Heaven..or well u know...


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i believe in everything in the bible. im catholic.

what i DO NOT beleive in is being an atheist (no offense)

its not that i hate you cuz u dont beleive in god, its just that i believe truly.

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Yes, I believe there is a Heaven, and that there is also a very real and literal Hell. I don’t see how you can believe in one without the other.

Really our whole topic here really should be called do you believe the Bible, should it not? People who believe in both believe the Bible is the real, true word of God. If you don’t believe in God/ Heaven/ Hell you don’t believe the Bible, and if you believe in Heaven and not Hell???????

You only believe half the Bible? Not trying to be mean, but I can understand the atheists’ point of view more.

The Bible says Hell's real. I wish there wasn’t a hell though…..

I don’t want anyone to go there; I guess that’s why Christians get worked up on these kinds of topics. It’s not because were mean and trying to shove our religion down you’re throats! It’s because this is what we believe, and we care about YOU! It should be taken as a complement.

Everyone who doesn’t believe in Hell just pretend you do for a minute. Would you not get a little worked up too thinking about all those “good” people who haven’t accepted Christ as there savior going to Hell? That’s what we believe.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever (one of my fav. Words in these verses) believeth in him should not perish But have everlasting life.

3:17 For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Hope I didn't bother anyone. Fell free to leave me a message if you want to...

I believe in Heaven, the place below, God, Jesus, the other people told in the bible, and the devil.

Why? He gives us a choice. It's like saying, my mom doesn't love me because she punishes me when I do something bad, only ten fold over. Would it really be love if we had to love Him? No, then we'd be robots.
If I have time, I'll do some research on this whole seeing the light deal. I know it happens to people, but as it happens so much, it may not be so "spiritual" and actually have a physical reason for it.

Also, if you believe in Jesus and that He died on the cross, well, if there was no sin, why did he have to die? That would have been pointless. So, if they don't believe in hell, but believe in the Jesus/God part, I don't understand how they don't.
I don't really know how to explain it...it seems like what the Bible is trying to say is that if you don/t love and worship God, you'll go to hell, some horrible, torturous place. WTH?? I just can't image this supposedly loving God saying "Well, you don't believe in me, so you're going to hell. Bye." That makes God seem.....conceited, almost. Like, someone doesn't love Him, and He sends them to the worst place in the universe because they don't like Him? See, I just don't get that. There is sin, but doesn't God forgive our sins? :ph34r:

like i said life is a test..heaven is our home..but your right tamaw/pants you have two roads to go down ( a good one or a bad one) choose the bad one and if your bad enough where your a killer or rapist or some sick person then uhh yeah your most likely going to go to he-- but if your a "good" person your most likely going to go to heaven. But if you are an athiest thats perfectly fine with me cause you can believe in anything you want but most likely your going to he-- because well..*coughs* you dont believe but its not my choice :ph34r:


like i said life is a test..heaven is our home..but your right tamaw/pants you have two roads to go down ( a good one or a bad one) choose the bad one and if your bad enough where your a killer or rapist or some sick person then uhh yeah your most likely going to go to he-- but if your a "good" person your most likely going to go to heaven. But if you are an athiest thats perfectly fine with me cause you can believe in anything you want but most likely your going to he-- because well..*coughs* you dont believe but its not my choice :ph34r:
Well If your Satinism if your good you go to hell and that god and Jesus are evil 0.0

[SIZE=14pt] Oh how I love Jesus, because he first loved me![/SIZE]

My Lord is not evil. He’s a God of Love, but also a God of judgment. That’s the part people don’t like to hear. B) Not trying to start a fight though... you just kinda hit a soft spot. :furawatchi:

[SIZE=14pt] Oh how I love Jesus, because he first loved me![/SIZE]My Lord is not evil. He’s a God of Love, but also a God of judgment. That’s the part people don’t like to hear. B) Not trying to start a fight though... you just kinda hit a soft spot. :furawatchi:
But not all religions belive that......

You’re right about that I guess. I’m a Baptist, I believe the KJV 1611 Bible is 100% Gods Word. You believe well… different.

Anyway sorry if I bugged you, But I will pray 4 you paper*cut.

I guess that’s why Christians get worked up on these kinds of topics. It’s not because were mean and trying to shove our religion down you’re throats! It’s because this is what we believe, and we care about YOU! It should be taken as a complement.
WoW o_O that's a really good point! I am Catholic, and so I have the exact same opinion as jayme_Marie. I really hope this topic doesn't turn into a flame war or anything...

You’re right about that I guess. I’m a Baptist, I believe the KJV 1611 Bible is 100% Gods Word. You believe well… different.Anyway sorry if I bugged you, But I will pray 4 you paper*cut.
Yea I know im differnt (the only Atheist in ym school :D )

You didnt realy bug me its just like there isnt only 1 religion theres tons!

And thanks for keeping me in your prayers :D

Yea I know im differnt (the only Atheist in ym school :D )
I know this isnt any of my business but do you go to private school? (It would be hard to beilieve you are the only atheist in a public school ._.)

Public -.-I live in a big Christan community.
Don't be so sure- I'm sure there are many of those who claim they are Christians that are not.

I don't really know how to explain it...it seems like what the Bible is trying to say is that if you don/t love and worship God, you'll go to hell, some horrible, torturous place. WTH?? I just can't image this supposedly loving God saying "Well, you don't believe in me, so you're going to hell. Bye." That makes God seem.....conceited, almost. Like, someone doesn't love Him, and He sends them to the worst place in the universe because they don't like Him? See, I just don't get that. There is sin, but doesn't God forgive our sins? :wacko:
God does indeed forgive our sins, but we need to admit we were wrong and ask for forgiveness. ;)

God does not send us to Hell because he's conceited, though. The Bible says that if you don't love God, you'll be separated from him forever. After you die, you can only go to Heaven or Hell. God is in Heaven. If you don't love God and don't want to be with Him, then where else can you go besides Hell?

It's not that he's conceited. He just doesn't want to force you to be with him forever, in my opinion.

Just my two cents. ;)

I believe in heaven, but not so much hell.

I think that when you've been a good person throughout your whole life, you go to heaven when you die.

And if you've been bad and have many sins, you get reborn on Earth to try again.

If going back to Earth didn't happen, why would people have flashbacks of past lives?

I do not belive in Heaven or Hell its sounds like a fairy tale to me.
The exact same for me. :)


Oh yes, and this topic is ok. You know, all of these topics have to be checked by mods before being posted! :lol:

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