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Well I feel weird talking about this but how long after you start discharges do you have your period?
Depends on the person... I started getting discharges in 1996 but I didn't get my first period until 1998... so it may take some time.... It just means that you are step closer on the way. It is just a little hard to predict when precisely based on discharge. So just relax and let it happen when it does. ;)

Whew Im lucky I dont cramp, nor am I heavy bleeder, Sometimes, when I forget to bring a pad to school I use TP and man that barely works It bleeds through!
Um...SK I dont think u want to know what my friend said, She kinda well *pukes* I cant say If u wanna know Unblock me so I can tell u
If it's something to puke over, I'm assuming it's not true. Nothing happens to either sex that's that sick.

I might do that, might not. I'm only 10 after all. (well acually I'm going to be 10 on the 3rd but that doesn't matter) Thanks 4 the advice.
The type of birth control that SK talks about is a 3 monthly injection called Depo Provera.

The more common type of birth control comes in the form of the pill which means you can only skip about thee months worth of bleeding before your body will choose for you to bleed anyway.

Doctors are often reluctant to give the pill out to pre-teens because it is deliberately messing with your hormones and basically long term use can produce fertility problems later in life. Doctors are even more reluctant to give the injection unless special circumstances exist such severe heavy bleeding or cramps. Also, remember that the effect of each type of birth control is different for each person.

For example, on one type of pill I can skip my period for three months... on another one I tried recently I would bleed randomly regardless of what section of the pill I was on! You have to find one that is right for you.

More info on the pill:

Also it is a good idea to maybe let your body bleed naturally at least for a year or so until it works out what it is doing. In the beginning your bleeds will be irregular and a bit all over the shop. It is always a good idea to know what is normal for you which you will only know after you periods have settled down. That way in the years to come if you have to come off for a while for any reason, you will know if your body has readjusted to its natural course and you will be able to detect bleeding abnormalities which can be indicative of cancer.

Don't be in too much of a rush to get on to the drugs!

Note: As far as sex goes... the pill only protects you from getting pregnant. It does not protect you from STDs so if you are on the pill make sure you use a condom as well. STDs are generally for life!!!! Until you are engaged or married, you don't know if you will be with someone forever, always play it safe... for you and your partner!

What do you mean by *wet dreams*?
Meowbark... please look at the link I supplied you!

Maybe I need to explain it in simple terms... when a guy gets sexually aroused and then reaches the peak of sexual excitement called orgasm, they spit out some fluid from their penis. This is process of spitting out fluid is called ejaculation and the fluid is called semen. When a guy first goes through puberty, this can happen it his sleep so he wakes up with sticky mess.. which is what we call a wet dream.

Good Advice Bell Sprout! Im really Happy ur so into this! *claps* Im gald ur a guide!

Um...OK Alexis was wrong. IM GOING TO KILL HER!

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The type of birth control that SK talks about is a 3 monthly injection called Depo Provera.

The more common type of birth control comes in the form of the pill which means you can only skip about thee months worth of bleeding before your body will choose for you to bleed anyway.

Doctors are often reluctant to give the pill out to pre-teens because it is deliberately messing with your hormones and basically long term use can produce fertility problems later in life. Doctors are even more reluctant to give the injection unless special circumstances exist such severe heavy bleeding or cramps. Also, remember that the effect of each type of birth control is different for each person.

For example, on one type of pill I can skip my period for three months... on another one I tried recently I would bleed randomly regardless of what section of the pill I was on! You have to find one that is right for you.

More info on the pill:

Also it is a good idea to maybe let your body bleed naturally at least for a year or so until it works out what it is doing. In the beginning your bleeds will be irregular and a bit all over the shop. It is always a good idea to know what is normal for you which you will only know after you periods have settled down. That way in the years to come if you have to come off for a while for any reason, you will know if your body has readjusted to its natural course and you will be able to detect bleeding abnormalities which can be indicative of cancer.

Don't be in too much of a rush to get on to the drugs!

Note: As far as sex goes... the pill only protects you from getting pregnant. It does not protect you from STDs so if you are on the pill make sure you use a condom as well. STDs are generally for life!!!! Until you are engaged or married, you don't know if you will be with someone forever, always play it safe... for you and your partner!
I think she was talking about trying tampons ^.^' But you make good points anyway *nods*

Whew Im lucky I dont cramp, nor am I heavy bleeder, Sometimes, when I forget to bring a pad to school I use TP and man that barely works It bleeds through!
If you are bleeding through tampons then you either are not getting tampons that are absorbant enough for you, you are leaving them in too long (4 hours is the best time to change realistically) or you just need to suppliment with a liner to catch the excess.

Tampons come in a range absorbancies from light to super. It may be worth upgrading if you are bleeding through them a little too easily!

Hey pads work for me at the moment, Since Im not a heavy bleeder Pads work fine and Tampons are for older kids Im only 11!

And TP means Toilet Paper

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If you are bleeding through tampons then you either are not getting tampons that are absorbant enough for you, you are leaving them in too long (4 hours is the best time to change realistically) or you just need to suppliment with a liner to catch the excess.
Tampons come in a range absorbancies from light to super. It may be worth upgrading if you are bleeding through them a little too easily!
I used to have to wear the super tampons and had to change it every 1-2 hours. I also wore a pantyliner with it. Nighttime was the worst though. Super tampon plus two overnight pads. x.x'

Oh God u were a heavy Bleeder! X_x

I hate that whole Toilet Paper thing, So I never do it anymore I use pads

Hey pads work for me at the moment, Since Im not a heavy bleeder Pads work fine and Tampons are for older kids Im only 11!
And TP means Toilet Paper
lol They're not nessecarily meant for older people. I started wearing tampons before I wore pads and I was only 9.

Hey pads work for me at the moment, Since Im not a heavy bleeder Pads work fine and Tampons are for older kids Im only 11!
LOL... tampons are for anyone who wants to use them. Some people tend to advise against young girls using them and those that haven't had sex. This is mainly because the hymen is likely to still be largely in tact and the process of stretching it can be quite a painful experience. When I tampon goes in it is small, when it comes out it is swollen with blood and may not fit through the way it came in if the hymen hasn't be stretched out fully.

Each person is different... some people stretch easily, some don't which is why that recommendation is in place. But other than that, if you are comfortable you can use them... just best to try them first when you are not bleed and to see if you can at least get it in ok.

I used to have to wear the super tampons and had to change it every 1-2 hours. I also wore a pantyliner with it. Nighttime was the worst though. Super tampon plus two overnight pads. x.x'
Yipe... never quite that bad but I didn't use tampons until after I started on the pill when things were lighter... I could bleed through a super pad in less than an hour though! ;) That used to irritate me no end!!!

Yeah, Sometimes I forgot a pad and used that, It wasnt to heavy I only like got a stain like on 2 pairs lol, Im lucky

Im serious, When in need (AKA no pad) use the TP!

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Yeah, Sometimes I forgot a pad and used that, It wasnt to heavy I only like got a stain like on 2 pairs lol, Im lucky
Im serious, When in need (AKA no pad) use the TP!
Oooh is that what you meant by TP! lol! I thought you meant tampons which is why I said you should get something with greater absorbancy! lol! Not a problem... unfortunately I bleed a bit too heavy to get away with toilet paper unless I am in the last two days of the bleed. But it is a good back up if there is nothing else available and you are absolutely stuck!

Though it is a good idea to always carry a spare pad in your bag just closed up in a little pencil case or something like that people won't suspect!

Hooray! I got a new Purse today! Its small but only 5 bucks! It usually would be like 20 bucks but thats they Joy of Bells Outlit! Now I have somewere to put my pads!

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