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I got one today! :( I may get another one again when I have enough money, because I usually buy two or more of each version.
I've just bought another one and it is in the mail, and my Dad is trying toget me another one.

3 is enough. XD

it doesnt matter if they cant connect, you have a bigger tamatown online then anyother!plus looking after three tama's is hard enough! you are so busy with all the brand new functions aswell.

when you connect with older verions they come up as>>>> <_< nazotchi

in your friends list....which really annoys me :wacko:
Tamatown doesn't thrill me too much, I'm not overly impressed by it. My V4.5 was the first any only one I've had that can go to Tamatown, too. :/

Its my opinion anyway, and I like to be able to connect and marry my Tamagotchi Connections. The V5 can't connect with my other Connections, so it loses a point on my "I want it" scale. I'd rather run my V4.5 and V2 instead.

Connecting isn't a must have feature for me, but when I have four older Tamagotchi Connections that actually CAN connect, then I'd rather use said function.

I usually run more than two virtual pets at a time. Once I was running about 4 at a time, even. X3

but that was when I was much younger. I can only keep up with 3 at a time or less now. XD

Nazotchi is one of my favourite characters. I don't mind when they show up as Nazotchi. :3

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