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Wow, last time I posted on this thing it hadn't been into the hundreds in page number. :) Ya, I still haven't had mine yet. I've been 14 for almost half a year now, and I'm lovin' the extra time I get to be free! My mom and friends get so annoyed when they have theirs, and I know about the cramps and all... I'm in nooooo hurry. lol

As far as the "wishing it were only once a year" thing, even though I'm not so sure I'll be saying this when I actually do go through that "special" change, I don't agree. Hey, you (or your siblings) probably wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for it being monthly... just sayin'.


Uhm, do you guys tell your mothers everytime you get it? 'Cause I find it difficult everytime. I started again today... I just went to bathroom and there it is. -.- It's always late, I thought I skipped! But I don't use a pad yet 'cause it wasn't a lot of blood, maybe later today. And then I'll tell mom. .__. It just so fricking awkward.

EDIT: Maybe I could be okay without a pad?! I have so light periods. Once I didn't even have to use one 'cause it all came out in the bathroom and that's it XDD Nah, maybe that's too dangerous. I'm going on a concert tomorrow and if my great plan wouldn't work that would be bad. ._.

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Uhm, do you guys tell your mothers everytime you get it? 'Cause I find it difficult everytime. I started again today... I just went to bathroom and there it is. -.- It's always late, I thought I skipped! But I don't use a pad yet 'cause it wasn't a lot of blood, maybe later today. And then I'll tell mom. .__. It just so fricking awkward.

EDIT: Maybe I could be okay without a pad?! I have so light periods. Once I didn't even have to use one 'cause it all came out in the bathroom and that's it XDD Nah, maybe that's too dangerous. I'm going on a concert tomorrow and if my great plan wouldn't work that would be bad. ._.
It is awkward, but I tell my mom anyway because I need to explain why I'm going into the cabinet for advil for my cramps. xP I get them horribly btw, usually for me the cramps are much worse than the actual blood.

SkyCrystal- you're sooo lucky. I got mine shortly after turning 13. I was loving those few years before I got it because I was one of the last of my friends to get it. One of my friends got it in the fifth grade. o_O Must've really sucked. xP I still absolutely dread it, but it's gotten less annoying after the first year or so.

I honestly hate them. D:<

And being the extremely emotional person I am, I just hate hate hate them. They usually make me end up crying to sleep every night >:3

Last month was just horrible. I haven't started this month yet, but I'm hoping I do soon, 'cause school starts again and I don't wanna be caught off guard. xD

I'm like just finishing my April one.

It lasted about 4 days, that's the shortest it's been so far ever.

And like, I pretty much never get cramps or anything :D

I'm like just finishing my April one.It lasted about 4 days, that's the shortest it's been so far ever.

And like, I pretty much never get cramps or anything :(
Lucky. I'm always prepared in case I get it while I'm in school, but I never have advil with me for cramps, and sometimes I'm on the brink of tears by the end of the day because of the pain. ;-; I get them so badly, but I've never stayed home from school because of them.

GAHHHHH I was suppossed to start on the 10th and havnt started yet! D: Im not sexually active so I shouldnt be pregnant plus I havnt had the pregnant symptoms yet if I was somehow.

Man. With what girls have to put up with once a month for several days, who can say guys are so tough?!

Finishing mine up. No cramps or anything. :)

So, it got heavy all of a sudden and I had to start using a pad. But I didn't have a chance to tell my mom, but then again, why should I? :/ I hate periods, but I should propably consider myself as lucky, 'cause my periods are painless and last for 3 days only. :( So it should end tomorrow... I hope it does! (If it continues this heavy it WILL end tomorrow ._.')

The blood scared me xP I got used to it though. I like how the first time you get it, you get it for about a week, then it skips a year XD Or at least that's what it did for me.
Agreed, I Got Mine Then I Didnt Have It For A Year Then It Came Back Monthly :p

Ahhhh! I have to swim Friday for a school swim test and I am supossed to get my period.Tampons don't work for me yet...

o.o; I'm dead.
Just Get You Mum To Write A Note, Thats What I Do :p

My periods have always lasted for only 3 days but it doesn't still seem like endin D: It's suppose to end today. *Sigh*

Oh and btw my mom found it out herself :D She noticed my stomach was hurting and she told me my period could be starting (I hate when she says that -.-) and I told her it already had started. She was like "o_O Well you didn't tell me..." Why should I really?

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Ahhhh! I have to swim Friday for a school swim test and I am supossed to get my period.Tampons don't work for me yet...

o.o; I'm dead.
yeah, we had swimming class in school. it was mandatory so I had to take it. Luckily we had a girl teacher and she said it was ok for us not to swim when we're on our periods, and we didn't have to make up those classes. Tampons scare me. I have worn one once while swimming, but I'm still totally uncomfortable with them.

I don't find it difficult telling my mum...

I just like, tell her. It's like a normal conversation. xD

GAHHHHH I was suppossed to start on the 10th and havnt started yet! D: Im not sexually active so I shouldnt be pregnant plus I havnt had the pregnant symptoms yet if I was somehow.
Don't worry, they're never totally regular until a few years, so don't just expect to be at the same time every month straight off the bat.

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