Favorite Makeup Brand


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Try Honesty

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2009
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Mines Revlon and GOSH<3 Clinique is okay though lol whats yours?

i probably forgot other brands so is you choose "other" please post kthxbai ;3

I love Napoleon Perdis makeup.

It's pricey, but if you can afford it, then you should definitely get it.

For nails I like OPI polish.

Make up brands? Personally, I avoid using them as much as possible. If there's a situation in which I ever need to use make up, I just grab whatever brand I find, so long as it is of decent quality and is affordable. Most of mine are Rimmel, however, so I guess I choose Rimmel :)

Avon and Clinique. My aunt works for Avon so that's mostly what I have. :)

I actually don't typically wear makeup, though.

Maybelline is amazing. <3 I love their eyeliner pencils.

2nd choice would be CoverGirl.

I generally buy Rimmel.

It's good makeup, and they've always got offers like 3 for 2 on all products :)

Foundation wise, though (when I wear it, which is almost never. It's generally just for shows for being under lighting), Revlon Beyond Natural (the one that changes colour, with Jessica Alba on the advert) is really amazing. It just looks like you've got perfect, even skin tone and you're not wearing any at all.

I don't wear makeup.
Really? Good. xD I thought I was the only one my age that didn't wear it.

I have thick black glasses so if I wore eyeliner and mascara my eyes/face would probably look really intense. xDD

I don't wear makeup! [:

I'll choose a random one.. um .. L'Oreal? Whatever it's called?

I really don't know. And I don't really care either. Woopdedoo.

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Well I don't really have a favorite, because I use different brands for different types of makeup.

Coverup and Powder - Loreal.

Eyeliner - Avon.

Mascara - Lancome. (If you use it with the Lancome primer it looks amazing :D )

Eyeshadow -Lancome.

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Generally, No. 7. o:I don't stick to a certain make up brand though - I like to experiment. :(

But yeah, I do like No. 7. :)

And Clinique foundation is goooodd. (y)
I like to experiment to before i stick with 1 product too. And i have a No.7 Translucent pressed powder. It's awesome!

Most of mine is Clinique, Dior, Revlon, CoverGirl and of course the typical cheapo drugstore stuff. CVS ftw. ;D

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