Gotchi Guy's Tamagotchi log


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Hey,Milly evolved into Chamametchi as expected.She weighs 20lb and her stress is 19.Her skill points are 411/435/424.


Since I have had my Music Star I have PMed people about Music Star growth.They have all given me great information on possible ways to get characters.So,here are possible theories on how to get characters.I have still yet to try them.Credit goes to everyone who helped me.


The Common Theory

This theory is quite common and has worked for many including my brother.Tamagotchi Music Star is broken up into 5 groups of care,Perfect,Good,Average,Under Average and bad care.


To get perfect care,you must not get any care misses and try your hardest not to let the hearts drop below 1.Try to keep the stress extremely low and low weight.It shoulden't be to hard to get a perfect care character.


To get a Good care character,you have to let the hearts drop to two but then feed it,don't let them drop to 3.Your stress can be about 20 and weight can be about 30lb.You should get a good care character.


To get an Average care character,you must let the hearts drop to 3,but don't let them fully empty.Your stress should be around 30-35 and weight around 35-40lb.You should get an average care character.


To get a below Average care character,you must let the hearts empty and then feed.If it beeps for care you must quickly give it what it needs or you could get a Bad care character.Stress level should be around 60 and same with weight,don't worry it won't die.My Tamagotchi has had it's weight about 99lb and it still lived through its life.This should get you a below average care character.


To get a bad care character is slightly risky so you have to be careful,let the hearts empty until it beeps for attention.Ignore this,this is known as a care miss.Get about 3 of these and no matter what you will get a Bad care character.Keep stress about 80 but not so much that it will refuse your commands.Weight is up to you and be careful with the care misses.This should get you a Bad care character.Believe me,I have tried this on my brothers Tamagotchi and he has had two Tosakatchi's which is a Bad Care adult.


The Care Miss Theory

I am currently trying this theory.I do not hold resposibility for this theory and credit goes entirely to RainbowTama of Tamazone,they have compiled all this information I am about to type.


For a Perfect care character you must get no care misses but one or two shoulden't hurt.For a good care character you must get about 4 care misses.For an average care character you must get 7 care misses,for a below average care character you must get 8 or 9 care misses.It is still unknown how to get a bad care character with this theory but according to some of my brothers bad care adults you need about 10 or 11.Me,I say these are high numbers and only try it if you are DESPERATE for a Bad Care character.If your Tamagotchi is dying remember you can stick a pen in the reset buttom and press download and it will be back to normal so ALWAYS carry a pencil next to your Tamagotchi.


The Skill Point Theory

I haven't tried this one and have little information about it :p .But from some things I have read people seem to get certain characters from skill points,for example:


Person one has a Chamametchi with Skill Points 300/345/500.

Person two has a Chamametchi with Skill Points 346/156/209.


Person one's Chamametchi evolves into Makiko

Person two's Chamametchi evolves into Violetchi.



The above growth is just an example showing that people get different characters with different Skill Point levels.Chamametchi can evolve into both Makiko and I am not sure if it can evolve into Violetchi it was just a random example.So for instance,try getting lets say,Rythm 100 higher than Tone and Original.I have yet to try this but here are some examples.






It dosen't matter howmuch higher it is,it only matters that it is higher. ;)


I have tried my best to put in as much information into each Theory.I do not know if all work 100% as they some haven't been EXACTLY tested.Sorry if these do not work but from logs and projects I have seen people get characters with these theories.Remember if one dosen't work,move onto the next one and be careful with the Care Miss one.Thankyou to everyone who helped me with this information and credit goes to them and not me.


Best of luck getting your characters! ;)


(Woh,what a L O N G post haha)

Milly called for attention and I ignored her.Now I have one care miss.She also made a band with a Nonopotchi named Dino and a Hinotamatchi named David.The teacher gave Milly a Trombone.


Milly still hasen't evolve into an adult yet.Yesterday I beat the school minigame about 3 times.The band is called Mix.


I doubt Milly will become a Memetchi.I just don't see how 4 care misses is good care. :eek:


I'm sure that Milly will become a Masktchi :D .That's OK,at least it is someone besides Mimitchi's,and Masktchi's are pretty cool.


Andy has been very generous to Milly.He has given her some delicous food including some juicy stake and a fair bit of money.Realy,I don't know how Andy became a Rexitchi because I took perfect care of him.But the hearts did drop to two once.


Milly should evolve soon,you'll be sure I'll post when she does!


Milly became a Masktchi :p .


I'm not at all dissapointed,Masktchi is a great character.At least it is someone besides Mimitchi,but now I know the Care Miss theory does not work,I guess i'll try The Common theory as that seems to work with most people :( .


Now about Mix,David became a Shimashimatchi and Dino became an Androtchi.I have had a fair bit of Shimashimatchi's now :( .Mix is ranked 82nd with 30,936,912 with skill points 603/627/621,pretty good. :(


Milly still weighs 20lb and Masktchi's wake up later than usual adults,because usualy my Tamagotchi's wake up at 7.00am.



Milly turned 3 and her Skill Points have improved,they are now 740/808/816.Guitartchi should come and give her her paycheck soon.Mix is ranked 2nd.


Milly also goes to sleep later than usual :( .Usualy,my Tamagotchi's go to bed at 8.00PM or 9.00PM but I think Milly goes to sleep at like 9.30PM or even 10.00PM.


I have some items that I will use when she is married,I have a bow and a pair of glasses.


Milly is still 3 and her Skill Points have increased to 872/911/924.Guitartchi gave her her pay yesterday and now she has 5038800GP.


Last night Milly won a Pop award but her concert after that,something wierd happened.After Mix performed and went into that succes stance,Milly froze.I left my Tamagotchi for a bit and then I reset it and clicked download.So now she is fine,I hope it dosen't happen tonight.


It seems to me that I always have boy's on even generation,and always have girl's on an odd generation.It would be so cool if Milly mated and had a girl so then I woulden't get Mimitchi! I would get Chantotchi!


Weekend,woo :angry: .

Milly is still 3.Last night she froze in a concert again and I had to download again.Maybe that is why Milly isen't aging,hopefully it will stop tonight.

Her stats are 946/999/999.That's realy cool,now as soon as I get tone up I can just relax with Milly.

Guitartchi should bring her paycheck soon.I hope Milly has a girl so I can get Chantotchi.


Good news!


I awoke this morning and decided to check on Milly.She happily practising away and I checked her stats,all maxed out. :)


Then I checked the age screen and Milly was...4! yay! and I'm like to my Tamagotchi"Thankyou,Mills!" Did I mention Mills is her nickname? haha :D


So I went to sleep some more while Milly was practising some more and I thought to myself"If Milly has a boy,should I try for an average character or a good character?" I decided to go for average because Dorotchi is so awesome and I can get another Hinotamatchi,I have only had one. :pochitchi:


Milly is still 4 because I have had her on pause for quite a while.She weigh's 20lb and likes Rock N' Roll music,she has alot of money from Guitartchi.


If milly has a baby girl,I hope she becomes a Chantotchi and if Milly has a baby boy I hope he will become a Dorotchi,it would be cool if Milly married Gozarutchi because their like the perfect pair :) .


I can't waint until the Music star World Tour Edition come out,I guess that is going to be V6.5.I realy hope Bandai add more characters and make it easier to obtain certain characters. ;)


Milly is 5 so I set the time to 4.29PM but Guitartchi just payed me,so I guess i'll just have to wait.


I just have a feeling that Milly will mate with a Gozarutchi.I mean,they're the perfect couple right?


Milly weighs 20lb and incase you haven't read from my other post,she has maxed out Skill Points :wacko: .Milly is realy eager to see who her partner is going to be,I guess we'll just have to wait :D .


I'm so angry.Milly is 6 and she can't marry.I'm going to post in the Help section,she is as healthy as she can be.Now i'm here to talk to you about Music City.


I have entered the competetion that is being held.Please,please,please vote for me.I am DR6789.I don't have a band,i'm just going solo,hehe.I hope I can win so I can boost my CD rank,I will appreciate it if you vote for me. :D



I'm so happy for Milly! this morning I set the time to 4:29PM and Guitartchi came and he offered Milly a handsome Dorotchi,together they had a baby girl.Yay! a girl on an even generation!


Now I can aim for a Chantotchi,Milly and her husband are having a fun time,I found a Spot costume in the shops and purchased it.I think I will save it for Fiona,which is Milly's baby girl.


Milly has 50001690GP with 10 meals and 10 snacks,hopefully she will share some with Fioana.I have got the Music City concert tomorrow,I can't wait.This should give my CD level a boost. :p


Milly,her husband and Fiona are enjoying their last night together,how sad :mellow: .


Big news with Music City! I got huge combo's and it took me ages but finaly,I got a high score and the judges said "You performed well".It's cool how you can keep trying 'till your happy with your score.Now.About voting...


I discovered people can only vote for you once you have finished the competition.Voting also helps you win,if I get alot of votes I bet i'll get in the top 100 but there is alot of other members wanting to win,so I need your help!


Please vote for me guys! I realy need my CD to become 5th Ultimate Silver! so then I can work my way up to get the Boy's Destiny Star and Dreamitchi! if you vote for me you'll know you have done something nice and kind :) .


Now,my ID is DR6789 and I should appear as a Masktchi,but you won't have trouble.Just keep looking until you see me.Please vote for me 'cause you guys rock! thanks your so awesome! I'll reply tomorrow! vote for me when you can! please guys!


For some reason Milly and her husband refuse to leave the Fiona,when I set the time to 11.59PM nothing happens.Maybe because I have had them on pause for a long time :angry: .


I was on Music City today and I checked the voting section and I think you can't see yourself on the list because I was trying for ages and coulden't find my ID.


Milly is 20lb's and she has alot of money.I just can't be bothered checking :( .She has 10 meals and 10 snacks and I found out Milly and her partners love hamburgers now :lol: .


Guys,please,please vote for me.I realy want to win this thing and the Judges thought I was good but now it is up to you! please vote for me! all you have to do is go to the Concert Hall and talk To the Tamagotchi next to Rosetchi.All you have to do is find DR6789(me) and click it.It will have"vote".I wonder who I am versing? can anyone PM me if they find out?


I'm sure Milly and her partner will leave Fiona tonight,My growth should go a little something like this for a Perfect care character:




Milly and partner left Fiona a few nights ago.Fiona is a Chamametchi now.Her growth went just as expected:




She is 1 year old and in a band name Superiop.I meant to call it "Superior" but the slow-to-react buttons made it a "P".In the band there is Fiona of course,who plays the Trombone.There is a Kikitchi named Louis who has Headphones and an Itchigotchi named Lydia and she sings with a Mic.


Fioana should evolve tomorrow,hopefully into Chantotchi.Her toy is a Dress and her Skill Points are 554/503/616,and no,they aren't from music games.Infact,most of Fiona's Skill Points are from Music City.


<Speaking of Music City,I hope you guys are voting for me :) .I signed up for the 22nd competition.I can't wait until they accounce the results of the 21st competition,I hope I am in the top 50!


C'ya guys :D .

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Fioana's stats have hightened to 629/695/783.With Superiop,I have beaten the School minigame about 3 times.I wish Fioana would just hurry up and evolve into an adult ;) .

Milly gave her some money before,I have used a big deal of it on food.I don't realy needs snacks because I can just play games but I do have a few :D .

I hope Louis,Fiona's band mate,dosen't become a Shimashimatchi because lots of previous boys in my bands have.a Mametchi would be nice.I'm gonna post the good care characters on the Music Star.

Good care Toddlers Kuribotchi,Hitodetchi

Good care Teenagers Kikitchi, Chamametchi

Good and Above Average care Adults Mametchi,KuroMametchi,Shimashimatchi,Togetchi,Mimitchi,Chantotchi,Memetchi,Makiko



This is realy wierd and cool at the same time.Last night,I got up in the middle of the night to see who Fiona had evolved into.To my surprise,I saw a Makiko on the screen!


So that means I took Above Average care! I'm not dissapointed I didn't get Chantotchi because Makiko is a great character and she has funny animations to :D .I knew I could of took better care of Fioana but Makiko is so worth it!


Now about her band Superiop,Lydia became an Onputchi and Louis became a Mametchi B) .That's funny because yesterday I said how it would be cool if Louis became a Mametchi.They made their Pro Debut on the first try and boy can Louis dance! he does like backflips and disco moves!


Fiona's Skill Points have rocketed to 667/809/837.I'm off to Music City to get a Makiko costume,I hope you've been voting because the results are announced tomorrow! :D


Yay Friday! Fioana is 3 years old and is ranked 1st.She likes R&B music.Guitartchi payed her and she has alot of money now.


Her stats are 830/848/901.She weighs her base weight which is 25lbs.It was funny how in some of the earlier versions Itchigotchi could weigh lower to about 1lb!


I am about to go on Music City.My fingers are crossed I came in the top 100.I realy,realy,realy,realy,realy,realy,realy,realy,realy,realy,realy ,realy hope I am not out of rank. :lol:


I'll post when I get my results!


Hi guys! I came 75th in the competition! that is awesome for my first time! I made it in the top 100! thankyou everyone so much for voting for me I am realy thankful,you guys rock.


I don't know why but my CD level didn't go up.Maybe you have to win the competition or something or maybe it has to be two competitions you place in the top 100.


Last night Superiop took the R&B award and now the band likes Jazz.Fiona's stats are 909/927/988.She weighs 25lbs and had a sandwich for breakfast :) .Now I will tell you Below average and Bad care Tamagotchi's :huh: .


Bad care Toddlers Kutchitamatchi,Tamatchi

Bad care Teenagers Nonopotchi,Ringotchi

Below average and Bad care Adults Tarakotchi,Androtchi,Gozarutchi,Tosakatchi,Sebiretchi,Maidtchi,Masktchi, Kunoitchi

Just a small update,Fiona turned 4.Her Skill Points have risen to 980/999/999.On Music City,I am now lv.29 and I am finding it hard to get my CD rank to 5th Ultimate Silver.Now I will tell you all my instruments and toys.



Trombone,Drum set,Bass Drum,Mega Drum,Guitar,Violin,Harp,Mic,Singers,Karaoke,Headphones,Boom Box,Turn Table,Accordion,Saxophone.



Dress,Doll House,Camera,Helicopter,Robot,U.F.O,Train,Pirate Ship,Dinosaur,Skateboard,Rabbit,Panda,Mirror.


So I have 15 instruments and only 13 toys.That means I need four more instruments,Key board,Piano,Timpani and the Trumpet.I need 11 more toys,Ball,Bandai logo,Bear,Book,Car,Duck,Globe,Horse,Laptop,Space Ship and the Tamagotchi.


So far my favourite instrument is the Headphones and my favourite toy is the U.F.O.


C'ya later guys,until tomorrow!



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