Final Fantsy


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Kate said:"Well, to be honest, i've never lived in a place like this before. I had a history of my life in poverty... And this clan is probably the closest thing i'll ever get near family."

Kate grabbed a bag full of pastries. "I trade my animals in. When i hunt, i use my heakling power after so the animal looks more delicious, instead of undesirable witgh an arrow. I traded a wild turkey for this." Holding the bag of sweet delicious pastries, she bit off a croissant and offered one to Darius. She then felt at home. Well, she never had a home. that was the problem...

Ruby haoped that someone would came soon quick. They were outnumbered, and injured. "Come on Kira!"said Ruby wearily, "we Have to keep on going!"

"Okay, I guess," Kira groaned. She had fun killing it. But knowing she might be killed, she grabbed onto Ruby's hand, and tried to run but realized her leg was bleeding badly. So she limped as fast as she could with Ruby.

Ruby knew they couldn't go on anymore. "she picked up Kira, and then ran away, as fast as she can to somewhere safe. She then placed Kira down, and ripped of a bandage with her teeth. "you okay?" Ruby said fastening the bandage around her leg.

"It's kind of a stupid question, but now, yeah," Kira sighed, petting her leg lightly.

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