Hannah Montana


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But she is talented she can sing and act even but she did have help from her parents because they are famous but she is still talented. But that is just my opinion but if you dont think she is talented many people will disagree with you if she was not how would she be getting all that money.
she might be talented but there would people out there that are much more talented but dont get a break becasue they arent related to anyone or dotn have the "right " image

OK good because I love the beatles. And she did not get famous because her dad is, I read that they were unsure about hiring her because she had no experiance. maybe because her dad was famous she had the guts to try out. I wanna be a famous singer some day but i know i have to record CDs to do that some people wonder why theyre not famous well that's bacause they don't try to be! Anyway... my oppinion on hannah montana is it's a good, funny show, but i don't LOVE it because it's made by DISNEY!!! (BTW Wine_Deer i kno ive been on the front page of the newspaper *counts on fingers* 4 times and on the local news twice (one was filmed like 8 months ago but I still havn't seen it because we don't get that channal! GRR!!!) I don't think hannah montana will be canceled I think it's a tabloid. I think they heard something that could mean anything and exaggerated it. NEway if they did steal the idea you'd think they'd cancel it before now.

And I forgot to mention that I've been on this cooking show that took place in my town AND I am taking classes with the one and only Charles (Chuck) O' Rear!!! ^^

Sorry off topic

Hannah Montana might get canceled but what they put in magazines might not be real. It usually is. Like once it said that Josh Hutcherson had a girlfriend named something with an L. I looked up photos of Josh and their was a picture of him and his girlfriend (broke my heart) and her name started with L (forgot the name) So we don't really know if it's real or not. Some hope that it will be cancelled and some don't. I guess we'll have to wait for 2008 to find out.

Ya 3 of the paper things and 2 of the news things were about the spelling bee and the other TV thing was when they were interviewing ppl on the street about a thing and we were outside at my mom's office and long story but I basically called the government "just stupid" and I got on (I was really young then!) and the other paper thing was I was at my friend's house when i was young (really REALLY young) and we were having a lemonade sale it was a colorful picture (we were in our swimsuits and swimming when there was no one buying) and a slow news day.

ANYWAY I still doubt this is the end of hannah. but if it is, disney would be run to the ground and HSM3 wouldn't be released. YAY!!! jk.


Did anybody hear about that guy who gave away two tickets to two little girls who's mom was handicapped, so they couldn't afford it and their dad was dead? Wow that was so nice he was on the news.

Hannah montana might get canceled because the plot was stolen. The producer or director or someone heard the REAL plot which was a high school boy who is also rockstar R.R. (those are the initials. I cant remember the name I just know tht his initals are R.R.)
Well I read it in a magazine I think its Popstar! or J-14 or TigerBeat or something but it said that. So they somehow found out and in 2008 Hannah Montana might be canceled. Please comment.
Really? My little sister wouldn't like that - Hannah Montana is her favorite show.

Also, Polaroid, about that, three words: That's, just, pitiful. She should've been denied the prize for lying about that just to get concert tickets!

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA lol lol lol lol lol :blink: :blink: :eek: B) i knew that show would be canceled my cousin loves it but i dont,the only thing thats funny was when that one kid was trying to break the pogo stick challenge.

Meh, I couldn't care less if Hannah Montana gets canceled. >__> She stole my name and now that's what people call me. If it was stolen, then she had it comming. :blink:

Hmph, Disney steals plots all the time. I mean, As the Bell Rings is freakishly close to Ned's Declassified, as well.

Really, Polaroid? Thats so ridiculous! Those tickets should've actually gone to some little girl who likes Hannah Montana and father actually died in Iraq! >.< Kids are so bratty these days.
