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I know! Like, I just finished mine, and I'm going on vacation next week. ^__^ It would be terrible to have to go to the beach or something on your period. D:
Yeah, the same thing happened last year in the summer, we were going to the beach the week I was expecting my period to come, but it came perfectly one week earlier. For a while me and my mom were getting ours at the same time, only she was upset that I got mine early and she didn't. I feel bad that she had to go through that during our vacation.

By the way, isn't it kinda weird that I always get it week late?
So it's like regular but then again, it isn't... I got my last one on the 20th last month so one more week... If it comes a week late again. I wish I could skip for once. I still haven't, though I started only in January...

I started on Wednesday, just as I thought! :L I'm so glad it's almost over now, it was so heavy I leaked all over my clothes. T_T I would much rather have light period for a week than heavy one for 3 days. Blech.

You girls that haven't started yet are all lucky; I got mine when I was 11. I cried )':

^ LOL. [@ the menopause thing]

I have found that my period flows in a weird pattern.

It goes from the beginning of the month in month one to the middle of the month in month two to the end of the month in month three, don't have it in month four, have it at the very beginning of month five, and keeps going in that cycle instead of beginning of every month/middle of every month/end of every month. If that makes any sense.

I rarely get cramps on my period, thankfully. My ovaries are just really, really sore. xP

The blood is what is rage-worthy for me. I'm really easy to peeve off as it is, so PMS-ing doesn't really shine through my attitude. XD

Mine starts out CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY heavy then progressively slows down.

Usually lasts for about four to six days.

But I remember when I first started having periods, they lasted for about a week and a half at a time, spewing blood all over the freggin' place.

Was not by any means fun.

Many underwear have died in the war against womanhood. xP


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I once had mine for 15 days, full on.They're more normal now, 6 or 7 days.
Aw, that must've been awful! Luckily mine has never lasted more than 7 days. I reeealy hope it doesn't come during any of my vacations this summer. Literally, there's only three weeks this summer that I absoluely cannot get my period on. Especially when I go to ocean city.

I'm meant to be starting again soon. I hate it so much. -.-

I usually don't get cramps or pains or anything. But last time, it was so bad, I stayed in bed like the whole time, I was in too much pain to do anything :p . And it really didn't help that it was heavy, I had to keep getting up to change or else I'd leak on my bed. ]:

I can't stand PMS-ing either. It drives me insane. And when I'm cross/sad at everything, I get cross/sad with myself, and I'm already a sensitive person.

I cannot begin to explain how much I hate periods.

I'm meant to be starting again soon. I hate it so much. -.-
I usually don't get cramps or pains or anything. But last time, it was so bad, I stayed in bed like the whole time, I was in too much pain to do anything :( . And it really didn't help that it was heavy, I had to keep getting up to change or else I'd leak on my bed. ]:

I can't stand PMS-ing either. It drives me insane. And when I'm cross/sad at everything, I get cross/sad with myself, and I'm already a sensitive person.

I cannot begin to explain how much I hate periods.
I'm right there with ya. :D I had a heavy, painful one last time too. I usually don't, though.

I'm so hoping my next one won't come on the comfirmation camp I'm going next month. ;( I'm not sure if I can handle it there...

EDIT: Oh and Ocean.A v e n u e, I have a pretty weird cycle too! It's always 1 month + 1 week. Exactly like that. Last time I was again like, "It's been a month and a week. So tomorrow it is..." And yep, I was right. Weird, really weird...

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This is like the happiest I've ever been for getting it. Cause this means I wont have it for Grad or Ultimate tournament : )

I usually get like really bad cramps in my right leg and foot the few days before my period.

Now, it hurts for SOME!! I have had mine without even NOTICING it!! But I know it CAN hurt. Have you thought of that? (Tihs is NOT an insult)

I've had mine for six years (since i was ten... eesh xp) mine don't hurt they're just uncomfortable at first. Like my very lower back kinda hurts. And i always complain about my kidney's in pain. Poor kidneys. I get my friends to kinda... not punch my back but... poke it really hard with their fists cuz the pressure makes it feel better.

.______. So I started yesterday... It was really unexpected and early... And it's REALLY light, I hope it doesn't get heavy at all, because we're going to our summer cottage on Thursday! =.= That's just great. Well, at least no cramps... Yet.

EDIT: I was talking too early! D:

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