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..Toast. O__o (Spongebob reference)
NO. It's just people's fear talking to them. Let's not let our imagination run wild.
Hahaha..You made me laugh : D

Anywho..I do believe...and I hate it! I don't want to believe, but I do :D

I don't believe in ghosts. *****But I do believe in spirits, kinda.
u do realize spirits and ghosts are basically exactly the same. im not trying to be offensive when i say that so dont take it wrong.

and i do believe in ghosts 100%

I have no idea D: I mean, it isn't really something I think about. I suppose not, because dead people are dead... x:

There are many religious people in South-America and of course Asia who think that ghosts or spirits remain among the living because in life they became too attached to their riches and refuse to move on. It's a good way to ask ourselves what really matters isn't it?

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[SIZE=14pt]I believe that some people when passing could get stuck here or just come back to visit sometimes ( personally if I become a ghost it'd be just to have fun spooking everyone hehe~ <w< )[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]I believe that some people when passing could get stuck here or just come back to visit sometimes ( personally if I become a ghost it'd be just to have fun spooking everyone hehe~ <w< )[/SIZE]
yeah.that would be nice.just to scare ppl or do some mysterious thin's

YAYi believe in ghosts in fact ive had som purty wierd things happen to me before thats ghost realated!!!!! ^_^ :D :(

I'm the type of person that will scream and run if she hears a strange noise, or sees a ghost-looking-thing, but has never even seen a ghost and hardly even believes.

i do

once i was on my back porch, and theres footprints on the porch from only god knows how long theyve been there,and a ghost of a boy was standing on them, he was blue, the he looked at me,i blinked, and he was gone!

it was the creepiest thing i ever saw :eek: :eek: :eek:


I cant believe no one said this:

[SIZE=21pt]GHOST BUSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who ya gonna call? GHOST BUSTERS!!!!!!![/SIZE] :furawatchi:

ever since my grandpa died alot of times at night he is in my room and he is reading some of my books and he follows me around he loved me so much and me and him agreed when and if one of us died we would come back and talk to each other and comfort each other ever since he died he has been with me *sad sigh cries* i miss him so much now i am sad *sigh* :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( ........ go on ahead guys call me crazy but yea and yess i do believe in god and i see paranormal things and i can communicate with ghosts but go on me crazy!
I don't think your crazy. My grandpa and my great-grandma were both very importent to me, and I get this feeling alot... it's feels like they are always going to be near,watching over me so I don't get hurt. :D

Not in a million years will I believe in ghost. I strongly believe in God and his son Jesus. I beleive that ghost are demons. I mean the bible says that demons also no pretty much anything such as a relitev dies or you get a gift. In fact a demon probably knows were my V6 is. Oh when your talking to ghost your talking to demons. :|

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