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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
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...Have you ever had one of those dreams where your in public whearring your bra, or underwhear, or even stride naked? :eek: , i am soo scared whenever i have those dreams, it's like i forgot my shirt one time and....omg!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!!!!!!

yah, that happens to me all the time. But In my dream I usually just put my shirt over my *Cough* [SIZE=7pt] private parts [/SIZE] *Cough* So yeahh. Atleast dreams aren't real ^.^ (But somtimes I wish they are real!)

I had this dream I was in my PJs and getting dressed in the hallway..And I forgot pants and I had a dress-shirt(Phew!) to pull over and I had to ask Mrs.C to call my mom and Mr.Hanna(My BD)was in My in my dream , getting papers from the copying machine..

I have those dreams all the time. Like once in a dream , I was in my underwear at a park and ppl were laughing but I didn't relize I was dreaming until an imaginary bee in the dream stung me so then I woke up :( . It gets really annoying :D .

Several times, but always only my top half. It's very strange... In one of them, I beat up a girl I didn't like and took her shirt, because she was the reason I didn't have mine. I don't really remember...

I dream I forget my clothes going to school, & everyone else is wearing baggy T-Shirts... & I'm a lot chestier. I have the odd ability to control my dreams. xD

Every once in a while I'll get a dream where I "forgot" to put on pants and when I realize they are not there I try to cover them with my shirt but it doesn't work.


Never. I usually have nightmares more than I have dreams. Or I have odd dreams where I can think my actions through. (Usually I don't)



I always have dreams where I'm in a crowded place with my friends

and I am wearing my school dress

(Which is above knee length)

and no undies!

They suck. -___-

[SIZE=14pt]I have.. and it was in front of the guy I liked! It was so embarassing. But everyone in school was naked! it was scary lol peace[/SIZE] :ph34r: :marumimitchi:

I'm sorry but I have those dreams like once every month, not joking

1) Me and my friend playing cards in my living room

2) Me at a wedding

3) Me at the mall

4) Me at a ghetto neighborhood

At all of those dreams I was nude :eek:

It was scary


I have lots of those dreams. It's always my pants that are missing. I had one where I forgot my pants and,well,let's not go there. I hate those dreams I thought one was real one time cuz I was wearing really,really baggy pants and I couldn't feel them around my legs and I just screamed. xD

[SIZE=7pt]Oh yeah, where I forget to put on my clothes, and walk around in the mall with guys?[/SIZE]


And I'm not going back. :|

Thank goodness it's just a dream.

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