Fall Out Boy


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What are you talking about?
Anyway, I'm listening to Fall Out Boy right now.
There's a contest on MuchMusic to win a date with Fall Out Boy, and VIP concert tickets, and eight hundred dollars. To enter you needed to make a video explaining why you were the biggest fan. I have no chance, my video was terrible. My friend made a good one. She's not allowed going without me. :]

There's a contest on MuchMusic to win a date with Fall Out Boy, and VIP concert tickets, and eight hundred dollars. To enter you needed to make a video explaining why you were the biggest fan. I have no chance, my video was terrible. My friend made a good one. She's not allowed going without me. :]
I know, I would enter, but my video would so fail. XD The only half good reason to win that in my video would most probably end up to be, "Because I love you. 8D" XP

And thanks chu, Viveh. I most certainly will. :3 I love you, too.<3

wtf, my last post didn't show up. Eh, it wasn't anything important. XD


^ xDD

Maybe that's what I'll do if I go.

My dad got a track pack for Rockband for his birthday, and now we have This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arm's Race. :]

I saw them last night. It was, like, insanely good.

And Pete's shoes matched mine. They were red.

Oh. xD
Have any of you ever seen FOB live, except for me?
-pokes chat- As you already know, I am seeing them on Friday, and I absolutely cannot wait. <3

The only FOB song that I can play on one of those games is The Take Over, The Breaks Over on Ultimate Band. But they replace the original audio and make the song sound rather suckish, and they replace Patrick's amazing, beautiful voice with some random guy or girl, depending on if your front man is actually a man or not. . .

I knew I should have gotten Rock Band. D:

I have Rockband 2 and the Track Pack that has This Ain't A Scene on it.

The other day I looked at the downloadable tracks and they had I Don't Care, but I don't have a Wii Points Card to buy it. D:

Some day I'm going to take someone and drive as far as I need to in order to see them live. I have to. xD

I'd take you, but I don't think my mother would like some random Canadian girl that I know from the internet coming along with us to a concert... XD

-pokes chat- As you already know, I am seeing them on Friday, and I absolutely cannot wait. <3
The only FOB song that I can play on one of those games is The Take Over, The Breaks Over on Ultimate Band. But they replace the original audio and make the song sound rather suckish, and they replace Patrick's amazing, beautiful voice with some random guy or girl, depending on if your front man is actually a man or not. . .

I knew I should have gotten Rock Band. D:
I have Ultimate Band, too. I love how they replaced Patrick's voice with a GIRL. xD

I find it thoroughly insulting, yet amusing. xD

Patrick's better than that random lady. o:< -votes Patrick over random lady- 8D

Anywho, CONCERT TONIGHT. <3 -freaks out- It starts in a little under four hours~ -goes to take a shower- It was all hot today. I need to take a shower because I'm SWEATY. x_X And I need to perfect my nails... scrape off the purple finger nail polish and make 'em spell out, "FALL OUT BOY". Ten fingers, ten letters. :3

...Sorry if that got kinda off topic, but it has to do with a Fall Out Boy concert. It's still about FOB. D:


I find it thoroughly insulting, yet amusing. xD
Patrick's better than that random lady. o:< -votes Patrick over random lady- 8D

Anywho, CONCERT TONIGHT. <3 -freaks out- It starts in a little under four hours~ -goes to take a shower- It was all hot today. I need to take a shower because I'm SWEATY. x_X And I need to perfect my nails... scrape off the purple finger nail polish and make 'em spell out, "FALL OUT BOY". Ten fingers, ten letters. :3

...Sorry if that got kinda off topic, but it has to do with a Fall Out Boy concert. It's still about FOB. D:



Why can't my plane land earlier? D:
