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C'mon guys. This is beginning to become a disscusion on... making love. Let's get back on topic, kay?

[SIZE=7pt]Yeah. I got it mid-grade 7. I absolutely hate it. Luckily for me though mine only lasts 1 and a half days max. It always turns up on the worst of days too.[/SIZE]
I just got my FIRST period yesterday....I was shocked because I didnt have any cramps or ANYTHING. I still don't have any cramps today...Everyone says, YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY HATE YOUR PERIOD!

yep, i got my period mid year seven aswell. i woke up one morning and thought i just had discharge and then i realised it was my period. i was like O________O 'MUMMM COMEEE QUICCCCK!' yeah :) usually you get your period like 9 months after you start having discharge, although i had discharge for longer, it varies for each person. when you first get it sometimes you dont even feel the cramps, i haven't had a cramp at all during my periods, just make sure you change regularly (keep clean) and dont worry so much about it ( :

~ i just recently came back to tamatalk, i quit when i was ten, but i think something brought me back :) 3 years on and im backkkkkkk : D yeah tamatalk is coool :D

I've had discharge for over a year(no period),and I hate it.

Somedays it's barely there and I'm happy but sometimes it's supermegauber heavy, and it all comes out in one big gross squish...I just grossed everyone out...Sorry about that. X_x

umm... ok so i had my first period (I'm pretty sure) yesterday so like a spot of blood was in my underwear and the cramps were killing me *i luckily got relieved when i pulled out the good old heating pad* But I havent had any more blood yet besides kind of brownish-red discharge when i wipe... is this irregular or normal for tyhe first time for your period... was it even my period? I marked the day that i 'got it' so i will keep my eyes peeled for around the same time next month
Can someone please answer my post! I need help now.... Please help!

Yea I had discharge for about a year and half before I got my period. Your period is supposed to be brownish when you first get it so don't worry its normal! I change my pad once or twice at school and a few other times at home. I still don't feel any cramps or sore back or anything like that.

I just got my FIRST period yesterday....I was shocked because I didnt have any cramps or ANYTHING. I still don't have any cramps today...Everyone says, YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY HATE YOUR PERIOD!
Yes you will hate it

Alright guys, I'm going to say something really embarrassing.
I don't have my period yet. ;_;

You may think it's wierd that I actually want my period but it just seems like everyone around me is growing up, and I'm just staying the same.

Enjoy the time you don't have to deal with it, because once you get it, trust me you'll hate it a lot

lol im using my old account to reply to this

well i got mine last november and

it doesnt hurt. sometimes i get stomach aches tho.

but enjoy the time when you don't have it because it's ANNOYING!! :p

yea i probably will. I don't think I have my period anymore for this month...It's prob going to be irregular next time because I just barely got my pd. It's gonna take some time for it to get normal.
mm same here, but i think im expecting mine next week. its been crazy for me. my cousin has had her period for around three years and it still hasnt quite settled... its very difficult to play sports when you have a heavy flow ;_; ewewew... no further comment made.. but i think the further on i go, each period seems to be lighter than the last. my first period was the heaviest. :)

Yes that's normal, don't worry! It usually means your period is ending.
wait i don't understand, that was my first period and there was a spot of blood only once and it went away....

spot as in a penny sized circle of like blood

Alright guys, I'm going to say something really embarrassing.
I don't have my period yet. ;_;

You may think it's wierd that I actually want my period but it just seems like everyone around me is growing up, and I'm just staying the same.
I was the same way. I didn't get my period until a month before my 14th birthday.

So I know how you feel. I'd be at my friend's house, staying the night, and the topic would always somehow switch to this. But I'd just be very open about not having mine yet, and I'd ask questions. My friends were always happy to answer, and I was always considered, "lucky." :D

I have a friend who actually is about to turn 15 and hasn't had hers yet, and I know of a few people who are older and still haven't started.

So you have absolutely nothing to worry about. :p

I don't hate my period, like most people seem to. It honestly really doesn't bother me. It can be a bit of an inconvience sometimes, and it can be a bit uncomfortable, but it honestly doesn't bother me. I guess it just depends on the person.

EDIT: And I discharged for about 2 years before I got my period, though it's usually about a year. So that's different for everybody, as well.

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