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*Edited: These sites calculate BMI for people over 18 years of age! If you are under 18 and with calculate your BMI CLICK HERE!*


Underweight = <18.5

Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

Overweight = 25-29.9

Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


Less than 19 UNDERWEIGHT

You are under optimum weight for your height. You could afford to gain a little weight.


You have a healthy weight for your height.


You are over optimum weight for your height. You may be facing health problems, so losing some weight would be a good idea.

31 + OBESE

You are over optimum weight for your height. You may be facing health risks, so see your doctor to help you achieve a healthier weight.


Not quite sure why some of the values are different... but it gives you a rough idea of where you are at all the same.
UGH. I'm "at risk of becoming overweight". Well, I am not that active or anything and I should eat better so I guess me being "at risk of becoming overweight" is fair.

OMG!!! she had her period at that age??? that is wrong!!! how did she...u up with a boy???
A few of you have been discussing the likelihood of a 5 year old becoming pregnant.  This unfortunately can be true.  There is a condition called idiopathic central precocious puberty SEE THIS SITE in which puberty, including menstruation occurs before 8 years of age in females and can occur as early as 3 months old.  If a child with precocious puberty is raped then they are able to fall pregnant. 
UGH. I'm "at risk of becoming overweight". Well, I am not that active or anything and I should eat better so I guess me being "at risk of becoming overweight" is fair.
Did you use the kids BMI calculator?? If you use the adult ones as a kid it will show up inaccurately...

BMI Calculators for kids!!! (For individuals up to 18 years old)

For those in Australia and countries who measure weight in kg and height in cm go here:

It calculates for both adults AND children

For those who measure weight in pounds and height in feet and inches go here:

Q: My period may suprise me while I'm in the pool?
A: This is highly unlikely... Unless you've had your swimsuit on all day and then jumped straight it the pool, the chances are you will discover it in your underwear before you go to get changed. Even if you were in your swim suit all day, chances are your first period will be light so you won't even know until you get out to get changed. Because it is light, even if you do strain or do anything like that noone will see it because the quantity you are losing is so small. Periods take a few hours to "arrive". They don't just go "splash!" and land.

Q: Will I be a heavy bleeder or a light bleeder?

A: The best way to find out it to have a chat with your Mum and/or your sisters. If they are heavy the chances are you will be too and the same applies if they are light. It isn't 100% way of knowing but it will give you a pretty good indicator!
that waz very helpful. Thanks. You know, you are the person who (i think) knows more about this stuff than anyone here! U R a big help.

Did you use the kids BMI calculator?? If you use the adult ones as a kid it will show up inaccurately...
BMI Calculators for kids!!! (For individuals up to 18 years old)

For those in Australia and countries who measure weight in kg and height in cm go here:

It calculates for both adults AND children

For those who measure weight in pounds and height in feet and inches go here:
yea I used the kid one. If I used the adult one, than I would be underweight I suppose. And I know 4 shure I used kids cause it said "your child's test results" or somethin like that

OK made a Q and A list for new comers

Q. Will my Period Hurt?

A. No, Only the cramps

Q. Will I get cramps

A. Yes No, It really desides itself, I get few cramps tho I rarely get em some girls get alot

*Note from Bell Sprout: Great way to find out if you are likely to get cramps is to ask your mother or your sisters about what their experiences are*

Q. Why do we have periods?

A. *Edited: The blood from the period is used to line the uterus and nourish a fertilized egg when you get pregnant. If you don't get pregnant, the blood is removed and a fresh layer is made for the next time your body releases an egg in case it gets fertilized by a sperm*

Q. What causes a period?

A. *Edited: Periods are controlled by the many hormones that fly around your really simple terms*

Q. How long will I have my period?

A. Usually 3-7 days

Q. How long until my next period?

A. Usually every month

*Noted from Bell Sprout: In theory it is meant to be roughly 28 days apart... it differs from person to person*

Q. Whats the difference between a Pad and Tampon?

A. *Edited: A pad is a soft absorbant lining that goes inside your underwear. It sticks to your underwear with some special sticky stuff. A tampon is a like a little cotton plug which you inset into your vagina (where the blood comes out) and it absorbs some of the blood.*

Q. When can I tell when my periods near?

A. U will feel cramps, and maybe mood swings

*Note from Bell Sprout: There are whole range of symptoms which will let you know your period is near, you may feel crampy, bloated, sick, tired or very moody. This is something you will get to know in time*

Q.What should I do when I get my first period?

A.Tell ur mom or older sister If u live with no women or sisters (that are older) Tell ur dad

*Note from Bell Sprout: If you are not at home, tell a responsible adult who you know and trust. They will be able to help you!*

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yea I used the kid one. If I used the adult one, than I would be underweight I suppose. And I know 4 shure I used kids cause it said "your child's test results" or somethin like that
Okay, just had to check!! Well "at risk of being overweight" is not too bad. You have said yourself that based on your activity levels that's a fair assessment. Now it is up to you as whether you are happy with that or want to change it.

Check out this great page about kids health:

Lots of good information in simple language!

Here is a good page I found about healthy eating:

And one from there on sport:

Another from the same site about eating and sport:

Is it weird to want to *have your period*????
No not at all!!! ;)

There are lots of girls who really want their period... more than many will actually admit to!

I know that I was one of them. My friends and I used to always be checking our underwear waiting for the big day! lol! :D After I had them for a while I started to wonder why I was so eager!

Your period is a special thing and definately something to be proud of as it is a sign of maturity! Some people say it is the start of womanhood and to a degree I agree. Menstruaiton means you are able to reproduce! (Not that it is recommended at 12years or anything like that). There is a long road until you become a woman but it is a very significant step on the way! :p

Have a read of this: Ways that different cultures celebrate the first period!

So no, it is not weird and you are not alone! :p :huh:

No not at all!!! :p
There are lots of girls who really want their period... more than many will actually admit to!

I know that I was one of them. My friends and I used to always be checking our underwear waiting for the big day! lol! :ichigotchi: After I had them for a while I started to wonder why I was so eager!

Your period is a special thing and definately something to be proud of as it is a sign of maturity! Some people say it is the start of womanhood and to a degree I agree. Menstruaiton means you are able to reproduce! (Not that it is recommended at 12years or anything like that). There is a long road until you become a woman but it is a very significant step on the way! :hitodetchi:

Have a read of this: Ways that different cultures celebrate the first period!

So no, it is not weird and you are not alone! :blink: :D
Thanks Bellsprout I heard back in the old days women when they had there period the went in this red tent for that time with all the other women and this was a great vocation to them cause they did not have to do work so ya a period can have very different meanings!!!

Okay, just had to check!! Well "at risk of being overweight" is not too bad. You have said yourself that based on your activity levels that's a fair assessment. Now it is up to you as whether you are happy with that or want to change it.

Check out this great page about kids health:

Lots of good information in simple language!

Here is a good page I found about healthy eating:

And one from there on sport:

Another from the same site about eating and sport:
Cool. Thanks. I guess I do wanna change my habbits. My mom got rid of almost all the bad food. Just cause we don't eat very well. I guess I'l learn to eat and exersize better. Kinda hard, but I know it's gonna be woth it.

No not at all!!! :ph34r:
There are lots of girls who really want their period... more than many will actually admit to!

I know that I was one of them. My friends and I used to always be checking our underwear waiting for the big day! lol! :ph34r: After I had them for a while I started to wonder why I was so eager!

Your period is a special thing and definately something to be proud of as it is a sign of maturity! Some people say it is the start of womanhood and to a degree I agree. Menstruaiton means you are able to reproduce! (Not that it is recommended at 12years or anything like that). There is a long road until you become a woman but it is a very significant step on the way! :ph34r:

Have a read of this: Ways that different cultures celebrate the first period!

So no, it is not weird and you are not alone! :ph34r: :ph34r:
Actually, I want to get my period too. (don't exactly know why) What is weird is that Sometimes I do check my underwere! lol All my friends think it's gross, ya know, seeing blood in ur underwhere but reading this topic has educated me and it's acually not gross cause EVERY woman has to go through it.

And uhh I think I'm getting my period soon cause sometimes I get mood swings (4 example, I was happy yesterday but then all of a sudden I was grumpy and sad about somethin' I forgot what the somethin was but I shouldn't have been so moody about it cause I know it was something small) I've been very tired lately and my step mom says I'm probably gonna have a growth spurt. Not everyday, but sometimes I get discharge in my underwere. AND my brests are well, big and every other girl in my grade doesn't need to where a bra just wants to. Do u think I might get my period soon? (within the year, next year, etc.)

Thax for being sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo helpful bell sprout!!!

Today was TORTURE. That nurse came in and all the girls got pads o_O I threw mine out lol.


♥ Get well soon Roli the goalie! THe Oilers need you! ♥

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