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NOPE! ghosts are real? I don't think so, but you can if your want, or should I say if you dare.

NOPE! ghosts are real? I don't think so, but you can if your want, or should I say if you dare.
It seems to your reaction, that you think ghosts aren't real mostly because of how they are portrayed on TV. I believe in ghosts, and believe it is a serious matter. I believe some people die, and stay spirits in this world. Ghost hunters isn't always correct though. It's a TV show, and sometimes shows fake that to get ratings. Just being honest =/. I Don't believe in like chain mail ghosts or anything, but I do believe in spirits, and that some stay here on earth because of perhaps, their loved ones. No one can know for sure, but they could be around us.

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In certain situations.

Mainly if they have unfinished business on earth, other than that, being a Catholic forbids believing in them.

I try to remember they are nice, a lot of them, they're just here to watch out until their loved ones make the journey to meet them. Then they can be happy.

Yes I do. My mom studies ghosts and I support her very much.

They are. I live on a civil ar battle field and I hear footsteps at night all the time. they dont bother me, but the number one rule is: if a ghost ever says your name NEVER answere. they could be an evil spirit, and who knows what they'll do? So i do my best to steer clear of my hallways at night.

ive encountered a ghost, in my house me and my friend were walking downstairs and out of nowhere, music played for a second, and stopped. we were freaked.

civil war battle field? unlucky for shure

I dont know if they're real or not. But the strange thing with ghosts is that you always hear of old fashioned ones. You would never see ghosts ghosts wearing DaDa or Converse or Skinny Jeans or anything like that. You'd always see them wearing long dresses, fancy hats etc...

So I'm not fully sure if they're real, but at the moment I only believe in Casper!!


Yes, most definitely . I'll tell you a story that happened to my friend.

(And please don't say my friend it lying, my friend is truthful + her brother witnessed the EXACT same thing)

My friend was lying in bed one night, and she looked at her clock it read "11:43" She heard the cracking of the floor coming from the hallway. Followed by another, and another, and another. All the creaks seemed to be leading into her brothers room. Then they stopped. But shortly began again, this time the first crack was at the foot of her door, followed by another , closer to her bed. She pulled the covers over her heading and waited. The cracks stopped. She pulled the sheets down and heard two more cracks, one at the end of the hall, and one on the lower level.

She jumped out of bed and tiptoed to her brothers room, she peaked in, and he was under his sheets crying. Apparently he heard someone walk into his room, but he couldn't didn't see anyone.


One from me.

A few years back, after me and my friend watched the sixth sense ( I know, after watching a scary movie you might see things ) we went to call on my other friends. We went to the front door, and knocked, before anyone answered we both felt a cold. She then said "owww owwoww !" I looked down and on the back of her leg there was a cut about 10 cms long. Not deep, but none-the-less a cut.

Can anyone explain these ?

that first one is probably a Poultergeist. a ghost that cannot be seen, but you can hear them.

the second one, i have no reccolection. but iam sure it was a ghost. They can wield items not with them while they died.

this is why i am not a scary movie guy. but, i do like ghoust hunters. they have PROOF!

I believe in ghosts. Thers's a haunted restaraunt next to my house called Carousel Gardens; a big blue building which is old. Everyone says it's haunted, and that people walk through walls and stuff. I'm not COMPLETELY sure if that place is haunted, and I want to to research on it, and see if it is haunted.

I have visited haunted places before, in Rhode Island. My sister is really into horror, and ghost books, movies, tv shows, etc. I got to see a bunch of haunted graves at a haunted graveyard. Oh joy -_- . We visited several different haunted places.

(this was about a month ago) So, about a month ago, my sister was driving home from her boyfriends house at about 12 P.M. She was about to stop at a stop light, and she stopped tho. But, a ghost popped out in front of her. It was a little girl, maybe about 8. It was in fact a ghost, but it just stared at her. My sister was excited to see a ghost, but terrified at the same time.

BOO! lol XD I scared you. ha ha!!!

And I live next to 3 apartment buildings also. People say they are haunted, that I don't really believe. But you never know, it's a small world, and anything can happen.

I am 99.9% sure ghosts are real, but I am not sure. Everyone thinks different things. :)

Uhm not really and why is this is seriously non tamatalk it isn't that serious. ( my opinion anyway so don't flame me lol ) I'm sure if ghosts did exist they wouldn't go out trying to kill random people like in horror movies ( I don't watch them to begin with but you know what I mean ) I think their just wishing they were still alive.

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Before I didn't But I'm starting to Now.

You See, a Family friend Just Brought their Baby home from the hospital about a month ago.

Before They Brought him Home, Their house was Fine. Ever Since They brought Colton [what they named the baby] Weird things have been happening in their house.

Like, The Phone will Turn onto the SpeakerPhone thing by itself, the doorbell will ring and No one will be there. Plus I think Last Week There was a Clothes hanger in the floor underneath a shopping bag, and It just flew out from under the bag without moving the bag.

And The Dog Keeps staring into space and Barking and Growling. Plus When Colton was in his little baby swingy thing, It was set on high [When the Swing is Set on High, Thats the setting he likes it at, I dunno why] And When Ian [Coltons Dad] came into the room to get something, The Swing just Stopped. Like BAM. Stopped, it didn't hurt colton though.

Maybe its a warning that theres something wrong with the house....Ever Since They brought Colton Home.

I'm Worried about them.

Before I didn't But I'm starting to Now.
You See, a Family friend Just Brought their Baby home from the hospital about a month ago.

Before They Brought him Home, Their house was Fine. Ever Since They brought Colton [what they named the baby] Weird things have been happening in their house.

Like, The Phone will Turn onto the SpeakerPhone thing by itself, the doorbell will ring and No one will be there. Plus I think Last Week There was a Clothes hanger in the floor underneath a shopping bag, and It just flew out from under the bag without moving the bag.

And The Dog Keeps staring into space and Barking and Growling. Plus When Colton was in his little baby swingy thing, It was set on high [When the Swing is Set on High, Thats the setting he likes it at, I dunno why] And When Ian [Coltons Dad] came into the room to get something, The Swing just Stopped. Like BAM. Stopped, it didn't hurt colton though.

Maybe its a warning that theres something wrong with the house....Ever Since They brought Colton Home.

I'm Worried about them.
That's really scary. If they are ghost believers too, maybe a priest should come and examine the house or bless it so the baby doesn't get hurt!

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