Funny Moments at School


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More class conversation:

[Translated from french]

Teacher : "I am very disappointed in all of you. Most of you got less than 20/40 on your worksheets and it should be something that you should've known in grade 3. However there are around five students who got around 35,36,37/40 and one student who got perfect

Most people : "Weiwei..."

Me : "Umm.. NO... STELLA..."

But, Stella was absent that day.

PS: Me and Stella are the super french nerds 8\


Teacher: I understand tomorrow is April fool's day and kids your age like to play pranks on each other, however there are some rules:

- No embarassement

- Nothing that involves a person having to go home to change their clothes

- No physical pain


Teacher: We don't need comments like that from you, Riley

I was runner today which means I sit in the office and take notices to classes and such. I'm pretty much the offices/staffs slave for the day.

Every class reacts different to the runner.

One class sung "na na na na na na, runner man, runner man" over and over.

One class was sitting a test and as I was walking out I tripped on a chair and face planted the carpet.

I went into one class and a girl I kinda know but not really had to annouce something.

"Hey, is your name Michelle?"

me- "Yes"

"Hahahaha. Thats the girl that ------------ I was telling you about"

Then the whole class laughed. Then they shamed me out of the class room.

I was doing math homework while I was waiting around and I couldn't work out possibly the easiest thing there because I was being watched so I ended up using a calculator to work out 9+5 then the observers laughed at me.

Nicole was trying to get in the middle of Maria and me and pushed me, but I was already off balance and she practically threw me to the ground. Mrs. Hansen shamed her for 'bullying the littler people'.

Shane and I were arguing over the differences between dizzy and woozy. I eventually gave up and stomped away because I got so aggravated and said, "Nevermind.. I can't talk to stupid people." Mrs. Tallman told him she was sure I didn't mean it, but Matthew was like, "Yeah, I think she did." The rest of the class agreed.

During language arts, Nicole and I argued loudly over how the pixel chicken in her flipchart did not create the pixel eggs. She did, because she dragged them onto the page, and a pixel chicken is unable to have pixel eggs. She didn't believe me, so we yelled at eachother for a few minutes until we realized that the entire class was listening and laughing at us. Then they laughed more because I had said that her face was a jerk the hour before, and that hour she said something under her breath and I yelled, "Did you just say something about my face?!" And she said, "No, why would I?" And I pointed to my fresh flipchart page that said in huge yellow letters, "UR FACE IS STILL A JERK" and she hit me on the head. xD

A couple days ago we had an interesting day in math.

Mr.Maurer [My math teacher]: Okay, so you have the most probablity of getting the diamond ring.

Class: Yeah.

Mr.Maurer: Oh, and for all guys, you wouldn't want to use that ring to propose.

Alex: WHY?

Mr.Maurer: Well, if you have a greater chance of winning the ring than a DVD player, do you really think it's actually good? HELL NO.

Everyone: -cracks up-

Well in math, I sit next to one of my guy friends. He gets up to get a calculator but instead takes mine off my desk. I reach out and grab it. When I pulled it back, it kind of ended up hitting his...yeah. His mouth fell open and he was staring at me. I started cracking up so hard. I attempted to apologize, but it came out as "I'm soh" because I was laughing so hard.

We where talking about random stuff and about this weirdo guy, Ian.

Ian: I can't hear you, I'm in a different world. [Reading his book]

A : Ian's such a weirdo

Me : I know, right

Ian : What did you say?

Me : I'm sorry, you can't hear us, your in a different world.

A : Hey, B, if you go bother Ian, he won't notice because he's in a different world.

B : Hey, Ian. IIAAAAANNN?!!

Ian : WHAT?! *random spazzy yelly thing* (not the good kinda spaz, the bad kind)

B : Did someone just say something?

Me : I dunno... Probably someone froma different world....

Sometimes we think Ian isn't even from earth...

Today John (a slightly overweight year 3) was on the swing and half of his butt was showing. Not a pretty sight. Well, anyways, I had my camera out so I took a few pictures of it and zoomed up. He then caught me, and grabbed a stick and charged for me. I got away.

Nicole is obsessed with Miley Cyrus. Me and Jen are obsessed with Short Stack. So, we are having a war. We draw posters for SS, she throws them away. We do the same. Quite amusing 8D (See sig)

Me and this dude I like, Nick, and my best friends Sophia and Grace had a free day in algebra, and we were sitting on the counter.

Aaron and John were sitting under it and sticking their fingers through two random holes in the counter.

Nick went down and almost bit Aaron's finger and he was breathing all heavy and started cracking up. :D

Ha, best period ever.<3

At the brother sister school dance me and Hannah sandwhiched random guys when the walked past. We got yelled at by so many angry girlfriends.

Bilby has a weird obsession with me and told me he was going to rape me. Bilby got hot since I saw him last too.

Its fun to sandwhich random sad looking guys. They don't dance.

Me and Hannah are ledgend! All the boys from our brother school have been talking about "Those two crazy chicks who tried to rape the year 9's and short year 10's"

We where talking about random stuff and about this weirdo guy, Ian.Ian: I can't hear you, I'm in a different world. [Reading his book]

A : Ian's such a weirdo

Me : I know, right

Ian : What did you say?

Me : I'm sorry, you can't hear us, your in a different world.

A : Hey, B, if you go bother Ian, he won't notice because he's in a different world.

B : Hey, Ian. IIAAAAANNN?!!

Ian : WHAT?! *random spazzy yelly thing* (not the good kinda spaz, the bad kind)

B : Did someone just say something?

Me : I dunno... Probably someone from a different world....

Sometimes we think Ian isn't even from earth...
Lol. xD

Today school was boring. But my Science teacher kept on saying wrong things O_O

Lolz. Me and Jen were talking about Maurice, the Short Stack mascot. Shaun was sitting at the computer next to us and told us to shut up. Then when Shaun had to leave, Jen yelled ''Bye Maurice!''. Heh, he's gonna get called Maurice forever.

Me and Jen are having world war 3 againgst Nicole and her friends about who's better: Short Stack or Miley Cyrus. So we went around the whole school asking only GIRLS who they like better. Miley Cyrus is winning on their petition. We did the same (they copied us) and we asked both BOYS and GIRLS and Short Stack is winning on ours. This war is gonna go on forever and ever and ever 8D

Lolz. Me and Jen were talking about Maurice, the Short Stack mascot. Shaun was sitting at the computer next to us and told us to shut up. Then when Shaun had to leave, Jen yelled ''Bye Maurice!''. Heh, he's gonna get called Maurice forever.
Me and Jen are having world war 3 againgst Nicole and her friends about who's better: Short Stack or Miley Cyrus. So we went around the whole school asking only GIRLS who they like better. Miley Cyrus is winning on their petition. We did the same (they copied us) and we asked both BOYS and GIRLS and Short Stack is winning on ours. This war is gonna go on forever and ever and ever 8D
xD How will it end? O_O Such a contest xDDD

Oh. The other day we had a long boring talk about our future and jobs. ("You gotta have a rough idea what you want to be in the future so you know what courses to take next year...")

We had to write down our dream job and fold it up and put it in the hat and then the teacher would draw one out and we'd have to try and guess who's it was the the person who's it was would stand up and see how many we could get right.

The teacher picked one up and before even reading it out said "Omigosh. I know exactly who's this is" in a monotone. "Murder solving llama" She read out and everyone looked at me and all said "Michelle..." in unison.

They know me so well...

One day, me and Shannon are in the computer lab, on wikipedia, searching up facts about Somalia, then she says, "HEY LOOK! It says world of facebook!"

Then I say, "It's world of factbook..."

Shannon "I'm so putting that on facebook..."

Me "You put everything on facebook..."

Yesterday was the last day of school before Spring break. And, in short, I got lovingly mobbed by about four of my guys. xD

I was just walking down the corridor listening to some music and then suddenly Dylan, Matt, Chris and Tom ran out yelling "ESTHER!" and hugged me. I was just laughing in the middle of it all. And then Dylan walked me to the bus stop because I had potato chips, so we shared. And I kept trying to feed his chips to the squirrels, before we worked out that they'd probably die if I kept that up. And then I nearly fell into a ditch, but Dylan saved me and instead, his hat fell in. So I gave him the rest of my potato chips. For some reason, this amused me at the time.

Oh, and at lunch break, my friend Cara and I were holding hands, skipping and singing down to the cafeteria, when I ran into a log and we both fell over screaming. And lay there in laughter for about ten minutes. XD

I just remember the funniest thing that happend in Math. 8DD

Well, our Math teacher was busy explaining something and clicking away at the smart board. Then, he shut up and we had to do a problem. And just before he was about to talk again you hear, "Here comes Peter on the clothesline, but it's not Peter, it is Spiderman! Spiderman!" and everyone cracked up. It was my teacher's ringtone for his wife. Then he mumbled, "She knows not to call me while I'm working." And he went to go answer it. xDD

For the last 15 minutes of school, we went outside to play, and the temporary-cripple kid went so fast on his wheel chair that when he hit a bump, he fell out of his wheelchair. I'm not being mean, it's just that he was laughing at it.


I got to sit next to Stalker. xDD


I had to sit inbetween Marcus and Stalker. ._.

Marcus bumped his new Tenor into Big Baby. D: Not dents, on either luckily. :mimitchi:

Stalker looks weird while playing. :mametchi: We were playing our part in TWW! and I thought he was tilted sideways. ._.

Stalker's music fell during LOTA. I didn't help him. Too busy playing. :mimitchi:


Mr.H said I won the low race against Stalker. XD

BD: He can only play to your low... C....

Me:....That's not very low. ._.



I asked Mr.H if I could take a Marching Baritone after break, he said if he finds it, I can try it out. (I want to practice Tuba parts on it. :3)

Jam session:

Thora told me she had to hold Stalker's hand, and she thinks he blushed a little. xD


Natasha told us about a time when a table fell on her foot and Stalker had to pick it up for her. xD

Taylor said this by accident: "I slept with Adam." And didn't mean it! xD

My table played telephone, and the word was "Taylor is a bi***" (Not really), and Taylor yelled "TAYLOR IS A bi***!" and Mr.G didn't hear it. o.o

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