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When I was in 2nd grade,

Me & my friends were fighting over an eraser & I fell off the chair.

I hurt my chin. :mametchi: :mimitchi:

I had to have 8 stitches.

I didn't know any better. :ichigotchi: :gozarutchi: :hitodetchi:

^ What title says.
I have. I broke my insanely long fingernail on my middle finger. (I don't have long nails anymore.) I tried to take out a game from my SP and my nail broke in half and went into my skin. And I broke my fingernail again and it cut me on the same finger... :|

I also cut myslef when I was like, 6 or 7. I was playing around with my friend and we were watching this tai chi thing and I actually cut myself with my insanely long toenails to cut my right leg's calf. It was a long cut. Three bandages covered it.
Omg yeah. lol.

When I was little I fell over and bashed my cheek on a cup.

Then I fell over and cut my knee open. I still have the scar.

Another time I was playing tag and got to the edge of the pavement and for some strange reason I jumped and landed on my knees.

I once climbed up a wall and ripped all the skin off my shins.

I've bust my lip so many times. So yeah I cut myslef a lot...

I was surfing in Hawaii, seriously, my cousin lives there, so I was surfing there at a beach and instead of there being sand on the bottom of the water there was coral. I cut my toe down to the bone on the coral because I was taking my foot of the board, and it was bleeding like crazy and I walked up to the beach and the sand got in it. I still have the scar, but luckily, I didn't need stitches. I still have my scar. It's a year and a half old.

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[SIZE=7pt]Mine is simular to the one above. ^ I was in Mexico, and I was walking on the beach barefoot. I scraped my toe really deep, and because I didn't have my Hepatitis B needle, my Dad had to piggyback me to the hotel room. This year. 3 months ago. Not only was that super-embarrasing, but it hurt really bad. I had to go see a Mexican doctor. :D [/SIZE]
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Oh. I had to walk a couple miles to our car limping. My dad didn't really care and nobody noticed. I just kept walking in pain. All everybody cared about was the KFC we bought for lunch on the way home. :D

Everybody forgot about me. :D

Worst pain wasn't that bad...but....*shivers*

One time I was at Primary school and I threw a bottle away, and it hit someone, he threw it back and it hit me straight in my eye. It got a LITTLE cut, but hardly visible. But still, OOOOW.


It freakin' hurt!! I got a black eye, my dad was like "Oooh, that's gotta hurt" and Mum said "That's gonna be a black eye tomorrow" It did the next day and everyone in School was talking to me going, "OMFG, WTF HAPPENED?"

It went away in 3 weeks or something.



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One time In turkey, I was shutting the door behind be and the door flew shut over my hand, It was like that until my grandma could hear me banging on the door.

The cuts were really deep and I can see the stitches still.

She said if my little finger was caught in, it woul have been chopped off. D:

I have a few... :mimitchi:

When I was four, I was climbing a plum tree and my foot slipped and a branch cut down my leg.

When I was seven, I was ran over by a car and I had a really big scar on my leg for years. Its gone now though.

When I was fourteen, I crashed on an electric scooter and I had 4 large cuts on my bottom lip... It swelled up to more than twice its size and I still have a bump in the middle of my lip. It doesn't look like it's not supposed to be there though.

I split my head open just a couple months ago, at first it felt like nothing then...BAM!! The pain hit me. I was in my apartment's stairs and turned around thinking someone was behind me but instead, a wall. I ran up the stairs. Took my hand off my head only to find it covered in blood. Blood was all over my face and hands. I ran home to my mother. This was shortly after our medical insurence was cut off. My mom was terrified. Luckly, we still had out Medical insurence for 30 more days. I got what they call "Butterfly stiches" which is basicly purple glue. I can't recover from seeing that blood cover my entire hand. It was a bad day. I can't forget it.

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I split my head open just a couple months ago, at first it felt like nothing then...BAM!! The pain hit me. I was in my apartment's stairs and turned around thinking someone was behind me but instead, a wall. I ran up the stairs. Took my hand off my head only to find it covered in blood. Blood was all over my face and hands. I ran home to my mother. This was shortly after our medical insurence was cut off. My mom was terrified. Luckly, we still had out Medical insurence for 30 more days. I got what they call "Butterfly stiches" which is basicly purple glue. I can't recover from seeing that blood cover my entire hand. It was a bad day. I can't forget it.
Sounds bad. My brother ran into a poll and he split his head open and his face was all covered in blood and it looked like something out of a horror movie. We got him to the hospital in time, and he got stitches, but he still has the scar from when it happened, 2 years ago, I think...

It was so gross. Sorry but it was. I was the one who saw it first and had to get my parents, then, when they took him to the hospital, I had to clean the bloodstains off the carpets...

A couple times, unfortunately. ~_~

One time, I stepped on a hair dryer plug in the bathroom, and it went right into my foot. It was REALLY disgusting.

Another time, I was at the beach, and a shell cut me along the edge of mah foot. I needed stitches.

The third and most recent time, I cut the end of my toe with shell. This sounds minor, but it was the worst. There was blood everywhere, but I didn't need stitches. BUT, every time I bumped into something or stubbed my toe, it would open up and again, there would be blood everywhere. Just imagine what happened at Cosco when I bumped by toe against the back of my Dad's foot. Ouch. ~_~ x2.

Well, that's all the bad cuts I can remember. My poor feet.

I had this stray cat, and these girls were riding on a golf-cart near him.

;[ So they were yelling "RUN CAT RUN!!!" and the second Time around, I held him and they came around, and he trioed to escape me, and I kept holding him and he made a long jagged scrath(sp). I hated it. It was near my ear to my cheek... :[ The poor thing died. From feline cancer. T_T I couldn't get a tetnus shot for it because I was 10 or 11.

I used to have impedigo, a acne prob all around your legs and arms, I don't think they were really, cuts. Now I have scars. T_T. And they would bleed. Alot. I have scars: On my legs,kneecap,elbow,shoulder,thigh,feet.

I wear my Ethnies w/o socks sometimes and I got a cut or blister, and I picked it, so it bled. I am stupid, well sometimes? I don't know.

Once at school, my finger was bleeding.... VERY RANDOM! Especially because I was outside... o_O

I eat/chew the part around your finger, I now, Iam sick. and it would bleed... O_O

My cat,Pumpkin, is a bombay(The silnet ones. ;) ) and she is a meany, but I love her. And any way, she scarthed me on my wrist(Where that ball looking joint is... I can't explain.). And my hand. And she once, bit my whole ear, she didn't bite it off, just a love bite.

@Tomrules: Awww.... Thats not nice of your family(No offence, not all families are nice. :3). I am sorry, but i giggled at the KFC part, i'm really sorry. :3

when i was little me and my sister were playing with my moms razor and my sister took it from me and ran it down my leg and i got cut really deep it hurt alot

I had this stray cat, and these girls were riding on a golf-cart near him. ;[ So they were yelling "RUN CAT RUN!!!" and the second Time around, I held him and they came around, and he trioed to escape me, and I kept holding him and he made a long jagged scrath(sp). I hated it. It was near my ear to my cheek... :[ The poor thing died. From feline cancer. T_T I couldn't get a tetnus shot for it because I was 10 or 11.
But I assume your still alive though, right? ;)

I can only remember one bad cut..

One time I was climbing a tree to get my neighbor's cat[don't ask -.-''] and when I was coming back down I fell off the tree. I fell on my back and the worst part was I fell on a stupid lawnmower. I had to get a couple stitches on my back and I still have a scar x.x

I have a lot, but not all of them are cuts.

The first I can think of is when I got a glow in the dark hoola-hoop. I was about 7 or 8 I loved to chew on things when I was little. You can just imagine the chemical burn I got.

The second is when I was about 6-9, I can't remember. I was running through my kitchen [which had linoleum floors- it was my old house] and I slipped on a piece of paper [i always painted in the kitchen and never moved my papers]. Well, our doorframes weren't sanded down at all, and there was a sharp chunk of wood sticking out of it. I slammed head-on into it and got this huge cut across my forehead.

The third one is when I was running down to gym. There's a really steep hill you have to go down. Well, I tripped over my own shoes, flew about three feet in the air, and landed on my side. I got a scrape about two inches in diameter on my elbow, a scrape about 2 inches by three inches on my hip, and a tiny one on my knee. Everyone thought I'd broken my hip.

Oh and the last one. I was riding my bike really fast down a hill, and when I tried to make this really sharp turn I failed miserably and fell off and got a really deep cut on my knee. After that I kept falling off my bike on that turn and kept ripping the cut open again and again. I never learn XD

I accidentally gave myself a huge cut by oppening a bottle of taco sauce :( I didnt even notice for a couple minutes...

I was cantering on a horse and all the sudden my horse Stopped. (I don't think we can go past trot on him anymore. If you do canter you have to hold on really tight with your legs) Anyways, I flew off. And since I was in a woodchip ring I got cut from them. On my face really badly.

Another one. I was in the field cleaning up de' poop. (horse poop) And it came over to me. I didn't even notice. It bit me on the side of the stomach and held my stomach in my mouth. He threw me atleast 5 feet. I whipped him soo hard. Then he never did anything bad to me again.

A few months ago,I was walking into guided reading,and my group has to walk in the building from the portables on the sidewalk. I couldn't find my book so I was behind everyone else and I was running to catch up,and I tripped and skinned my knee reeealy bad,you could almost see bone,and my right hand kinda broke the fall,and the top of my right hand has 5 nasty scars on it.

When I was little,my index finger got slammed in my back door,it ripped my entire nail off.

When I was opening my Guitar Hero box,you know,I was excited,and I was going really fast,and I sliced my pinky finger on the corner of the box.

My grandmom has this tire swing held up by some poles,and I was swinging,and I cut my leg on the rusty pole. That was almost 6 years ago,and I still have a huge scar.

At the beach,I was filling up a bucket of water in the ocean,and a huge wave came up and bammed the edge of the bucket on the top of my foot,or the,er,the opposite side of your ankle. I still have the scar. :( Not fun times.

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