Google Yourself!


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
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Burlington, Ontario, Canada
I just googled rachel3802, and EVERY thing ive everr singed up for appeared.



What happens if you google a sign-in name of yours, or a real name?

I found DeviantART, nonTT and TT.

Someone also used my name on Myspace, apaprently o.o

Well, with Tamakiddy!! (old account), I got some Tamatalk posts, and a bunch of japanese websites o.o

With my real name, I got someone using my WHOLE name, but insdead of Jane (my middle name), I t came up as Elizabeth o.o

I searched my whole name and this random page popped up with my name, my birthday, and where I live along with other people.


When I searched x.Saku a bunch of random Sasusaku, sakunaru, etc, couples came up.

My name= Italian newspaper articles and local newspaper articles that I was in. Also people's facebooks and myspaces that have the same name as me

ducky23= random articles and myspace pages

My myspace name= woah there's a famous person with the same first name as me! People dress up as her for halloween and I think she's a singer!

I refuse to google Meowbark atm. Why? All my accounts pull up, and flames, ED, Youtube flames against me. Enough said.

I googled my full name once xD I can say it was amusing

Old, ugly, disgraceful, dusty, shameful, slight-chatspeak, immature posts from searching my username. Euuch.

I'm making a new TT account where I won't be so embarrassed when I search it up. Maybe. Then again, that's a weird reason to make a side account.

Though, when I searched up my whole name, thankfully nothing about me came up. Just random characters in a foreign language.

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I googled my real name and it came up with this weird dancer person (whos not me) and my name in the school newsletter.

I googled my internet name (illiey123) and it came up with me commenting on peoples club penguin blogs, O o!!

(P.S. my usual internet name is illiey123, but i forgot to add the 3 on this account so now i have to be illiey12 :(

I googled xxsisz4evaxx which I use for quite a lot of things. I got 196 results I'm like o.o ... okay. I looked it's mostly YouTube stuff and on fanfiction when I review with that name, the reviews come up.

My real name gets zilch. xD

I googled my TT name...nothing about ME. But I googled my nonTT name and the first on the list was my nonTT profile =)

I googled my main username for almost everything. CourtneeMalakian. Everything that comes up is me! Ithas to do with me. I'm everywhere on the internet!

I'm a Dr. Raichi? x_x

From Dragon Ball Z~ Hiya!

Nothing comes out as TT Raichi. ;-;

Darn, I thought I was clever combining Raichu and Gotchi.

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