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Ok, sorry....
And fine I've had it....(you don't know me in person so you can only tease me vertually)

I get stomach cramps at times....One time I had to be sent home from school....

I'm off the subject now!
Why would someone tease you because you've started your periods? It's normal and everyone goes through it.

I usually get cramps a week before, but at least I know to expect it in the next couple of days. But my period is always at the same time because of birth control which can be taken to regulate periods also.

The whole thing scared me until we had family planning (Or sexual-education).I found out some really amazing things.

When I got my period I thought I lost ALOT of blood but actually I only lose 2-3 tablespoons of blood.

I'm still rather scared but everytime I start freaking out I reassure myself with the facts I learnt.

I don't get stomach cramps, I get really bad lower back pains. xD It's unbelieveable.
Ow. I hate the back pain thing.

I get cramps (not as bad as I used to) and my legs get crampy. My back isn't too bad, but right now my back does hurt from Tae-Bo (I'm just starting to do it), so that on top of cramps... Icky. >.<

I've had mine since March and I only I get mine for 20 hours. (yes, my periods last less than a day) But, I don't have very "normal" periods. xD Mine stop at night as well. P:
But.... periods are suppose to last a week. :)

@ the girls that last 3 days or less: Do you exercise? Are you really skinny?

I've read that if you workout, lose a lot of weight, are stressed, or are really small (underweight) you don't bleed as much. Drastic changes can shorten it or make it not come at all. And, if you're underweight, your body isn't going to risk bleeding more than a couple days.

@ the girls that last 3 days or less: Do you exercise? Are you really skinny?
I've read that if you workout, lose a lot of weight, are stressed, or are really small (underweight) you don't bleed as much. Drastic changes can shorten it or make it not come at all. And, if you're underweight, your body isn't going to risk bleeding more than a couple days.
Heh, that maybe explains why I don't bleed much.

I'm 12, I'm 4"8 and 76lbs. I excercise ALOT, and I'm sorta thin. xD

Rey, probably. :eek: I exercise frequently lately, but am not super-skinny or anything, so I don't get to be lucky. :eek:

Just be careful, if you get too thin and start having shorter periods or none at all, see a doctor. You may be losing weight too fast or giving your system too much of a shock.

I knew people in high school that were on the dance team and would take birth control at just the right time so they could stop their period for performance day. It's not healthy to do, but that's what they thought they had to so they didn't get uncomfortable or anything.

Rey, probably. :p I exercise frequently lately, but am not super-skinny or anything, so I don't get to be lucky. :lol:
Just be careful, if you get too thin and start having shorter periods or none at all, see a doctor. You may be losing weight too fast or giving your system too much of a shock.

I knew people in high school that were on the dance team and would take birth control at just the right time so they could stop their period for performance day. It's not healthy to do, but that's what they thought they had to so they didn't get uncomfortable or anything.
I HAVE lost weight in the past few months- I don't eat much anymore. xD And, my period hasn't come yet, and it was due a few days ago... uh oh. P:

I agree with TF, it is lucky to not have them long, but at the same time it's not healthy.

I figure since mine are 5 or 6 days and heavier (at first, anyway), my body must be healthy enough to do that. :p I know, my logic is off. :lol:

Rey, have you lost more than 2 lbs. a week in the past couple months? If so, that's considered "too fast" and unhealthy, which may be why you're experiencing this.

I'm trying to lose weight, too, but am only losing 1 to 2 lbs. a week. It's slow and annoying (considering I want to lose 55 lbs.), but it's the healthy way to go.

I agree with TF, it is lucky to not have them long, but at the same time it's not healthy.
I figure since mine are 5 or 6 days and heavier (at first, anyway), my body must be healthy enough to do that. :p I know, my logic is off. :lol:

Rey, have you lost more than 2 lbs. a week in the past couple months? If so, that's considered "too fast" and unhealthy, which may be why you're experiencing this.

I'm trying to lose weight, too, but am only losing 1 to 2 lbs. a week. It's slow and annoying (considering I want to lose 55 lbs.), but it's the healthy way to go.
I've lost 33 lbs in 8 weeks. It's kinda alot, but... erm, yeah. ^^

That's about 4 lbs. a week, which means that's too fast... Some training programs allow 3 lbs. a week, but that's pushing it. The more you lose in a short amount of time, the more likely it is to come back and it's unhealthy, which would affect your period.

Now, me being curious... What are you doing to lose so much weight? :p :lol:

That's about 4 lbs. a week, which means that's too fast... Some training programs allow 3 lbs. a week, but that's pushing it. The more you lose in a short amount of time, the more likely it is to come back and it's unhealthy, which would affect your period.
Now, me being curious... What are you doing to lose so much weight? B) :)
I didn't want to... I hardly eat anything. :huh:

Getting a bit off topic...

but hint to Rey mysterio: great excuse to eat lots of unhealthy chocolaty stuff yum :wacko:

I dont lose any blood when asleep o_O I sleep for a long time or i think i am i just lt there not getting up :) :furawatchi:

@ the girls that last 3 days or less: Do you exercise? Are you really skinny?
I've read that if you workout, lose a lot of weight, are stressed, or are really small (underweight) you don't bleed as much. Drastic changes can shorten it or make it not come at all. And, if you're underweight, your body isn't going to risk bleeding more than a couple days.
It's because I'm on the Birth Control pill and my period went from around 5 days to 2-3 days but I still bleed alot. I'd like to think of myself as adverage weight even though I'm quite slim :angry: , but I'm tall also I'm around 5'10 -5'11.

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