Global Warming


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We care, We just don't care about Al Gor's slideshow. e.e

Not all of us can be earth fanatics, you know.

But recycling also saves money, so if people have the time and money to just throw stuff on the ground, then they have time and money to recycle their stuff.

We care, We just don't care about Al Gor's slideshow. e.e
Not all of us can be earth fanatics, you know.

But recycling also saves money, so if people have the time and money to just throw stuff on the ground, then they have time and money to recycle their stuff.
[SIZE=10pt]It's not all about Al Gore, but denying global warming clearly means you've been living in a hole. ^^[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]It's not all about Al Gore, but denying global warming clearly means you've been living in a hole. ^^[/SIZE]
No solid proof on that.

If people don't belibve in Global Warming. Let them. There are a TON of people who don't belive in it. Don't be like this. Really, there is no solid proof that Global Warming is real.

Global Climate change, yes. However, sayin' people live in a hole is pretty foolish and stupid.

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Thats because other planets don't have people living on them.

This thread makes me want to go "LOL"

[SIZE=10pt]It's not all about Al Gore, but denying global warming clearly means you've been living in a hole. ^^[/SIZE]
Well, maybe I have.

Holes can be rather nice. Very interesting things.

But who said I was denying? I just said that most people overreact while Al Gore is dressing up his slideshow.

But honestly, we are not going to blow up in flames and slowly perish because we don't all only eat veggetables and don't make our own shoes.

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i'm not sure if global warming exists because the only person who can destroy the earth is God and He said he wouldn't ^_^ :p
He isnt destroying the earth. WE R! Sum people r just using the earth as our garbage can and using lightbulbs that take more energy and usin plastic lunch trays! WE NEED RECYCLE BINS AND ENERGY SAVING LIGHTBULBS AND BIODEGRADABLE LUNCH TRAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No need for the caps lock to be on.
Let me say this in a calm and cool voice.

You can't force people to care. People can live how thet want and choose how to live it. If a smoker wants to smoke. Let them.

If a person wants ot get drunk off their booty, let them.

People do NOT like being told what to do or how to live. I think the Orginal Poster needs to take a chill pill and relax. Instead of forcing a major protest towards people.

I don't belive a lick of sense of what Al Gore says or what these Global Warming Activsists/Crazis think. There is a thing called Global Climate change. Scientists say we are also long over due for a pole shift also.

Tellin' a people and demanding that they should help isn't gonna make anything happen faster, kiddo.

Also, don't bring "god" or any holy figure into a debate.
Look I aint forcing u 2 care I am just saying it is here and it is happening and u people know that. Don't come crying to me wen every1 has to start wearing masks to breathe.

He isnt destroying the earth. WE R! Sum people r just using the earth as our garbage can and using lightbulbs that take more energy and usin plastic lunch trays! WE NEED RECYCLE BINS AND ENERGY SAVING LIGHTBULBS AND BIODEGRADABLE LUNCH TRAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will you stop with the caps lock and the over useage of exclaimation points?

So what if people don't agree with you. Not everyone has ot agree on your debate or your opinion. That's how debates work. Why can't you just relax instead of havin' a heart attack over this?

He isnt destroying the earth. WE R! Sum people r just using the earth as our garbage can and using lightbulbs that take more energy and usin plastic lunch trays! WE NEED RECYCLE BINS AND ENERGY SAVING LIGHTBULBS AND BIODEGRADABLE LUNCH TRAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats why your not making an impression. x3 No proper spelling or grammar, no respect.

[SIZE=10pt]It's not all about Al Gore, but denying global warming clearly means you've been living in a hole. ^^[/SIZE]
EXACTLY! I mean who cares about Al Gore? I am saying this kuz it is true not just because of Al Gore. I mean if u people dont realize bout global warming U R LIVING IN A HOLE!!

[SIZE=10pt]Do you guys live together in the hole? ^^[/SIZE]
Now that comment was pretty rude and uncalled for don't you think? We don't live in a hole, we just don't really care about global warming, we have an opinion, some of us don't believe in it, some of us do but choose not to help it.

Quite frankly, I believe it's a myth, and I'm sick and tired of seeing about 3 pages in my Shonen Jump Magazines about it.

Like I said before, holes are nice. Because if you live outside the hole of reason, then you live outside common sense.

Almost 50% of it is scaremongerelling. Yeah, theres Global Warming, but its not happening any time soon.

EXACTLY! I mean who cares about Al Gore? I am saying this kuz it is true not just because of Al Gore. I mean if u people dont realize bout global warming U R LIVING IN A HOLE!!
Her assumption is wrong.

We could say "SO AND SO LIVES IN A HOLE!" if they didn't belive in World War II. We could say a person lives in a hole if they don't belive Hitler was a bad person.

*insert a face palm*

Hello? Wake up and smell the coffee. It is happening now!
But the coffe is in a styrofoam cup, and I don't like styrofoam. x3 I always end up chewing it.

What I meant was the world is not blowing up any time soon. :puroperatchi: I'm not trying to convince you of anything. Please allow me to have a nice debate without having you jump on me immaturely every time I say something.

How can you people not believe in global warming? Science has shown that we HAVE made a hole in the ozone layer thanks to chemicals and factories (not that its all their fault) but people do have to wake up. You dont have to do much to help the earth, maybe bike ride in the summer instead of drive. People are lazy and Oblivious to what is ahappening around them. All they can think about is their life and how they can make it better. Well, let's step out of this selfish hole and help the Earth instead of destroying it. And yes i do think the Earth is going through a hot time at the moment and things are gonna happen soon. 3, 4 years storms will kill millions of people. There's not much we can do about it, but we can do something. So put that under your pillow tonight and sleep on it.

Tama 3445521508 :D

^ That sounds more like a demand then a suggestion.

Look, you can ask people nicly to care. Alot of people don't like beinhg told how ot live or what to do. Don't pull the "How would your kids feel?" Thing, either.

This hardly seems like a debate, either.

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