fail, than a captain-ship fail. :[


I don't want FOB to be all, "Yeahnomoresongs.D:<" --OrI'lllickthem.;D-- But really. If they don't do any more songs, as Pete said they might, then I'm going to... Do something.


I screenied Patrick peeking at the seagull --Steve-- , and made it into my computer background, but with "OMG. A seagull!" On it, too. :]


His glasses are win.

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I actually liked it without the captain going down, it made me think more aobut what it could mean.

My best guess is that Pete's now the seagull, not the captain.

I'd sit in my room and listen to Fall Out Boy and have a mental breakdown.

FOB is supposed to be releasing a bunch of viral videos. I remember reading that their last five videos show a story, and Donnie was like the cliffhanger to the story. So they're making an ending. And a video to explain the story. xD

Have you seen the Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet video? It is an official FOB video, they just shot it with no money and one cameraman for the crew. I loved it! :3

"Do you want a million followers on Twitter?" "HELLZ YEAH. -takes dead Pete on roller coaster-"

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Have you seen the Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet video? It is an official FOB video, they just shot it with no money and one cameraman for the crew. I loved it! :3"Do you want a million followers on Twitter?" "HELLZ YEAH. -takes dead Pete on roller coaster-"

@ Popprincess - I was impressed with Patrick's interview. He owned up to it. I just hope he doesn't get six months in jail. o:

Yeah, I heard about the arrest earlier.

I really hope he doesn't get six months, I could just imagine what the prisoners would do to a non-tough guy like him. o__o

My favorite song is Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today.

In May, my mom drove my cousins and I all the way down to New Jersey just to see them. Since it was my Uncle's concert, we got to watch them from backstage and Pete even gave me his guitar pick. It was sweet :]


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