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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
So guys, I just wanted to know what your hair was like, how often you wash it, what styles you put it in and whether you have any hair tips or suggestions?!

I have straight, chocolate brown hair, which is relatively long with a side fringe. My hair is my best feature! I would consider myself really lucky because it doesn't get very greasy, and recently I've been using this amazing shampoo and conditioner and it has been so smooth and silky! ^ _ ^

But, for my hair to stay lovely, it's needs washing once a day, every day!

Usually I want to do something exciting with my hair, so I have loads of cute hair clips and hair bands! I pull my hair back into a ponytail or a messy bun, or do a side ponytail with a clip in, or loose plaits or bunches! The possibilities are endless! Sometimes I do a quiff and clip it into place, or do something funky with a clip! ^ _ ^ Other days I just leave it down. It's naturally straight so there's no need for straighteners but I love curling it as well!

The one thing I can't stand is crimping it! It looks tacky to me.

I am bored so I will type a lot.

I hate my hair. It's dark brown and wayyy too curly as so I can't do anything with it except put it back in some crappy bun.

So I straighten it and then it looks pretty. :) And then I like it.

The only problem is if I go swimming and don't have time to straighten it since it takes a while. I should get a perm xD. No seriously.

I need a haircut anyways. And I'm thinking about getting bangs. Hmmmm.

Here's an old picture.

That's not a good picture though, but it just shows my hair. My face looks red. I usually look better than that, that's why it's old, ok?

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My hair is brown and overly frizzy >.< It takes FOREVER to straighten Dx I usually just put my hair up, and straighten my bangs. Because my bangs keep going all curly and flippy on me.

I hate my hair. It's dirty blonde and long and curly. And if I don't put a whole bunch of conditioner and moose in it it gets all fuzzy and I look like a fuzzyhead. xD

My hair is golden blonde. I get complements on the color && natural high lights in it all the time. 8D

But it's very think. Dx So it always poofs out on me. && then I have to take time to straighten it.

I'm very lazy & don't really like straightening my hair.

I only do that during school though.

During the summer (now), I usually just pull it back into a messy bun.

But anyway, my hair is about medium length, down to the middle of my back.

I haven't gotten my hair cut in like a year; I get it cut before school starts every year.

So in a few weeks I'm getting it trimmed to get rid of all the split ends.

Long layers.

&& bangs~~!! 8D

They are going to be long bangs and get even longer at the sides.


I have these bright blue hair clips that I always use when I pull my hair up. n__n

I think that they look nice against the blondeness.

Blonde and straight.

It's really light blonde. My mom says my hair is SO good it's the kind of hair all the boys fall for (yeah right).

Usually the day after I wash it, it's super silky but it gets dirty pretty easily, which is what I hate about it.

I only have it in a ponytail. Sometimes I have it down.

My hair is shoulder length(I'm growing it out), black, and naturally full and wavy.

I hate spending time styling I don't. lol I just wash it every few days, put wave defining products in it, and let it do it's own thing. It's pretty soft and shiny naturally, so I either leave it down(on an amazingly good hair day) or clip part of it back with gorgeous crystal-covered hair clips I buy from a lady at the mall who makes them.

I never straighten my hair, I prefer it wavy.Especially when I keep it colored bright black. It looks really natural that way. My natural hair color is very dark brownish black, but I like the slight blue-ish tint of birght black hair color.

But it's very think. Dx So it always poofs out on me. && then I have to take time to straighten it.I'm very lazy & don't really like straightening my hair.

I only do that during school though.

During the summer (now), I usually just pull it back into a messy bun.

i have gorgoues hair during the school year, and i ussaly let my hair down, but i put my hair up when it gets hot out

then summer comes................

and my hair turn crunchy, (as my mom says) frizzy, and flyaway......

because i swim 3 times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any help????????????

i soooooooooo need it

i use Aussie Moist 2 in 1 shampoo

Pantine hairspray

and got 2 b smooth royal treatment hair cream to smooth my ends

is that good?

if you help me ill give you great hair styles and tips


pink hair asseceries go with blondies

blue for brunettes

red or blue for blackies

and green for red heads


shower every other day,

washing your hair everyday washes away the oils that keep it shiny

help me and youll get more of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God I hate my hair. It's extremely wavy (not THAT wavy to be considered curly) and it looks like a tornado hit my head. xD It gets so frizzy and curly and... ugh!

But when I straighten it...

It's a little lower than shoulder-length, silky, dark dark brown (a lot of people say my hair is black but it's not), and I flip my bangs to the side. It actually doesn't take that long to straighten, 'cause I have a lot of hair and all.

Sorry, no pics.

I love my hair. I watch it every other night and it's extremely wavy. So I really like that about my hair. I usually just leave it down, put it in a pony tail, put it back in a barret, and in softball I put a barret in my hair and braid it. My hair is also three different colors of hair. it's dirty blonde, light blonde, and a color in between. And it's all natural. And it's not very long. I only use a bit of garnier fructis hairspray and I use garnier fructis shampoo and conditioner.

[SIZE=14pt] I've been hearing alot about people hateing their hair. But I LUV mine. I got new moose for my hair. Its for black Ladys (Idk why. XD) And you can get it at the $0.99 store. Its called colesterol. It works beautifuly with my curly hair. My hair is natrual. Everyone asks me if its natrual. But why would they ask me when you cant get a perm that looks like my hair? Its dark brown with blonde highlights and its EXTRMELY curly hair. I'm not saying its full of life and its up to my chin. But it IS full of volume and life and its shiny. Everyone wants my hair. The first thing people ever say when the greet me is: "You have gorgous hair. I want it." Thats what they always say. Now I think boys will notice me more. ew...[/SIZE]
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I have, um, weird hair :)

It's fluffy 8)

It's really short at the back and I have a massive fringe

And ish now because I need to get rid of the dye so I can bleach it.

As for style...I use a lot of hair gel. A lot.

I love my hair. <3

I am naturally blonde but I dyed my hair dark brown. Either suits me.

Mine is straight and silky, never need to straighten it. I have alot of layers which makes my hair lighter.

Hopefully I can dye my hair different colours (Pink, Blue and dark brown again).

I have medium length wavy blonde hair that I prop up on my shoulders. I almost never put it up.

I like my hair, but it's far from perfect.

It's fairly short, as it only reaches my collarbone. It's light brown with blond streaks near the front.

It's perfectly straight, and usually I don't have to straighten it. But some days, with humidity or if I went swimming / had a shower, it'll become slightly wavey so I'll need to straighten it.

I don't know what else to say about my hair. xD

One tip for everyone here is WASH YOUR HAIR PROPERLY. o_o I know one girl who washes her hair with only cold water; no shampoo or conditioner or anything. And that's gross.

So use shampoo and conditioner. ^^

It's very blonde, wavy, although I straighten it a lot. It's really soft too, I luv ma hair!

This is me, right now I blurred my face cause I look terrible in the mornings. My hair is wet though and I'm about halfway through straightening it.

I'm not sure whether my hair is brown or black. It's dark brown in sunlight, but it usually looks black. It's very straight, but it kinda flips up on the ends a bit. It's short and I just leave it down. It's layered a bit, but it's really plain. But I like my hair :]

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