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OMG NO! I'm scared to death though :angry: I've had bad cramps, and I'm scared once I GET it, they will be worse D: This is a funny topic on a tama website LOL look at all the replies..... XD

OMG NO! I'm scared to death though :) I've had bad cramps, and I'm scared once I GET it, they will be worse D: This is a funny topic on a tama website LOL look at all the replies..... XD
yeah, you might want to read the very first post, on the very first page of this thread:

This section of the site is Seriously (Non) TamaTalk.

It's for mature and sensible discussions that are not related to Tamagotchi.

That's why the topic is posted in here and not in the main tamagotchi forum areas ;)

OMG NO! I'm scared to death though  :)   I've had bad cramps, and I'm scared once I GET it, they will be worse D: This is a funny topic on a tama website LOL look at all the replies..... XD
If you find this funny, please keep your immature nose out of it. ;)

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okay, so I had my first period, and had my second one 35 days later. I was suppost to have my third period 3 weeks ago. Im having REALLY heavy discharge but no period. Thats normal right?
Yep. It is very normal for girls who first start out to be irregular. It should regular out in 2 years, max. ^^

It's okay. I get a really heavy discharge inbetween periods, and it was even worse before I started menustrating all together. Try a panty liner if it would make you feel better. C:

All you guys- or should I say gals- who are scared about it don't worry. I mean, I'm only 10 and I've already had mine. It doesn't hurt and it's just a natural thing. NOTHING to get worried about. If you wear a panty liner i doubt you will feel a thing! At my first period, I didn't even now I had one! Good luck and I hope I helped! :p

I've had mine for over a year, and it's still very irregular. It seems like it likes to skip around between around the 23rd, to the 16th, back to the 23rd the next month.. It's strange.

Usually the first day is the worst for me. I woke up at five o'clock this morning with horrible cramps that I had to take Tylenol PM to get rid of. >..>

Well, Im getting older and older, and it never starts. ^_^ Im scared that Im sick...

99.9% of girls get their period in their lifetime.

Everyone grows at different stages.

If you are really worried, talk to your mom, or another trusted female. ;p

EDIT: from your profile, you are 13. No worries.

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Well, Im getting older and older, and it never starts. :( Im scared that Im sick...
No, your not sick. Don't worry! :]

As said before, your 13. Some girls may start theirs at 18. Maybe that will be you, maybe not.


Please be mature about this. Having your period isn't a happy[Or even funny!] thing.

And you don't need to be scared.


Hm..As said before, a period isn't a fun nor happy thing.

And remember, every woman,every girl is different[if we were all the same, we'd all get our periods at the same time!], and they'll get theirs at different times. Its sorta like you got a clock in your body...But you can never check it. ;__; Did that make sense? D8

Yah. Good metaphor. (sorta) LOLSome ays i have SUPER heavy discharge, others, almost nothing at all. 0_0
Hehe. I fail at that stuff.

It may come. It depends on your genes.

I think.

I have had discharge for 2 years, almost! Hurry up already!
That's the way I was before I had mine. I had it for about 2 years, and for the 8 months before my first period it was so heavy it soaked my underwear sometimes a lot of the time. D: So I knew it was coming. I expect yours will be coming soon.

@FamiFan95- I didn't start until I was a month away from turning 14. Some girls don't start until they're 16, 18 even. So you have nothing to worry about.

That's the way I was before I had mine. I had it for about 2 years, and for the 8 months before my first period it was so heavy it soaked my underwear sometimes a lot of the time. D: So I knew it was coming. I expect yours will be coming soon.
@FamiFan95- I didn't start until I was a month away from turning 14. Some girls don't start until they're 16, 18 even. So you have nothing to worry about.
I hate Discharge. Yuck. I use TP if I ain't on my Period, because well it's not that heavy for me. My periods are short and light usually, heriditary :3

I'm hoping and praying that my period doesn't come on my huge birthday party this Saturday :p I don't want to spend my day laying down because of the cramps :'[

Mine always comes at the worst possible times.

Last time it came at my State Titles, the time before when I was supposed to go swimming.

It sucksss.

Mine comes at the worst times. Thank god I don't cramp!

But I'm a real evil cow with extreme mood swings when I do have it!

I got mine for xmas! Yup. Xmas morning and that was my first =[

-Birthday of mine

-Both major dances. (Its not comfortable to dance with a pad on)

-Middle of the night - All over the sheets

-Got it the morning and finished the last night of a big trip to the seaside. Couldn't swim =[

ETC. Grrr.

Never had a accident with it yet.

I braved up and told a complete stranger theyed leaked through.

Its nicer to tell someone so they can fix it then leave it for the world to see.

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