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But, People so try to prove people's faith wrong but if you have faith, they can't, in any way, prove what you believe wrong.
That's pretty much the whole point of faith. To believe in something that may be scientifically wrong or may have been proved to not happen, but you figure that it did happen, and you have faith that it did.

Right now i dont believe in god. i used 2 be mormon but i am not any more even tho my parents do not know. If any1 wants 2 preach 2 me i am "soul searching" for a religion i really believe in. I want to believe in god but i dont know how. I think i might be able 2 get that if i find a religion

I do believe in God.

That whole thing on i'll believe it when i see it doesnt make sense.

They're a lot of things that people dont see but believe.

Its hard to explain but i just dont get why peopl say that

But i dont mind if ppl dont believe in God.

Its just the one sentance that offends me "i'll believe it when i see it."

Oh ya im mormon If anyone wanted to know ?


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Same here Lynae.

"I'll believe it when I see it"


"Can you see Him yet?!!!"

You can't just do that, right?

It's not right, but kinda funny.

Oh well, I guess people don't have to believe it. It's the same with all religions.

you wanna know how r all ya r lying cause the bible says the earth will be worse as years come also god will also come back before the world comes to a end.

[SIZE=14pt]Oh boy...Another one of these topics where there is no winner or loser. :/[/SIZE]


But anyway~ Yes I believe in God. Even though at times it can be hard when friends and the media try to tell you that your faith is wrong. But I want to keep on believing...No matter what. Because with God...I never feel lonely, I always have someone to talk to, someone to express my feelings too! ;)


God just makes everything better for me.


And besides! Why not believe in God? Weather God is real or not, it never hurts to have someone to trust in. ;) "
exactly anime_girl

I think the one higher thing i believe in is angels. I love the thought that angels may watch over us and see when we need the most help. I have heard that is what god is like too but im not sure

you wanna know how r all ya r lying cause the bible says the earth will be worse as years come also god will also come back before the world comes to a end.
@ Bubbie: I'm the same. Angels are awesome ♥
What? Are you saying that Christians are liars or non-believers?

I'm not lying, This is just what I believe.

I didn't quite catch what you meant but, if you think that non-believers are lying, that's what I say to you.


What? Are you saying that Christians are liars or non-believers?I'm not lying, This is just what I believe.

I didn't quite catch what you meant but, if you think that non-believers are lying, that's what I say to you.

I really wish people would stop rubbing god in people's noses. Not everyone belives or should be forced to leave. People can belive in what they want.

Be it a Buddist, a Hindu or anything. No one does NOT like being told how to belive or how to live. If I wanna belive in reincarnation after death, let me. That's what I belive in.

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bryant these people are NOT lying its what they believe in!!!! This is their faith, people are allowed to have different beliefs, its just that you believe difrently.

Everyone please remember, you ARE in a topic regarding peoples' opinions and religious beliefs. No one is forcing pro or anti religion values on anyone else, so stop being so defensive. Just read the opinions, share your own, and if you cannot prevent y our remarks from becoming personal or defensive...I suggest that you should probably participate in other threads instead. This applies to several participants here.

My family is not religious, but I do have respect for people who believe in god. :D

'To see is to believe' So, most of us may not see Jupiter, but, you believe it's there?

I believe in him, while I may not pray every sunday, I try.

Nix666 thats what i was tryin to explain.

And bryant everyoe has they're opinons so dont be callin people liars please


I think what Bryant means was that the bible said that the earth will become worse in years to come and all that stuff, and maybe he thought that you were trying to say that it wasn't true or something that is the complete opposite. However, I'm not quite sure if the bible says that, because the only bible I've ever read was the children's bible, which was awesome.

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