Heart of stones tamagotchi v5 log!


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Hello,while i was at soccer zeus got a [!] in the mail and i chose the amusement park one a i haven't got good only great and i almost got ecellent :huh: .Well,i am going to type in the character names fir the v5.5.Don't worry about me spoiling it i won't put pictures but if i were you i would read that link to the V5.5 growth chart i gave you,the characters are to die for :( !



Omututchi,Futabatchi and Mimifuwatchi



(boys)Mousetchi,Ahirukutchi and Mattaritchi

(girls)Sakuramotchi,Belltchi and Tororotchi



(boys) Mamekatchi,Kikitchi and Nonopotchi

(girls)Chamametchi,Itchigotchi and Shelltchi



(boys)Tamasumatchi,Faraotchi,Mametchi,Kinbatchi,Tejinatchi,Kuromametchi,Prince Tamahiko,Gulastchi and Kutchipatchi

(girls)Megamitchi,Rozutchi,Chantotchi,Princess Tamako,Anesantchi,Memetchi,Uranaitchi,Chandeltchi and Hoteatchi.


The Royal Fammly(real spelling)

Gotchi king,Queen Tamago,Princess Tamako and Princess Tamakoko.


Male secret character

Mametchi->Eiyuutchi->Teitokutchi(Parent version)

Female secret character

Memetchi->Antoinetchi->Elizabetchi(parent version)


Purin family

Purintchi->A La Modetchi


Papara family



Space family



Modelu family



Enjoy people,and just incase Here is the growth chart.

My Tamas would like to talk to you and don't worry.They won't play up,will you guys?*nudge*


Zues will be in gray

Barry will be in green


Yay! i got a job at the amusement park


Hey zeus,want a girlfriend?

Do ya'?


The other say i saw this beatiful Paparatchi and......

BARRY!!!!! I HATE THEM YOU*&^%*!*chases barry*

I'm boned*smack*


Poor Paparatchi's are so ugly.Anyway,i just fed Zues some sushi and he loved it.For his dinner tonight i might give him some pasta.Oh,and i should be getting my V3 on monday.There are rumours in my neighbourhood that too young girls stole it,if they did they have another thing coming,no seriously i will pound em' lol.


I am thinking of a slogan for my log,probably something like,wait if i told you it woulden't be a surprise :huh: .The triplets just called for training but i am ignoring them because if i train them i will get Memetchi and Sukatchi again.I will give you some more links about Tama's when i get home at 6.00pm.I am using my dads computer.

Just quick update,Zeus has turned 5.It is almost 6.ooam.I woke up early because my Jack Russel is just a pup and he is always howling.He is right next to me now.*sigh*

I just found two lanyards for my Tama's.The triplets one is a "bad boy25/7" once(yes,that's me...bad 24/7)and Zues has a rugby leage one i got from a footy carnival.I had to pull out everything and Shadow(my dog) was trying toeat my Yu-Gi-Oh cards! he is wimpering 'cause he wants a mars bar in the fridge.

Yay! the Sonic's have woken up.I will let them look out at the sun before we head to Tama Expo.I realy want to play the gane where Kuromametchi has to catch fish.So,just to take up some log space i will give you my opinions on the Tamagotchi's so far.


V1 I didn't realy like this version.I was only young when i got it but i still understood it.The pixels were bigger too.I don't hate it htough,they had some great characters like Androtchi and Mametchi.I rate i 4/10.


V2 I can't stress how much this version rocks! i love it! great characters,great games and it is so simple.10/10


V3 This version is cool too,pretty much the same as the V2 except that you can visit Tamatown.*scratches head* 10/10


V4 This version is alright.I would like it much better if it had no skill points.You have to worry about it getting a job and school and ooohhh....*Collapses on puppy**mutters* 6/10


V5 This version rocks! nothing wrong about it except that it could be better if the parents were on the screen and there was more to do.10/10 though:p


Let's hit Tama Expo! info when i come back!


Hi,sorry i didn't post i had to go to a party.Now at Tama Expo i played the fishing game with Kuromametchi and i only caught one fish.I played the make a necklace game with Shelltchi,wich i was quite good at,then i played the hat matching game with Wooltchi and i accidentaly logged in as someones Iwatchi! so i coulden't log out as Barry.If you would like to play with barry,here is his log-in code.





There is still a possible chance for the matchmaker to visit Zeus tonight a 7.00pm.It's only 5.50pm here.Just too wrap things up i finaly managed to think of a slogan for my log :ph34r: .


[SIZE=21pt]You want random!? then you get the Sonic family![/SIZE]

Hello,i am going to let all my Tama's talk because Dom and Ginny are feeling left out.Here we go!


Zues:Do you guys show together!?

Ginny:Yes,why do you ask?

Barry:Zeus! you per....

Dom:Mummy said don't say a rude word Barry!

Zeus:You listen to your "mummy" and"daddy"?

Barry:Yes you stupid nerd! you don't have a soul!

Ginny:Ouch! that's gotta hurt!

Zeus:You call me a nerd? your just a lifeless bom and a strawberry and a stupid Mametchi robot! look who's talking

Triplets:*angry face*

Zeus:Why are you looking at me like that!



Ouch! i hope everything went OK with them :D .I probably won't be able to post if Zeus get's married because i have to have a shower.Now,Zeus is having a bath and Blake and Sunny are kissing.Good night Tama-Friends and about my slogan...if it's a little to strange :D just PM me and say.I tried my best to think of a good one! :ph34r:

[SIZE=14pt]5/5/08 [/SIZE]


[SIZE=8pt]Hello! alot has happened today.We will start with the triplets,well [/SIZE] :p they morphed!


Barry is now a Mumutchi

Ginny is now an Onputchi

Dom is now a Furikotchi


They are awesome! i got another Furikotchi too :wacko: .They have 90% bonds and i think the higher your bonding is more eggs you have.Nah,the number of eggs is probably random.Oh! poor Zeus.Well here is his story.


This morning Zeus turned 6.I waited 2 hours and then i set the time to 6.59pm.The MM came and offered a a Ponytchi ^_^ .Try and guess what i did....

About what seemed like half of my life she offered someone in the Kuchi family.A Yattatchi B) .This is what i am happy about.....Zeus has a baby girl! yes,a girl! so,i don't think i want a Nonbiritchi yet.I don't know who to get Pukatchi or Yattatchi.Probably Pukatchi.Well,thats all for now! :wacko:

Yay! the triplets have got 100% bonds.I haven't posted stats in a while so here ya' go! :wacko: .



Family name:Sonic



Family type:Blended


Family members






Name:Zeus and Angel

Species:Zeus and Shirotsubutchi


Weight:30 pounds


Skill points





[SIZE=14pt]6/5/08 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Hello again :eek: .Ginny just needed too poop and so did Zeus and Angel.Oh....and did i mention Angel leaves tonight? :( i think she will because i have had her for 2 hours.I will try it now.I was not succesful :eek: .Anyway,lets let the Tama's do the talking.[/SIZE]


Ginny:We are the wynx! i love that song!

Zeus:Man,do you ever shut up!

Barry:I know a better song,it's called The takes over the breaks over!

Dom:Isen't that from FOB?

Zeus:Yep,there an awesome band

Ginny:Not as awesome as Harry Potter! i was named after Harry's girlfriend.

Dom:Ginny! you are spoiling Harry Potter and the something,something for the fans!


Yes Ginny,i advise you go watch ironman :unsure: .Before i go hereis something you might find helpful if you are a Familitchi/Famitama owner.Goodnight!

[SIZE=14pt]7/5/08 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Guys,i have realyrealy bad news.We accidentaly sent the V3 to our old house and the people who live there are not very decent.There is a 70% they will give the Tama to their son and a low 30% chance that they will send it back :) .Yes,i am dissapointed but my Pop lent me some money and if i don't get it back wich i doubt because none can be that mean,i will bid on a cool V1 and it's from a powerseller.They are realy good sellers.[/SIZE]


Well,back to the Tamagotchi's.Angel evolved into a Mitzutamatchi,i guess the marriage trick dosen't work all the time.I am aiming for a Ponytchi,as for the triplets i have decided to marry Ginny my Onputchi.They should be married soon.These are who i want my Ginny to marry.






So i can get a cheerful family :furawatchi: and guess what! :furawatchi: i saw a Royal Famitama on ebay for 40$! what a rip.Later.... :furawatchi:

[SIZE=14pt]8/5/08 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]The marriage was a failure :) .I had three eggs,but look on the bright side,i got two girls! they morphed into toddlers earlier.Here are there names,oh and Ginny married a Uhyotchi.I love having three eggs though![/SIZE]




Danny*Belltchi*(short for Danielle)




Well,i have go to school.Cya all!

*sigh* Sorry about the post above,but neighbours can get annoying sometimes.Please ignore the post.Anyway,my Tams are doing great! the Sonic's have reached 40% bonding oh? and did i mention i am aiming for a pure Kuchi family.I can finaly get a Hotteatchi :blink: .Little Angels is doing great! i hope she becomes a Young Memetchi tomorrow.I can't wait for Ponytchi! anyway it's stat time!



Family name:Sonic

Family type:Blended

Bonding level:40%



Family members












Training meter:2/9

Weight:10 pounds


Skill points





I love my Lara because she is a Tororotchi :furawatchi: .I have only had two of them....anyway! here are my Tams to talk to you*sigh* enjoy!


Angel:What do you think i should wear? my spots dress or my non-spots dress?

Jordan:Who cares what you wear*munch*! focus more on*mmph* food!

Lara:Why are you always eating Jordan?

Lara:Hey look Angel! we have the same text colour!*giggles*


[SIZE=14pt]9/5/08 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Hello! Angel evolved into a Young Memetchi this morning.She is too cute ;) .I have changed my mind about getting a Ponytchi,i think this little angel is destined to become a Makiko,i already have 95 artistic.The triplets have reached 100% bonds and should morph today or tomorrow.[/SIZE]


Just before i go to school here is something that might help you if you are a V5 owner.Choi! :(

Hello! i'm back.I am not going to purchase that V3,i am going to buy a V3 and V4 but i am not going to keep the V4,i am going to give it to the poor.I have decided to add the V3 and V4.5 to this log to make it even better.This was just a quick update,later!

[SIZE=14pt]10/5/08 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=8pt]Good morning,i have decided i don't want Angel to become a Makiko,i want her to become a Memetchi ;) .The triplets still haven't evolved yet.Stats will be posted soon,this was just a quick update.Later![/SIZE]


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