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Have you had yur period yet? I haven't.... is it scary? Does it hurt? Please post if you have or haven't had your period!

*Note from Bell Sprout:


This topic has been thoroughly review by the Guides. We have deemed this appropriate to remain open. Please see my post in regards to this topic:


Any further complaints about this topic WILL be removed. If you feel it is too personal, you are under no obligation to respond. This topic is an educational tool which many members have contributed towards and benefited from*
You may feel a tingle then a little pain in the side and then ts over

I have a question. It's kind of freaking me out, and I want to know if any of the --older-- tama talk members But I'm afraid to post it, because if it's removed, I won't get an answer. Is there anyone I could pm and ask?

Wats a condom?? I heard something...on...the raido no... Can someone answer?

I really hoped this day would not come true for me too tell....

Its a think of when your making Love too stop making babies the men have too where it...

PM if you dont uderstand, because its a bit embrassing.

I had my first period when I was nine or ten. I had so much pain I had to use the pill, and the pain was definately not like cramps, it was like being stabbed in the stomach. I hurled, had fever, got really dizzy and I remember that I actually hallucinated a giraffe on the wall :huh: :D ;) . I was freaked out, but the doctor said it's natural when your pain is exeeding your limits. It was pretty scary anyway! :huh:

The latin name for the first period is so beautiful. It's name is Menarche, and that sounds more like a goddess name.

It's very individual what level of pain it is you feel, but I think I had them all. It's normal if you get it early in life. It's a good idea to consult your doctor if the pain gets excruciating. There's no reason for that! :)

I have a question. It's kind of freaking me out, and I want to know if any of the --older-- tama talk members But I'm afraid to post it, because if it's removed, I won't get an answer. Is there anyone I could pm and ask?
Why not send a PM to Bell Sprout - you will notice that she is the Guide who is keeping an eye on this topic and making sure that everyone gets the right information and not rumours or "old wives tales" :p

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I've had cramps that resorted me to...umm...evacuating from the mouth, and promptly after, I had my period.

Bleah...and my friend was over. She wasn't happy and she told EVERYONE at school.

Mocked for weeks, new nickname: PukeHead. :D

I still get discharge sometimes when I am thinking about certain...subjects. :D
I'm not sure you would consider that discharge ^.^' But I know what you're talking about. I don't know the exact word for it, but I just call it 'lubrication'.

I'm not sure you would consider that discharge ^.^' But I know what you're talking about. I don't know the exact word for it, but I just call it 'lubrication'.
Let's stay on topic, family friendly and age appropriate (... please?) :D

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