Girls: Have you suddenyl gone boy crazy?


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I am boy crazed, allready!

And I am only 10!

Ahhhhhh serious problem!!! :p >.< someone help help!!! . >o< o someone.

Get me out of this position! *o*..!!!!!

'0' '0' '0'!!!

Well, atleast I'm not like that weird kindergartner who allready has a boyfriend.

Nope. I dont think having a boyfriend is all that important in grade 8. :angry:

Nope. I dont think having a boyfriend is all that important in grade 8. :D
im sorry but i disagree with you.

my friends are in the 8th grade and they've had quite a serios relationship

been going on for half a year now

Oh my gosh, yes! At my school, at the beginning of the year, there's ALWAYS a new crowd of hot guys. So I'll be thinking of how I want to go to school to see my friends, then I think, "Oh, more cute guys! Ohh, must get to know one before they meet someone else..." So yeah. I really am.

But, when I do get boy crazy it's usaully with singers, because most them (except for 2) are UGLY!

i never feel crazy about boys...

(lol!!! boys are ALL SUCKS on my school!!!)

and... i never fall in love...

(this is SERIOUS and i dont know why...)

I just became boy crazy about a month ago. A month ago i didn't like any of the boys i knew and now i like 2 that i have known for my whole life and one that i met at summer camp... Summer camp boy is pretty flirty with me... whenever i look at him he is staring at me and tries to catch my eye. And when i look at him he looks away after he smiles. Does anyone think this is a sign...? i hope so.


I am if I really think about it, I mean, almost ever single boy I see, that looks somewhat good, and he flirts with me, it's like: o-o *blush*

I'm glad my Boyfriend steps up and starts yelling when someone flirts with mee... otherwise every single darn minute someone else would come up and flirt. ^^'

I am 11. No I am not boy crazy but I occasionally have crushes on cute boys. :(

I'm not boy crazy. I think some people who are young are a little immature with boys, and don't take things seriously.

Obviously, I have had crushes, but I'm not boy crazy. ^_^

.:: Hot Banana ::.

some appear to me to be cute,but I am

not boy crazy.There are better things to

do in life then to gock at gguys all day

no effence to you guys who are reading this


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YEAH I did! I was boy crazy since, what? First grade! Im going to be in 7th grade for crying out loud! But yah. They were my friends at first, but now, yeah. I dont like anybody at my school, though. :)

The only time I go boy crazy..

Is for my Boyfriend~! ^.^♥


I won't go crazy for any other guy but him...

But I hate it when guys flirt with me, when they KNOW I have a boyfriend..<.<

It makes me feel uncomfortable, then they start saying more serious things...

Then I get even more uncomfortable ! O_O

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i suddenly feel like jumping for joy(im eleven)because i have made my lifes decision! stay single all of my life and adopt a baby from china! And i mean it!

Woo-Hoo! i havent loved anyone in my life!!! :( (very good thing) lol anyways in turning 13 and i still dont love ANYONE!!!!!!! :D :( is that even normal??? oh well anyways i kinda hate all the boys in my class :( (**telling the truth**) plus, it feels as if i never will love someone until in 15 :( Gotaa lov ur life before before getting all crazy about boys! :D :D i will! lol

PS: how does it even feel about getting all crazy about boys anyways???? :p :p (**wouldnt think of it**) :furawatchi:

I am turning twelve, and i have already found out that SEVEN boys from my class like me! (we only have 24 kids in our class).

I guess that i am sort of going a bit boy crazy, but it only started when htis new boy came to our school. I have liked him ever since.

He asked me out!!!!!

I guess that going boy crazy at our age is normal (i think), because all my friends are going boy crazy 2.

Jess ;)

PS: i have already had two bf's in these last 3 months. The last one was a real pain after a while :(

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