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Despite the look, I'm goth...


Time to change the avatar. It's 0% true. X.X


My sister dresses like a goth, but she's quite perky. I don't dress like a goth, but I act like it. Vice-versa, we should switch bodies in my opinion. Mom buys all the gothy stuff for her. Honestly. She sucks.

Meh. I act goth. And I like black. So everyoen says Im goth, I belive them. NAyone find a quiz to tell if ur goth?

Thanks Tamamum!

i use to be Goth. grew outta that stage. i have more of a punky look to me now.... yeah ppl in school say im goth though...i ignore them

I was asked like 5 times if I was goth by ONE KID last year. Most the time I'm just considered "Silent but Deadly". XD I'm usually the 'Quiet Rebel' in the back of the classroom, but I go off in rants easily when someone angers me.

Anyways, that has nothing to do with the topic.. I don't dress in all black, no. But I do like black. Sometimes I have attitude, sometimes I'm actually calm and nice. So it kind of evens out.

Meh. I act goth. And I like black. So everyoen says Im goth, I belive them. NAyone find a quiz to tell if ur goth?

Thanks Tamamum!
Just because someone likes black or dresses in it doesn't mean they are goth. Black is a slimming colour (even though it's a shade, not a colour) and I like wearing black bathing suits and black shirts sometimes just because it makes me look slimmer and it goes good with any colour except navy.

I think Goth is more an attitude and/or lifestyle. The clothing or fashion sense doesn't make the person.

Despite the look, I'm goth... 

Time to change the avatar. It's 0% true. X.X


My sister dresses like a goth, but she's quite perky. I don't dress like a goth, but I act like it. Vice-versa, we should switch bodies in my opinion. Mom buys all the gothy stuff for her. Honestly. She sucks.
Same here girl. My mom refuses to buy me any Make Up that is black, she refuses to shop at Hot Topic and wont allow me to paint my room black (I HATE PINK!)

I try my best to wear my black clothes and try. I act like one >.> I am called a Wannabe emo because I said I pretended to cut myself with a Butterknife (o.o I wanted to see how much freaking pain those Emo's feel to cut their arms. I would never be emo)

But yeah, were I live sucks. If I stay outside for the slightest amount of time I get a tan. Blegh

Kinda goth. I was gothic in 6th grade and acted like it but now I'm over it. I wear black and pink. Me and my friend are more punkish now.

Same here girl. My mom refuses to buy me any Make Up that is black, she refuses to shop at Hot Topic and wont allow me to paint my room black (I HATE PINK!)
I try my best to wear my black clothes and try. I act like one >.> I am called a Wannabe emo because I said I pretended to cut myself with a Butterknife (o.o I wanted to see how much freaking pain those Emo's feel to cut their arms. I would never be emo)

But yeah, were I live sucks. If I stay outside for the slightest amount of time I get a tan. Blegh
lmfao. a butterknife. i didn't know you could do that. O_O

i always use a pencil sharpener blade. i unscrew it

she refuses to shop at Hot Topic? wow you got it bad then

lmfao. a butterknife. i didn't know you could do that. O_Oi always use a pencil sharpener blade. i unscrew it

she refuses to shop at Hot Topic? wow you got it bad then
And Hot topic has Hello Kitteh D:

I unscrewed a Pencil Sharpener Blade, when I rescrewed it the poor thing never sharpened again

And Hot topic has Hello Kitteh D:
I unscrewed a Pencil Sharpener Blade, when I rescrewed it the poor thing never sharpened again
haha i hate hello Kitty....yuck i wanna rip the bow off and choke it with it

yeah i never rescrewed the blade....left it off for the next time. bein EMo is easy. but everyone says emo fake everything and make it up...well some ppl do actually have bad lifes...i hate jerks that dont think of that

I'm not goth. But some people think I look goth, but how? My hair is golden blonde how could that be goth? Oh because I wear jet black eyeliner or wear a lot of black shirts? I'm more of a punk look rather than goth. Besides, the steriotypical goth is not what goth is. Goth is not wearing all black. My mom wears all black and you can garantee she is NOT goth.


I wanted to die my hair black, but my Mum wouldn't let me because she didn't want me getting teased. At my school if you say anything about black or have anything black or kind of like pirates of the carribean on you then your a goth! I think that's not fair but it's the way of the school! At my school you have to go with the flow or...voila! You end up being called names and stuff! I'm one of them that like black and dark stuff but I'm not a goth. . .

Never was a Goth in highschool, just a Loner with depression. Once I dressed up like a goth for halloween and got comments saying it was a good look for me. o_O Personally I feel the way someone dresses doesn't determine what they are, its what you feel on the inside.

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