Funny Moments at School


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During Health class last Friday, Mr. T was giving us the answers for the test next week so we could study off it. xD When we got to the section on STDs and STIs, David just said "I have ____." (I forgot the name of it :/) And the teacher said "You have ____?" David was like "Yeah." then Mr. T. said "You have a vagina?"

The whole class laughed. :hitodetchi:

In gym class yesterday, we had a beep test, but I didn't participate because my legs hurt. :p in the middle of it, David just randomly screamed "Tomato!" and ran really fast flapping his arms. :mimitchi: Everyone cracked up.

You gotta hand it to David, he makes everyone laugh. xD

At Lunch recess, Taylor was doing an odd dance to 'Poker Face'. When Cynthia walked by, she screamed "CYNTHIAAAAAAAA!" And tackled her to the ground.

Some Grade 2 stepped on my foot on purpose, and I chased him to the hill, holding a stick.

For Music, we have to take a song and draw a picture or painting that shows the emotions of the song. I told Sam to use the song I'm On A Boat. She never heard of it, so she looked it up on YouTube. She was quite surprised. XDDDD

I just came home sick ): I couldn't walk thats how much pain i'm in. I stood up and came back down and took out 3 people.

I did my first ever disection! It was interesting. I disected a kidney :) I'm proud. I'm stepping out side my comfort zone. It was funny because Lauren made it into chunks after we'd done what we had to and shes like "Its pie time baby"

We were supposed to make up a city and baseball mascot.. Tara and I came up with Norrisville, the mascot ending up a monkey riding a glowing unicorn under a very happy sun. The bottom had a picture of Chuck Norris that said "Crouching tiger, Hidden Norris.." :3

Cathy tried to throw popcorn into my mouth at recess.

At lunch, Si Yang and Audrey were playing with bubbles.

Cathy blew bubbles into Dominic's hair.

During Peforming Arts, we had to do roleplays.

You picked out pieces of paper where it said a place and an emotion.

You had to set your play in that place and act out that emotion.

I was in a group with Jen, Emily and the little year 2 Kasey.

And we got ''The Zoo'' and ''Afraid''.

So, Emily and Kasey were the tigers. Jen and me were the people at the zoo. I walked up to the tigers, and yelled out ''OH MY FREAKING GOD, ITS TIGERS!''. Then Jen ran up to me and said ''CALM DOWN YOU IDIOT''. Then we ran out one door of the room, and came out the other one. It was quite amusing.

And we had free time after that. That's when the whole class gathered together. Mikee, Nicole, Tierney and Chelsea were doing random dances to random songs that played. Shaun and Chris were doing backflips. Emily, Jen and myself were watching the dancers. It was funny and epic.

We had a Gauss math test. It's a test smart people take to see how we rank in the district and province and whatever. Adam goes "Number eighteen is easy! Why is this in the B section?" I just giggled a bit as a added the numbers up. Then he goes "WHAT THE HELL?! FORTY FIVE? DOESN'T THAT MEAN THE ANSWER'S NEGATIVE FIVE?"

In the morning, we had an orientation-type thinger at the high school. We got a tour of the school, then sat through a high school class. Me, Sam, and Kaitlyn ended up in Foods making pasta. But the class nextdoor, Fashion, had a group of three guys, so we had to switch. So we ended up making bags instead of pasta. D:

In Home Ec. We had a Sub.

We Were Sewing and put music on. Some girls put Taylor Swift on. The Sub is like "I'd never cheat on her!!"

If you knew the Sub it would be funnier xP

I'm still not 100% but mum made me go to school. I was really un-co all day. I kept falling over and off things. Grace decided to make a tally and by the end i'd fallen over/off 17 times. I'd just randomly lose my balance and hit the ground or step or what ever.

And an inside-ish joke that amused us all was in the debate maeeting there was 6 of us and we spilt off into teams and I was with Shannaz [Nickname oh yeah] and we had to make a team name and I yelled out PATRICK MURPHAY. And Shannaz looked at me and said "Don't tell me thats Mr Murphay's name" And i'm like "Yeah" Then she laughed so much she fell off the chair and its hard to make Shannaz laugh.


We were going outside for Gym, so I went into my locker to get my coat. Andrew stole my lock, and I stepped in front of him and tried to get it. I stepped on his shoelace by accident, and he went sliding across the hall and smashed his head off his locker door.

Alex stood in the doorway to our class and made perverted gestures with his hands, and everyone was laughing at him. And our teacher didn't notice.

There's a GUY in my homeroom named J*****. 2 HILARIOUS things happened to him.

1. We were in math, and there was a group of kids. J***** was near that group, but not that close. They were all talking and stuff, and the teacher yells out, "Boys! And J*****!" xDDDDD

2. We were at lunch, and we were for some reason talking about swim suits. So I say, "I have a one-piece." And another kid I know said, "I'm going swimming tomorrow." And then J***** just randomly yells out, "I have a three-piece!" xDDDD

Photobooth, Photoshop Elements, and "I'm On A Boat" in Revisit B today.

'Nuff said. 8D

I was discussing Pokemon with one of my friends when I saw this boy who annoys me all the time, so I went up to him and yelled "RANDOM LIGHTNING!" At Him.

In science class, I began singing

// And everyone was all like "WTF was Hiilu (my nickname) drinking earlier!?"Then, on the bus, me and my guy friend Jesse started screaming about the people in the ceiling 8D

"They're watching us, I tell you! Jesse, We've got to stop them before they brainwash the janitors with their mystery meats of impending doom! "

And on Friday, My friend brought a whole bunch of candy to school, We ate it all, and we got all hyper and were giggling like crazy people for the rest of the day.

And When me and another friend went outside at lunch, We got in an argument over who would win in a fight. I think We were yelling stuff like "Knuckles!" "Link!" "Knuckles!" "Link!" and that went on for about twenty minutes Until someone yelled "Shut up!" And we started barraging him with pinecones X3

So yeah, My friends and I do weird stuff.

Long story so i'll skip most of it.

Something lead to me and Hannah writing mean things all over each others and I wrote 'b!tchface' on her arm. 10 minutes later shes like "Crap. I got a drama assesment and my costume is a singlet!" So she did a drama assesment with that word in clear sight. I wonder how it went...

On a less funny note... Today a kid in my brothers class stabbed himself in the neck with a compass then attempted to strangle himself with a computer mouse cord. He's in hospital now, with a counciller by his bedside.

Shots day today =D

There's this really tough kid who ran away because he didn't want his shot. Well, makes sense. He fainted last time he got a shot. Other than that, we played 'math games' about probability. So my friend did the card shuffly 'Where's the __?' His 3 cards were 2 10s and an Ace. he told me to find the 2 10s thinking I couldn't keep an eye on both. I took the easy way out and just found the Ace. And the other 2 cards are obviously 10s. He was so amazed. Then i told him the smart way to do it then he said , "Shut up... Nerd."

Yesterday, writing ''LoL'' with a backwards ''L''' lead to Jen drawing this dude she named 'Gizza'. Gizza is actually a nickname we gave for someone. Someone who is cool. Lol.

The teacher let us keep it on the board, as long as we erased the ''womanizer'' bit we wrote on it, lol. He's lifting weights, btw.

Today Brodie and I were talking in health. It obviously upset the teacher so shes like "Michelle and Brodie, would you like to go back to primary school, because your acting like young school children" We laughed so she pulled out the naughty mat. "In that case, i'll treat you like little kids and you can come sit on the naughty mat" So we sat up there while everyone laughed. `Twas an enjoyable experience.


Ms Conry said 'YOU BITUMEN!'


We had an awful substitute, Ms Menzies.

She has such a creepy voice, and she likes to give 'treats' as in:

Lollies, magazines and keyrings and stationery.

You have to get the most hilighted boxes to get a treat.

I only got 1 box hilighted, and the winner [Kevin] had 3.

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