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God loves everyone no matter what. God is against revenge, and would never do that just because someone made Him angry.

And as for death, praying to God is a good thing. But He knows when it's time for someone to leave His earth, and go up to Heaven to live with Him. God knew it was their time, and He took them off this earth and brought them to Heaven.

God is all loving, all powerful, all knowing. Even though I'm a Christian, I have healthy fear of God. Its called Fear of the Lord. Its the fear of not doing something right for God. It says in the Bible that it is good to have fear. Actually, not everyone goes to heaven. No one knows who will go to heaven, because Jesus is the only one who knows their hearts. It is said in the Bible that if you do not know Jesus, then he will say "Depart from me, I have never known you." Isn't that scary?

Please do not get mad at me, I am simply restaing what is in the Bible.

God is all loving, all powerful, all knowing. Even though I'm a Christian, I have healthy fear of God. Its called Fear of the Lord. Its the fear of not doing something right for God. It says in the Bible that it is good to have fear. Actually, not everyone goes to heaven. No one knows who will go to heaven, because Jesus is the only one who knows their hearts. It is said in the Bible that if you do not know Jesus, then he will say "Depart from me, I have never known you." Isn't that scary?Please do not get mad at me, I am simply restaing what is in the Bible.
Is that really in the bible? Wow, I learned something. xD

But seriously, even then you shouldn't be afraid. I mean, nothing bad is going to happen to you.

Is that really in the bible? Wow, I learned something. xD
But seriously, even then you shouldn't be afraid. I mean, nothing bad is going to happen to you.
Your right GotchiGirl96. Thank you so much. You have helped me through this fear of god. Now I'm going to start believeing in him fully. :)

Your right GotchiGirl96. Thank you so much. You have helped me through this fear of god. Now I'm going to start believeing in him fully. :)
That's really nice to hear that I have helped you with something like this. ^_^

You are so welcome. :eek:

rachelissocool, if you want to know Jesus better and fully, watch Ed Young. He is amazing! As you were saying about you shouldnt be afraid, you should have fear in the Lord.

You know.. it's still fine and dandy if someone don't belive. People who belive in god should respect the people who don't belive in god and Jesus. If they don't belive in them. Fine, it's not such a big deal, now is it? I am not pointing fingers or starting a fight. You can't force someone to "pray" to accept "god" or "Jesus". You can't do it to people either who have a differnt view and belife, either.

Everyone has his or her own view on life. I choose not to belive in god or Jesus. Therefor.. I do not belive in Heaven or Hell. I do belive in reincarnation.

It's my opinion.

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I belivein God and I belive that he will come and bring me to heven.Read "

left behind" series.It is surper long but it relates to the book or Revilation (for christions out there).

It doesn't matter a whole lot; I'm guessing. :rolleyes:

I believe in God, though. I can't wait until I fly up to heaven (Oh and it would be cool if I could ride on a Puroperatchi, too! :D ) just like an Angelgotchi.

If it's been passed on that He created us, then it's probably true 'cause that would be a big rumor that I don't think would go on that long.

Since it didn't start about 2007 years ago, it can't be like someone who is earth right now like Bill Gates(Hmmm...he doesn't use money to buy materials for people!)

So anyway, that's how I think of it. <_<

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Sometimes it's as if he's there, guiding you through hard times but right now, he's not responding.

I hope he is with Kristy and Mia though.

I sort of believe. I pray when times are desperate but otherwise, I can get out of sticky situations.

Sometimes it's as if he's there, guiding you through hard times but right now, he's not responding.I hope he is with Kristy and Mia though.

I sort of believe. I pray when times are desperate but otherwise, I can get out of sticky situations.
He responds - you just aren't listening. God has a plan; He doesn't always answer in the way we hoped because our plan is flawed.

Of course, blame Him when things our going our way, and never thank him when things are going great. I'm not saying I never do this, but it's sad because so many people are just sunny side Christians.

I agree Tamaw/pants.

He does respond most of the time. Maybe he'll save Mia's life. Oh, if he did that, I'd be forever thankful.


God answered my prayer the other day...

I could hear His voice in my head, and I felt so peaceful. I tested myself to see if it was actually Him, by trying to force the voice to say something else like, ''OMG I BROKE A NAIL'' but I couldn't control the voice.

I had prayed to God that...oh, I really don't want to say it. D:

But he talked to me, and I felt ever so peaceful like nothing could ever harm me.


Now THAT was rude. YOU are created drama! D:<

You're apart of it- you need to stop "nazifing" other's too!

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He responds - you just aren't listening. God has a plan; He doesn't always answer in the way we hoped because our plan is flawed.
Of course, blame Him when things our going our way, and never thank him when things are going great. I'm not saying I never do this, but it's sad because so many people are just sunny side Christians.
omg i was just going to say that! lol are you reading my mind? :rolleyes: anyways we always have to remember to thank god for everything we get like our...home,families,food etc. Be grateful!


TW/P is right. We all have to learn how to listen. You don't lsiten with your ears...you listen with your heart.

And we shouldn't just pray when things are going terribly wrong, we should also pray when things are terribly right. Nobody seems to thank God

for all He truly does. Whether it's those beautiful flowers you see on the way to school, or the softly falling snow on a peaceful Christmas Eve. =]

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TW/P is right. We all have to learn how to listen. You don't lsiten with your ears...you listen with your heart.And we shouldn't just pray when things are going terribly wrong, we should also pray when things are terribly [/i]right[/i]. Nobody seems to thank God

for all He truly does. Whether it's those beautiful flowers you see on the way to school, or the softly falling snow on a peaceful Christmas Eve. =]
i know we should be thankful for every minute of our lives! =)


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