Funny Moments at School


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Megan made our French teacher cry. But I'm not in her class, so I didn't see it.

In Geography, we were discussing 'push factors' and what makes people leave their countries. One of the reasons was natural disasters, and we were asked about types of natural disasters. Skylar answers with: "One type of natural disaster is when Claudia steps on top of small villages, and causes an earthquake in the surrounding areas." :D

We have a sub tomorrow. Adam had to bring up the fact that it's the same teacher who was like "What's your name?" "Allie." "Be quiet, Allie. you're really loud." xD

In science, we were studying genetics. So, we had to pretend to be married to the person next to us. I was married to a dude named Casey, and Kyle was married to Lizzy, who was sitting next to us. We each got a paper bag, and filled it with our 'traits.' Then we had to shake them up. You can guess what that represented. It went down like this.

C: "C'mon, Phoebe, shake that bag!"

Me: xD "Nuuu, you have crabs."

C: "I got rid of those. Screw me now."

Me: xDDD

Then, we shook the bags and made loud moaning noises, to the amusement of everyone around us.

Then, we started hitting each other with the bags and calling it rough sex. Lizzy was half asleep, Kyle was bored. So Casey made a crack about Kyle being gay or something.

K: "Oh yeah? Oh yeah Casey?"

C: "Yeah!"

K: Hits me with his bag repeatedly and moans. "How do you like that? Huh? Stealin' your wifey."

Me: xD

C: Gasps.

Me: "I still love you Casey!"

Me: "I-"

C: "No! No, don't even say sorry. I see how it is." Cries.

Me: Can't breathe. Laughing.

K: "Watcha gonna do bout me f''king your wifey?"

C: Angrily grabs first thing he can find. Which happens to be bag. Hits kyle.

K: "Ewww, man, now we're gay!"


The other day, my Biology lab partner Logan had a Bob Dole mask on. I walked up to him, and just launched my notebook at his face. 8D

It was epic, because he could barley see through the dang mask, and had no idea I was there. Sami and Sarah just started laughing hysterically, because Logan like, flinched and was like, "Oh my God!" xD

In science, my friend and I were discussing Taylor Lautner and all of his good-lookingness. We didn't mention his name at all, but we did mention hot, sexy, 26 pounds of muscle, buff, look good for the movie. Then this guy next to us shot his head up and was like "WHO ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?!"

Haha. I'm all, like, an actor....x3

Me and Sofai were talking about Brawl, and mentioned if I could add a 3rd party character, I'd add Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear.

Some random Grade 8 that was standing next to us said "Psycho Mantis is GAY."

I pushed him over into the mud without even turning to him. XP

We were in the computer room and playing around with Microsoft Publisher. Mr K thought we were babies and asked us to design a cool border for a box on MS Publisher. Jen used muffins. And made them huge. We cracked up laughing for some reason...

In the soccer clinic thing, I fell. Tripped on the ball and fell. Pretty much killed my tailbone! The soccer coach guy called me Paris Hilton for some unknown reason. And he called Sarah, Lindsey Lohan. Jen, Madonna. And Shikera, Britney Spears. Was quite amusing.

Me, Sarah and Jen were walking round the school at lunch. This guy in year 5 mentioned the grossest thing, not appropriate for TT. We then couldn't get the disgusting thought of him in a - nevermind, too in-appropriate xP

Oh, and I brought George Bush to school. He helped me with my technology, and english.

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In swimming we pushed our teacher into the pool and then she told us how it was report writing day. Shes being serious too!

In SST I had nothing to do so I drew 3 posters on Malawi. With my crayons!

-FeeBee. Yes. Boys who board are gorgeous but no one text Grace because everyone asked if she was the one in the blazer with spastic badges and shes like no thats Michelle. So they text me because i'm the coolest. Yes. They actually said that. Poor Grace. But it was a year 13 form class and a year 13 text Grace and when she said she was only year 10 he tole her he had the house to himself this weekend and if she wanted to come over o_O

In EVS Maddy and myself took many pictures while in the garden and then in the class took every specimen jar down and looked at the dead things. We are now freaks.

Oh yus, and, today we used Sexy Stanley (the hot glue gun). When he needed re-filling, we came up to Mr K and said that Sexy Stanley needsmore glue. He looked at us strangely.

Me and Jen had the mini working room to ourselves today 8D. We used Sexy Stanley to hot glue gun various objects to the tables and cupboards. People tried to get them off, but it didn't work. Then they asked who did it and we said we don't know. Now there are quite a few random objects stuck to the tables and cupboards. 'Tis awesom.

Oh yus, and, today we used Sexy Stanley (the hot glue gun). When he needed re-filling, we came up to Mr K and said that Sexy Stanley needsmore glue. He looked at us strangely.
Me and Jen had the mini working room to ourselves today 8D. We used Sexy Stanley to hot glue gun various objects to the tables and cupboards. People tried to get them off, but it didn't work. Then they asked who did it and we said we don't know. Now there are quite a few random objects stuck to the tables and cupboards. 'Tis awesom.

actually this happen to my friend but since she doesnt have an account here in tamatalk i will still share it to you!

1. Me and my friend was eating in the cafeteria and then my friend's crush just went and sit to our table. My friend move closer to him and then while were eating my friend's crush just fart and then my friend dont know what to say. My friend suddenly talk and say "Hey cool ringtone in your cellphone! Can you pass it to me?" and then i almost laugh like im about to laugh really loud. The crush of my friend just go away and move to the different table and then i put my handkerchief to my mouth and laugh! my friend laugh too.

LOL!!!!!! :p :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

(OMG. I haven't been on for a week. I sorry. </3)


DREW. Said thanks to me! x3


We got the Nest. O:

I showed Amanda the 'Bari Sex (Supposed to be Bari Sax' Thing. She was astonished. xDDD



my BD said that were playing Prelude to a Festival for band fest. D: And thnat it's a debate between PAAE or TWW! (The Wild Westerns has to win. me + Stalker show our awesomeness in this song. O:)

We got this stupid March called Colney Boegy. e.e; It's terrible for Tuba. (I can't imagine Lauren's Bassoon part. Dx 7th + 8th graders play this together.)


I learned that Erica is related to a teacher in our school.

&& That Thomas is related to this idiot Chris. O.O "It's like Chris marrying your sister!" (Mr.S) Thomas: *Turns red*


Marcus was upset because Mr.H wanted us to play I wanna hold your hand, and Marcus and Stalker yelled "I DUN WANNA!" Stalker: We should change it to the Beetle's song instead... ._.

Manny had to leave once again, and Mr.H attacked him with paper on the head.

Manny poked Marcus in the back of the head with his flute. Marcus: OW!! Is there a knife on the end of that thing?! D: xD

We were doing breathing things, and Mr.Hanna said something about a bottle while breathing, and Marcus said "Did you just say drink a bottle of wine?" Mr.H: Stop putting words in my mouth. D:<

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We were playing Who Wants To Be a Millionaire in French. We were being idiots and going "I need to phone a friend! -beep beep beep- Someone pick up!" So Skylar goes "I'm gonna call Claudia! -beep beep beep- ... Claudia! Pick up the phone! ... I think she sat on her phone and crushed it again."

Wyatt randomly took his shoes and socks off and started scratching his feet. Everyone stared at him and laughed while he explained that his feet were itchy. XDDD

Lol in science Scott went to get the experiemt stuff so we filled Scotts bag with random stuff like Joes shoe, paper, pens and stuff and he picked up hsi bag and hes all "Aww man my bag stinks" then I said yeah its Joes shoe and hes all WHAT! and he starts emptying his bag and the teacher was all "Scott you bring some weird stuff to school dont you" and me and Joe just started laughing. Then he threw my bag outside the room. And our school as auto lock so as soon as the door closes your locked out so I go out to get it Scott closed the door and went back to his seat so I knocked and leaned on the door and it opened and I fell backwards and winded myself xD Then I started shouting at the teacher when I got my breath back I shouted at the techer "OHMIGOSH why didnt you warn me > :D " and he was all xDD like he did it on purpose. ;O

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On Friday we were going swimming last period.

Its optional. We asked everyone if they were swimming or not. Ellie ssaid no. I asked why and before she could anwser Harrie yelled "BECAUSE SHES BLEEDING!!!" and everyone looked.

Later we were walking through the main office and someone else asked Ellie if she was swimming and then Harrie again yelled "NO. Ellie is BLEEDING!" and there were all these male teachers and office staff staring in absolute silence not to mention like, 40 other students.

At skipping practice on Thursday (Yes, I'm on the skipping team), a special needs girl was there, so one of her friends said to her, "Your nose is so soft!", then she said, "Thanks! Yours is too!" and pinched it so hard it started bleeding...

Today we had 3-way-interview practise. I had to go up and be the child, and Jen pretended to be my mum. I was showing Jen (Pretending she was my mum) my school work folder of random stuff and there happened to be a sandwhich bag in there which Jen had made for me way back early in the term. I cracked up laughing and so did Jen for about 5 mins in front of the whole class :)

Ahhh, good times 8D

My friend brought her iPod speakers to school, then the song Summer of 69 come on, then she started singing it, then my teacher joined in.

The conversation;

T = friend 1

S = friend A

M = teacher



M = You shouldn't be suprised I know this song, I'm suprised that you know it... They used to play this when I was in highschool

S = My dad told me about it!

[T&S continue to sing]

M = Now I feel old...

Complete Baby Powder EXPLOSION!!! lol The statues in the play had to be all white...and we used baby powder...

After the Friday show, Nick, for some unknown reason, signed my phone...Then he wrote "i ♥ u" on it and when he left the table, Marissa (a girl who likes him) saw what he wrote, and she was like, "B!tch" and I started cracking up lol!!!

Alex put a house that looked like a fish on his wish list in careers. Then he was assigned his job and found out he was a waitor, so I said I would try and bring crackers by his cardboard box every so often. And Renee threatened to egg his box, because we can't fork his yard because it would be concrete. Then we told him that he could eat discount cat food until he got another part time job.. Then he laughed when he found out I was a parole officer and I took his crackers back and took them on my imaginary trip to a correctional center to meet Jim the Juvenile. 8D

Nicole wouldn't let me in my chair during language arts, and when I finally got around her to sit down, she was using it as a foot rest. So I sat on the floor and used Active Studio stickers to make a bassit puppy with flowers coming out of his head while he listened to music and ate chocolate and was about to have a very sharp looking saw dropped on his neck. [Nicole is an animal lover. She pushed me and my head hit the wall while I was laughing uncontrollably.]

When Nicole was sick all last week, I was supposed to tell Noah that she would be gone again that day. I went into the library where they usually meet in the morning and found him, but Renee, Tara, and Maria had followed me in and weren't being nice, so I turned around to yell at them, and when I turned back he was heading for the door. Fast. D8

Well, I was curious, so I hot glue gunned a cup to my arm and a lollipop to the back of my hand, which resulted in two big burns. I told the teacher I hurt myself on accident, and she freaked out and I was forced to the nurse, where she screamed at me for receiving a secondary burn and taking her time to treat it >.< Then I had to call my mom and tell her about my unfortunate accident. I told all the adults it was an accident because if I said it was on purpose, I'd have to go to the councilor for self-mutilation where I would be accused of being depressed and harassed to no end. This is in the funny topic because everyone I told laughed.

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