Have you ever been at deaths door?


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when i was 7 my brother was trying to teach my how to do a belly flop into the pool, and i didnt want to do it cause i knew it would hurt. but then i asked him if he could just throw me into the pool so he did and i didnt make it and i slammed my head on concreat.

nothing happend though, it wasnt even bleeding, thank goodness.

another time i was around 3 and my older brother was having a pool party and me and my mom walked outside to the pool because i wanted to go in, so my mom told me to stay right there while she went in to get my life vest. then i remember i saw a floaty in the pool and i thought i would land on it but i missed and i was drowning for a minute untill my mom came outside and said "wheres amber?" and she said she remembers looking down and seeing me at the bottom of the pool and she jumped in and got me and she said when she held me i said "mommy, i missed you"

bad bad bad.once when i was a baby i almost died 7 times.
and my twins sister died the day after we were born.ToT.

es i have a dead twin sister who died the day after we were born.her name is pheobe
omg........ my name is Phoebe, I'm creeped out.

yes when i was about 5 and i nearly fell into a river which was inhabited by a crocodile. my aunts house was built on a high rock and if you took a dangerous shortcut you could risk falling into the river. her house was new so she didn't put a net to prevent others from falling and the adults were all having lunch at that time.

Yeah... once when I was six. I was out on the porch of our apartment. I was eating a lemon drop and I accidentally swallowed it whole. I was choking and ran inside to wake up my dad. He squeezed my stomach and the lemon drop shot out of my mouth. If he hadn't have been home that night I would have died.

I haven't eaten one of those since.

yes, I died before. For 7 whole minutes. Then I remembered I needed to water my flowers so I came back to life
Okay thats not funny... at all. My brother has actually died on heroin. Luckly the doctors managed to bring him back.

I almost drowned in a rock pool. It was really slippery, and i fell and i was so scared, because i was really young. If you could cry underwater, i probably did. And then this random foreign guy saved me. What an awesome guy. D:

Then he just put me down without a word. He must still feel awesome :puroperatchi:

i think i made a topic saying my expierence at deaths door. I choked on water and i saw this odd kind of looking light thing...it wasnt like a color but then it kind of was..it was weird ^_^ i was like stomping my feet to get attension so someone could help me then my mom and sister came and i found out how to swallow the water..lol b!ut the worst part was i couldnt breathe because i had a stuffy nose!

When I was riding my bike WITH a Helmet on and I Made A Sharp U-Turn while racing my friends and sister and luckily I poked my left arm out so I wouldn't have fell and broke my neck but Luckily my elbow got Scraped instead. So I then put my bike inside and then ran to get 2 big band-aids. And I still go out to ride my bike super fast when I wanna. I'm only 11 years old right now.

WOW! Thanks for all these posts you guys, it's really interesting looking at all the things you've done. But seriously, you need to be more careful...LOL! :ph34r:

Lolz. When I was puny, I just wandered into the pool. xD I probaly didn't know what I was doing.

But I can't renember which end I fell into, or who saved me. Gotta ask Mom, who was at the scene

Cecib :mimitchi:


Well not exactly a death thing but. Once we were at the Great Wolf Lodge and my brother and I went on a waterslide with a toilet bowl thingy on it and we went on it it was fun until we came out backwards we weren't even supposed to come out like that! So anyway my brother fell out from the back side of the floater so that caused me to fall off too! The floater tipped over and I screamed and the next thing I knew I was underwater trying not to panic I remembered thinking " How could it end this way? " and I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew I was face to face with my brother on land I coughed and started crying because I was scared. I was so mad at the lifeguard though she didn't even do anything! But I was glad we were all ok. :D The end :p .

Another time this wasn't even a death issue ( but it could have been ) and it didn't happen to me exactly. Well we were swimming at a hotel ( I don't remember which one ) and my family and my mom's friends baby girl ( she was 4 ) was playing in the water with me and then her mom told her it was snack time and she got out and took her water wings off and threw them in the pool I was going to get them when she tried to jump in without them! I went to stop her because she could have drowned so I held her on the wall while she was kicking and squirming I called my dad and he got her and I went out to get her water wings and I put them on her and told her nicely to keep them on so she was ok and so were we lol.

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Yes, i have! It was scary!!

I was in a public pool, and out of no where this kid comes up and drags me under! he kept me under for about 2 minutes and a lifegaurd had to do CPR on me. It scared me really bad...

yup ALOT of times.....not telling why though.......if you really wanna know PM me..

Once when it was sportsday I was a backup runner just in case the person wernt in and so the person tells me hes going to be in so I dont bring my atshma pump and like he wasnt in so I had to run 400 meters (I know its not far but yeah my atshma is really bad) and by like the end I really couldent breath I was struggling at this point I won but after that I started crying and spoke to the teacher she ignored me and then I passed out.. I woke up in an amulence with a breathing thing. I never go out without my atsma pump again. (Sports day was at the end of 7th grade now Im at the begging of 8th.).

Ive been there 5 times:

One of them i was like six or seven years old and i had swimming lessons.Towards the end of the whole course our instructor took us into the big pool which is about 10-15 feet deep.I was the only 1 who didnt wear a life vest and i got tired halfway through the pool and ( i was little so i didnt know this would happen) i stopped swimming and started 2 sink. Luckily there was a life guard on duty!

Twice i almost got hit by a semi truck. Dont want 2 go into details. Involves me passing out for a week.

I went tubing in my grandpas speed boat and the tube flipped over and pushed me under. It landed on top of my head and i couldnt get back up 2 breathe. My grandpa realized what was happening so he moved the boat and i managed 2 get air.

Last year there was this guy who i knew that had like some kind of weird disorder and he got really angry at me and choked me. It caused this whole uproar and the boy got both expelled at sent to jail for three days! ( thats about the same as three months 4 an adult)

My brother had meningitis. It's an infection that can be fatal, read more here.It was Viral, so not as big a worry, but he was in hospital for months, just before the summer holidays, he stayed off school even after them because he was so weak. He was 14, but, got better! YAY!
We thought my brother had meningits he kept passing out and showing the symptoms he was rushed to hospital in an ambulance. it was really scary. Luckly he only had a small infection so he only stayed in hospital for 3 days.

When I was nine my pet rat bit me it was a deep cut on my hand I needed stiches (OWW!)

We thought it could get badly infected. but if it was i wouldn't have died! :p

once i was walking around minding my own buisness when this boy hit me in the back with this huge stick :angry: . that hurt. And not to long ago this girl pushed me in front of a car while it was moving :angry: . (luckily not very fast!)

When I was young we went to a holiday house in florida we went in the pool and my mum put thoose armband thingies on me. but I managed to get to the deep end and I thought it would be really cool to take them of and swim without them. So I started sinking! But my Grandad (who was like 60 at the time) jumped in fully clothed (shoes and all) and saved me. YAY! :) :)

So fortunatly Im still alive :D

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I am like the most cautious person in the world!!If I even came the slightest bit close to dying, I might lock myself in a box and bury myelf 2 miles underneath the ground with safty goggles on.Slight exaggeration of course,but no I dont recall ever coming close to death.

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I've been in a few situations! When I was 2 years old my Mum and Dad went to Marks & Spencers with my baby sister who was about 4 months old. They told my brother to look after me but he just left me and went to watch some TV in the mall. I didn't know what to do so I followed this huge basket full of chocolate coins (don't ask me why) and I went all the way down to the outside of the mall. Luckily there was a few security guards who picked me up and reported a missing child and I was collected a few minutes after! My mum always tells me that story and she said it was a bad time as well because there had been an actual killing like that a few weeks before that happened! :p


The second time was when I went horse riding and the horse jumped over this huge cliff thing. I screamed and I was so lucky I didn't fall off! I hope those two count! ;)

I almost got hit by a car countless times...more like 10 times.

Is that considered at death's door??????

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